Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: vangoghsear on November 16, 2013, 03:35:06 pm

Title: Thanks for all your help
Post by: vangoghsear on November 16, 2013, 03:35:06 pm
When I first came here, knowing nothing about hot tubs, chemical treatment, cleaning techniques, maintenance, ground support systems, filter cleaning, and so guys were here and gave some excellent advice. 

I read on here that most people come in for a few months or so then disappear from the forums.  I can understand that, the honeymoon gets over, and the interest fades, but since I've stopped posting as often, I just want to say thanks for your support on this forums.  You really do help us newbs and give credit to the hot tub industry. 

I am active in several other forums on different topics, answering questions and offering help when I can.  I know there are many times that the person does not even come back to tell you if what you suggested helped.

So, thanks again.  Keep up the good work.
Title: Re: Thanks for all your help
Post by: Tman122 on November 17, 2013, 07:34:01 am
With 134 posts you must of contributed some yourself. Thanks.
Title: Re: Thanks for all your help
Post by: dakota7557 on November 17, 2013, 09:44:50 am
I have learned so much from the forum and I too am very appreciative, Thanks, Jody
When I first came here, knowing nothing about hot tubs, chemical treatment, cleaning techniques, maintenance, ground support systems, filter cleaning, and so guys were here and gave some excellent advice. 

I read on here that most people come in for a few months or so then disappear from the forums.  I can understand that, the honeymoon gets over, and the interest fades, but since I've stopped posting as often, I just want to say thanks for your support on this forums.  You really do help us newbs and give credit to the hot tub industry. 
I agree, although I don't contribute my novice advice much (or not at all, lol), I have learned so much from you folks, and I am so appreciative!  Thank You, Jody

I am active in several other forums on different topics, answering questions and offering help when I can.  I know there are many times that the person does not even come back to tell you if what you suggested helped.

So, thanks again.  Keep up the good work.
Title: Re: Thanks for all your help
Post by: vangoghsear on November 19, 2013, 08:20:49 am
With 134 posts you must of contributed some yourself. Thanks.
With some engineering background, I could contribute about the physics of heating water, and insulation properties a few times.  Also, I sometimes was able to add because I had a no-longer-an-absolute-newbie perspective on a few topics, but I remember what it was like to still be a newbie, such as reminding a few people to clean the edges that are not in the water of their hot tub when they first get it, because I got a rash from mine because of that.

Title: Re: Thanks for all your help
Post by: goneaway on November 19, 2013, 10:51:38 am
When I first came here, knowing nothing about hot tubs, chemical treatment, cleaning techniques, maintenance, ground support systems, filter cleaning, and so guys were here and gave some excellent advice. 

I read on here that most people come in for a few months or so then disappear from the forums.  I can understand that, the honeymoon gets over, and the interest fades, but since I've stopped posting as often, I just want to say thanks for your support on this forums.  You really do help us newbs and give credit to the hot tub industry. 

I am active in several other forums on different topics, answering questions and offering help when I can.  I know there are many times that the person does not even come back to tell you if what you suggested helped.

So, thanks again.  Keep up the good work.
