Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: stillerfan32 on July 16, 2013, 04:06:41 pm

Title: Need Advice on Moving New Hot Tub from Garage to Patio
Post by: stillerfan32 on July 16, 2013, 04:06:41 pm
My patio is finally getting poured tomorrow and the Concrete Guy told me that I can put the Hot Tub on concrete after 3 days to hook up the electrical and 3 days later can be filled.

I need some advice on the best DIY ways to move my new tub from the garage to the back patio.  The move is only about 40 yards and down a very slight downhill grade. 

I contacted a couple of movers but they start at $450, which seems pretty high for such a small move.  I've tried finding a place in Pittsburgh to rent a hot tub dolly with no luck so I'm looking to you guys for some advice.  I have 5 or 6 guys that are willing to help.

Thanks in advance for your help.
Title: Re: Need Advice on Moving New Hot Tub from Garage to Patio
Post by: Spoiledrotten on July 16, 2013, 04:16:23 pm
Since you didn't give any information about your tub, do we assume that it's a 2 person tub or a 7 person tub? Either way, 5 or 6 men (which is what you state you have to help) can easily lift it and carry to it's final resting place. I had one guy on each corner of my "vintage" spa which was a 3-4 person tub. You can also get some very cheap 4 wheel dollies, tilt the spa over on its side onto the dollies (they don't have to be spa dollies), and roll it to the spot. Then simply lower it back onto it's belly. If you've ever carried a casket in a funeral, this will be about as easy, with much better incentives.... unless it was your mother-n-law.  ;D
Title: Re: Need Advice on Moving New Hot Tub from Garage to Patio
Post by: Flyonthewall on July 16, 2013, 05:09:16 pm
flipping spas on edge, directly on and off of dollies, can be pretty sketchy.  hopefully you have wide access and can go flat all the way.  if its well wrapped pvc or dowels can work in lieu of a dolly.  if you are going over grass or other rough surfaces you'll need strips of plywood (at least 2).  pall bearer style is a good way to wreck someones back, unless they are some strong backs. 
Title: Re: Need Advice on Moving New Hot Tub from Garage to Patio
Post by: 44blues on July 16, 2013, 11:15:39 pm
I used PVC pipe to move mine from garage to concrete pad next to my back porch. You'll have to get four long sections and lay them out in front of the spa. Once the spa is at the end of the 1st two sections you lay the next two sections on the ground, under the spa sliding the spa onto them and so on. You're not rolling it along the pipes, you're sliding the spa along the length of the PVC.  You'll still need a few friends to get it up a slope, but if it's flat you'd be how surprised how easy it is to move something that heavy on PVC. I also used the PVC to get it up a pretty steep slope in my yard as well. I had at least 7 friends helping push it up the slope. We also used a long strap to pull it up from above while some friends pushed at same time to get it up the hillside. I definitely wouldn't put it on a dolly or on its side.

If you don't crack the PVC pipe you can return it to HD or Lowes when you're done with it. You'll need to get decent pipe that won't crack if you plan on returning it.

Good luck!!
Title: Re: Need Advice on Moving New Hot Tub from Garage to Patio
Post by: goneaway on July 17, 2013, 03:16:26 am
I've just moved one 10 miles.
Plenty of bodies will do the trick.
It's relatively easy if you can keep it flat.
If you have to flip it on it's side, then use some ratchet straps to carry it.

One man at the front, one at the back and 2 on each side lifting the ratchet straps.
Title: Re: Need Advice on Moving New Hot Tub from Garage to Patio
Post by: stillerfan32 on July 17, 2013, 11:11:37 am
Thanks for all of the comments.  It is greatly appreciated.  I bought a new Hawkeye 7 person tub. 

Luckily the patio guys were able to remove one of the deck support beams by installing an additional header beam so the tub will be able to remain flat during the move slide ride onto the patio.   I've seen videos on youtube of people using PVC Pipe and will buy some from HD. 

Any thoughts on how thick the PVC Pipe that I buy will have to be so it doesn't crack during the move because I'd like to be able to return it after the move? (returning the PVC will cover the cost of the beer that I have to buy my buddies to help. LOL)
Title: Re: Need Advice on Moving New Hot Tub from Garage to Patio
Post by: Spoiledrotten on July 17, 2013, 12:39:15 pm
Not trying to be ugly here, but I wish you had left that last statement off. Taking the product back after you use it...  If you can't afford $6.00 worth of PVC .....   >:(
Hopefully, you will scar it up real bad during the using of it.
Title: Re: Need Advice on Moving New Hot Tub from Garage to Patio
Post by: Spatech_tuo on July 17, 2013, 12:54:43 pm
Not trying to be ugly here, but I wish you had left that last statement off. Taking the product back after you use it...  If you can't afford $6.00 worth of PVC .....   >:(
Hopefully, you will scar it up real bad during the using of it.

Title: Re: Need Advice on Moving New Hot Tub from Garage to Patio
Post by: Dr. Spa™ Ret. on July 17, 2013, 01:07:13 pm
A buddy of mine told me a nice little home depot story yesterday. He bought a $500 tool set from them..Got home, opened the box. Turned out someone already bought it, took out all the tools and replaced them with old broken stuff, then returned it to HD...............I'll refrain from any commentary.
Title: Re: Need Advice on Moving New Hot Tub from Garage to Patio
Post by: 44blues on July 17, 2013, 02:48:14 pm
I believe I used 4" PVC to move mine. If you buy the cheapest PVC it will probably crack. I can't remember which grade PVC I bought, but had no problem returning it. I think I used PVC that was 10ft long and it was at least $17 per section. You'll need 4 of them, so I wouldn't feel cheap returning them especially if you have no use for them after you move your spa and as long as they're not damaged
Title: Re: Need Advice on Moving New Hot Tub from Garage to Patio
Post by: goneaway on July 17, 2013, 05:01:43 pm
Remove the side panel's and you plus 7 buddies can carry it. Don't bother with the pvc pipe.  Enjoy the excersise and laugh about it afterwards.
Title: Re: Need Advice on Moving New Hot Tub from Garage to Patio
Post by: Topline Mike on March 19, 2014, 04:29:13 pm
Well, I might be moving a hot tub from Ohio to WI.  I plan on using the pvc method to move it through the yard, as I don't have to deal with any steps at all.  I plan on hauling it down the road with a two place snowmobile trailer.  I don't know, maybe I'm crazy for doing this, but I'm saving a huge amount of money.   
Title: Re: Need Advice on Moving New Hot Tub from Garage to Patio
Post by: Isaac-1 on March 19, 2014, 05:04:25 pm
Again without knowing if this is a small light 350 pound tub or a 10 person 1500 pound monster it is hard to give much advice.  I bought a used HS Jetsetter 3 person tub a couple of months ago, hauled it home on an 18 ft car hauler trailer, and my college age son and unloaded it and moved it into place, mostly using the rolling on PVC pipe method.  The seller transferred it from his trailer to mine using a similar method, but used a pair of large 4+ inch metal conduits as rails for the PVC to roll on, one man one handed job, but it was just going down a slight slope from his larger trailer to mine.  Of course the Jetsetter only weighs about 465 pounds.
Title: Re: Need Advice on Moving New Hot Tub from Garage to Patio
Post by: Topline Mike on March 19, 2014, 05:18:45 pm
Sorry, 900lb tub. 
Title: Re: Need Advice on Moving New Hot Tub from Garage to Patio
Post by: Tman122 on March 19, 2014, 07:09:38 pm
How about 2-1" or 2" x 14' to 16' nylon slings slung under the tub about 18" in from each end and a 2x4 or 2" sch 40 pipe about 7-8 feet long through the eyes of the slings and 4 guys? Make the slings just long enough to go under the spa and about 2-3 foot up each side. so you are just straightening your legs to lift it 4-6 inches. Pick guys all the same height preferably your big friends.....LOL Put the strongest guys on the equipment side. Easy smeasy. 2 beers each. Might as well feed em some snacks then kick em out.
Title: Re: Need Advice on Moving New Hot Tub from Garage to Patio
Post by: Pers Onal on March 20, 2014, 01:14:48 pm
  I plan on hauling it down the road with a two place snowmobile trailer.  I don't know, maybe I'm crazy for doing this, but I'm saving a huge amount of money.

I would check the GVWR on that trailer, and payload.

If you can stabilize the tub horizontally, you might get  by, but I wouldn't do it with the tub vertical. You won't save anything if that load gets away from you.

As far as PVC goes, I was under the impression that smaller diamter was better and stronger. Dunno if that is accurate.
Title: Re: Need Advice on Moving New Hot Tub from Garage to Patio
Post by: Isaac-1 on March 20, 2014, 01:23:20 pm
the problem with small diameter PVC is it requires a smooth surface to roll on. even heavilly textured concrete is a problem.  I used 1/2 and 3/4 inch scrap pvc I had on hand to move my Jetsetter, part of the move was across pebble finshed concrete and it kept getting hung up with the small PVC.

Title: Re: Need Advice on Moving New Hot Tub from Garage to Patio
Post by: DamSam on March 20, 2014, 02:01:06 pm
How about 2-1" or 2" x 14' to 16' nylon slings slung under the tub about 18" in from each end and a 2x4 or 2" sch 40 pipe about 7-8 feet long through the eyes of the slings and 4 guys? Make the slings just long enough to go under the spa and about 2-3 foot up each side. so you are just straightening your legs to lift it 4-6 inches. Pick guys all the same height preferably your big friends.....LOL Put the strongest guys on the equipment side. Easy smeasy. 2 beers each. Might as well feed em some snacks then kick em out.

Best answer yet. If you have ever seen moving companies work, this is the way they carry oversized heavy items.
Average tub = 800lbs (aprox average) using two long straps x four people = around 200lbs each.
(Pallbearer style) 800lbs tub using three long straps x six people = 134lbs each.
If you have the room this makes the most sense to me.
Title: Re: Need Advice on Moving New Hot Tub from Garage to Patio
Post by: Isaac-1 on March 20, 2014, 05:35:45 pm
I would suggest using caution if your thinking about getting half a dozen strong guys to carry the tub, one person slips at the wrong time and you could be looking at serious injuries, and liablity.  I would think rolling it on pipes is much safer.
Title: Re: Need Advice on Moving New Hot Tub from Garage to Patio
Post by: Tman122 on March 20, 2014, 06:10:58 pm
There is no doubt that rolling it on PVC pipe is the safer route, 2" is best. However it is also very slow and terrain limited. If you carry it your done in 15-30 minutes, 5-10 worth of moving the tub and 20-25 of drinking beer and laughing at how easy that was. And if you drop it because someone slips it drops what 4 inches? I doubt anyone will get hurt.
Title: Re: Need Advice on Moving New Hot Tub from Garage to Patio
Post by: Topline Mike on March 20, 2014, 09:23:10 pm
I think someone mentioned this earlier, but I'm pretty sure it's best to lay the pvc pipes down on the ground parallel with the direction you are moving the tub, and sliding the tub on top of the pipes.  I think laying them down perpendicular with the direction you are moving the tub would also work, but not as well. 
Title: Re: Need Advice on Moving New Hot Tub from Garage to Patio
Post by: Isaac-1 on March 20, 2014, 09:58:50 pm
this likely depends on the terrain, all the youtube videos show rolling on the pipes, although most show metal pipe not pvc
Title: Re: Need Advice on Moving New Hot Tub from Garage to Patio
Post by: rosewoodsteel on March 21, 2014, 01:49:40 pm
Not trying to be ugly here, but I wish you had left that last statement off. Taking the product back after you use it...  If you can't afford $6.00 worth of PVC .....   >:(
Hopefully, you will scar it up real bad during the using of it.

My thoughts, exactly, when I read this a while back.  Why stick it to HD or Lowes?   Enough money will be saved by doing the move yourself.    I purchased (3) 3/4" sheets of plywood when we moved the Artic Klondiker a few weeks ago.   Hey, I'm going to use the plywood for a cat walk in my attic.   Imo, just give the piping to someone who can use it (maybe one of the folks helping with the move).     Just my opinion (and we all know what they say about opinions...) 
Title: Re: Need Advice on Moving New Hot Tub from Garage to Patio
Post by: Tman122 on March 21, 2014, 05:32:02 pm
Make bottle rocket launchers. Have a heck of a display this july.
Title: Re: Need Advice on Moving New Hot Tub from Garage to Patio
Post by: rosewoodsteel on March 25, 2014, 07:15:49 pm
Well, how did your tub move go?
Title: Re: Need Advice on Moving New Hot Tub from Garage to Patio
Post by: Topline Mike on March 25, 2014, 08:29:35 pm
rosewood, if you are asking me, I haven't got it yet.  Planning either Thursday or Friday this week.  I have 4 snowmobile dolly carts that I am bringing with me.  Mine are similar to the picture below, but have sides on them so I can lay a 2X6 in between each.   I'm also bringing 6 sheets of plywood to lay on the ground and leap frog them until I reach the driveway.  Once tub is on the snowmobile trailer, I plan to build a box around the hot tub with the plywood to protect it when I'm on the road, and I won't have to take off the cover this way, either.  Just like a football play, plan is in place, now I just have to execute! 

( (
Title: Re: Need Advice on Moving New Hot Tub from Garage to Patio
Post by: Tman122 on March 26, 2014, 06:09:29 am
Careful of those dolly's. Snowmobile 3-4 hundred. Hot tub 7-8 hundred.
Title: Re: Need Advice on Moving New Hot Tub from Garage to Patio
Post by: rosewoodsteel on March 26, 2014, 07:49:41 am
Use wooden dollies. We broke BOTH of the plastic dollies when the tub weight was on them.  They were each rated for 1000lbs.
Title: Re: Need Advice on Moving New Hot Tub from Garage to Patio
Post by: Topline Mike on March 26, 2014, 08:29:50 am
My dollies are metal, and I actually have 6 of them.  If this plan fails, I will also have 2.5" galvanized pipe that I will bring along, recycled from an old batting cage in my community.  Thanks for everyone's thoughts on this. 
Title: Re: Need Advice on Moving New Hot Tub from Garage to Patio
Post by: Pers Onal on March 26, 2014, 10:38:39 am
hey, I'm glad to learn the proper size PVC is more like 2".

I will note that if you have a level, flat surface such as a deck or on a hardwood floor thru the house (my route) the way to use them is as rollers perpendicular to the tub, six or seven under the tub rotating 3 or 4 from the back to the front as you roll along.

Did that when moving it in, works surprisingly well. 13 years ago, can't really remember size but I think it was 1 1/2" in something like four or four and a half foot lengths.