Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: drewskie on January 24, 2014, 04:43:08 pm

Title: Sundance Altamar with FLO error, but circ pump and flow switch both good
Post by: drewskie on January 24, 2014, 04:43:08 pm
Hello all. I posted regarding this issue a few days ago, but everything seems to just be getting worse. I have a 2001 Altamar that I recently replaced the heater and circulation pump on. it was fine for a few days, now all of the sudden I get a solid "flo" error on the tub. the circulation pump is working, and the flow switch is in the closed position so I don't know what else the problem could be. I have had a few other issues recently, so I have a feeling the circuit board may be going bad. If I turn the power off and turn it back on again, the tub works fine for a bit, then goes back to the flo error. I am going crazy over here, anyone have an idea what the problem could be?
Title: Re: Sundance Altamar with FLO error, but circ pump and flow switch both good
Post by: Tman122 on January 24, 2014, 07:21:11 pm
Drewski, can you get the pump to pump water? Do a bypass on the switch. Or is it running fine, I think your in a cold climate aren't you? But that pesky FLO won't go away?
Title: Re: Sundance Altamar with FLO error, but circ pump and flow switch both good
Post by: clover on January 24, 2014, 07:31:12 pm
Drewski, you have a bad flow switch.  You can confirm this very easily by removing the sensor loom from the circuit board and plug it back in and it will resume normal operation.

How are your cycyles programed, 6-12-6-12,  circ 12 - ??
Title: Re: Sundance Altamar with FLO error, but circ pump and flow switch both good
Post by: drewskie on January 24, 2014, 09:57:18 pm
no sir, I am in Souhern California, it's about 70 here right now. The pump itself is putting pumping the water back into the tub, ie the bubbles and hot water, but it is making a slight noise. I can try and bypass the flow swicth to see if that works.

Clover, The flow switch is in the closed position, and it's only about a year old. I will try the sensor plu as well.
Yes, the cycles are 6-12, 6-12 and my circ pump is 24 hours.
Title: Re: Sundance Altamar with FLO error, but circ pump and flow switch both good
Post by: clover on January 24, 2014, 10:25:24 pm
Drewski, your flow switch is bad. 

When the pumps stop, or if the power goes off and then turns back on, you may see your flow switch open and close with the water flow, BUT your circuit board does NOT get the message. 

If you remove the plug and put it back on, the circuit board recognizes that the switch "opened" because you removed it.  If you have an ohm meter, you will measure ohms when the switch is OPEN when the water is not flowing, you will read resistence, not infinity, or an open circuit. 

Just bec ause your eyes see the switch open, the circuit board does not know it is opening because the switch is bad, and the circuit board is smarter than what your eyes actually see happening.

Now, I will ask again, where are your circ pump wires connected?  On the incoming power terminal?  And, do you have 240 on the 2 circuit board wire connectors?
Title: Re: Sundance Altamar with FLO error, but circ pump and flow switch both good
Post by: riker1 on June 01, 2016, 09:19:05 am
Hi all
any final solution here?

Have the same problem.

Flo is flashing, jet pump 2 is running ot cool the pool down I assume.
Can not press any button any more

Changes Flo Switch, testet it also with ohmmeter.
Testet circulation pump, is ok.

I have the problem only when sun in summer is shining on the spa.

looks more like a temp problem.

Any hints?
