Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: turbosl2 on December 28, 2013, 07:21:16 pm
I just bought a used Saratoga Spa, Adelphi model with a 5.5kW flow through SS heater. I got it on a deal because the owner was moving and he was having GFCI issues with it, and decided not to take it with him when he moved.
Issues (so i was told): GFCI trips
He said a tech came out and confirmed he needed a new heater element.
It has a new circ pump (i imagine he put that in first thinking that was the issue). I checked the heater assemblys element and it appears ok. I took it out and did the test in my sink with the SS tube filled about 7/8" with water. It has 11.4 ohms of resistance...seems to fluctuate a tad but it could be my meter leads moving on the terminals a little. No short to ground from either lug that i can tell. The circuit is open to ground, but i could not fill the tube all the way up with water otherwise the leads would be under water in my sink. I hear its possible that the epoxy or brazing could be the culprit and the water i cannot get up that high to test. Any ideas?
Current State: Tub is wired and ready to go but i figure i listen to the guy and doulbe check the heater, expecting to find it test didnt...not yet. I cannot fill the tub unless i am confident its going to work and i solved the problem. I live in NY, and its 15degs outside.
I dont want to just get another heater when this one doesnt show a problem. I wonder if it was something wrong with his wiring at his house. I have all new wiring and a new panel.
just turn on the breaker whithout having the pack connected first to see if its the gfci that is broken , then if it does not pop out , plug it into the controller pack but remove all the pumps and equipment connected to the pack and see what happen .
99% chance it's the heater. Like mentioned put the heater back in fill the spa with the heater hooked up. If it trips the breaker unhook the heater only then turn the spa on, if it doesn't trip then let the spa run for a bit then shut it off and hook the heater back up. If it trips again then pretty sure it's the heater.. Is there slice valves or do you have to drain the spa to remove the heater?
I agree with Jim.
If it turns out to be the heater, check out Spa Depot and see if they have a replacement. There are other internet suppliers, as well, and I'm sure one of the pros can point you in the right direction.
There are valves before the heater so you dont have to drain it. Problem is, if i have an issue i have to drain and winterize it.
Maybe i should just put a new element in and hope that was the problem.
Once again, I believe Jacuzzi Jim is spot on with his trouble shooting method.
If you want a little more information on heaters, youtube has some good videos. A week or so ago, I happened upon this one and found it informative. Check it out!
i ordered a new heater even though my tests good. I will see if it works. I dont think there is anything wrong with the heater. It looks like new. No leakage to ground (that my meter can at least pickup)
The tests you're able to do with your limited test equipment, wont tell you if the element has a minute ground fault short. Almost certainly your problem is a bad element.