Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Tripplett on November 28, 2013, 10:00:26 am

Title: Any difference in ozone manufacturers
Post by: Tripplett on November 28, 2013, 10:00:26 am
Hi forum members. I have a (new to me) 2007 Hot Spring Vanguard and the ozonator appears to be all done. The injector is fine, has power, lines aren't kinked, etc. after 6 years that seems right but this is my first hot tub. Been loving it for the past two months but now I want to get the ozone working.
Is there any big differences between say the Del MCD-50 and Aqua Sun XL models?  I think I want a CD unit since that is what I'm replacing (freshwater II or III). I know the topic of ozone is all over the place as far as if they help but for me I want to try it. Thanks for any input and Happy Thanksgiving!
Title: Re: Any difference in ozone manufacturers
Post by: clover on November 28, 2013, 11:51:40 am
Ozone = molecules of O3, and ozone is ozone no matter how you make it.  It is produced in the upper atmosphere by the UV rays of the sun, and by the electrical discharge of lightening.  The manufactured ozonator simply mimics one of those two methods.

UV (ultra violet light) seems to have a shorter life span as the bulb ages, while the CD (corona discharge) mimics the effect of lightening as glorified spark pulg, eventually burning out.

I have not used the Aqua Sun Model, but have used 100's of the Del MCD-50 providing great performance.  Del's only business is creating ozone and they have been doing it since the 80's.  The MCD-50 has replaceable internal components that can be replaced when it ceases operation.  This is better than buying a completely new ozonator 4 to 6 years down the road.