Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: ezzo on December 02, 2013, 06:22:51 am
Hi again guys, I have got some 'shock chlorine granules' but dont know how much to add. My spa is a 6 seater and i think a 1.5 cbm I dont know how much shock to add in terms of tablespoons or grams, can anyone help?
Also, whats a good product / way of cleaning the filter
thanks guys :)
As far as the filter, Most times I just spray it with a high pressure hose and you can see it get noticeably cleaner. There are some filter cleaner agents you can spray on, or soak your filter in. They work, but you have to really rinse them out hard or they will cause sudsing in your tub.
Search for pool calculator. There is a website which will help guide you on how much chemicals to add.
This is why i like MPS.
Lob a tablespoon full in, wait an hour, your'e good to go.
whats the difference between MPS and the chlorine shock? Have i bought the wrong one? :-[ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\
Shock or MPS is not a sanitizer like chlorine. That being said you can get a shock/chlorine mix like replenish. If your using that type of a product you don't need to shock. If you are using chlorine and it says on the btl 99% sodium dichlor then you need to shock with MPS at least once a week.. Some will use MPS (shock) after use, makes no sense to me to add it an hour before you use it, then chlorinate once or twice a week. It's not always about the size of the spa, but how many are using it..
MPS is an oxidizer. Diclor is a sanitizer. MPS= Peroxymonopersulfate. Dichlor is Disodiumcloro......can't remember. google it.