Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Newfish on January 07, 2014, 01:12:06 am
My wife and I wet tested HS Vanguard, Flair, and Jetsetter. We both did not like the Flair or the Jetsetter. Initially, I wanted a lounger but my wife didn't. After the HS wet test we both thought that we could do without one.
We also wet tested the Marquis Reward and liked it a lot. My wife liked the lounger. I'm don't really care one way or the other. I liked one of the chairs that had a H.O.T. Zone for the lower back and the feet. The pressure from the jets were great.
The dealer said $10,000 out the door, including the spa cover, cover lifter, chemicals for 6 months, storage bench, stair, and delivery.
The dealer was outstanding and had good reviews in Yelp.
The price was more than I wanted to spend though. Is this a fair price for the San Francisco area?
We have been shopping and came across a number of bad dealers in our area. We had decided on a couple different models and it came down to the dealer. They had a lot of information and answered all questions. In everything it comes down to the people you will be dealing with when you have a problem. Good luck!!!!!
I have been looking at the Marquis Resort and Reward. The price I got for the Reward in Massachusetts with the sound system was $10,400 including stairs and coverlifter. However, I really liked the Resort and will be making my decision this week! Good Luck!
Newfish: That's a really good price on the Reward considering $800-900 is going to the State of California. With the cover lift, storage bench, single step, and 6 months supplies that's about $800-1000 in accessories right there. I work up in Oregon near where the Marquis are made and we couldn't sell it for that low at our stores. Which dealer is it by the way?
That sounds like a real good price with taxes included. What is the sales tax rate in CA?
Usually 8-9% depending on where you live
Pacific Coast Sauna and Spa. It's in the city of San Mateo. It's about 20 minutes south of SF.
Sales tax is 9.25%.
The dealer was great. He explained everything and showed us how to use the controls. He told us the advantages and disadvantages of certain features. He really knew his stuff.
Should be $10K tub before tax. Looks like a great deal. Did you test the Hot Spring Aria? Much closer.
9.5% sales tax? You have got to be kidding.
Welcome to California.
And the state is broke.......
Were you dealing with Ryan at Pacific Coast? He's a good guy.
Yes. He really showed us and told us about the Reward. My wife and I both thought he was great.
And the state is broke.......
the state of CA has a surplus. Ain't broke.
Sure they do.