Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Murdog on December 28, 2013, 09:58:01 am
2003 Sundance
Model is Chelsee 780 Series
Thanks in advance!!
What condition is it in?
Good to Great.
Prolly go around 1500 to 2000 or so depending on condition. You buying or selling?
Also would anyone know how much I can expect to pay a month to heat this in the winter.
I live in Metro Detroit.
It has a circ pump so prolly around 15 to 20 a month depending on set temp. What are they asking for it, and how does it look gut feeling? Also is it running now or drained?
I may not be the one to give you a good answer for this, but I set my old Coleman (6 person tub) on a low temperature until a few hours before each use, and it was not bad on electric, at all. I'm in an all electric home in a rural area and our rates are high, so if I could handle it, my bet is that you can, as well. Also, your tub is newer so I bet it is even better on energy use than my old Coleman was.
$1500 and the tub is full.
The owner bought the house and the tub came with it.
He or his wife want nothing to do with it.
1500 is fair, it's up to you if you want to offer less with out them being offended. On the other hand there may be others interested at that price. The chelsee is a nice spa..
Thanks Jim.