Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Intimdtr77 on May 04, 2013, 07:39:57 am
New spa owner here checking in.
Small issue (i hope). I have done my first complete drain and I am getting ready to start adding the chemicals. I placed my nature 2 stick in the center of my single filter on my Maxx 481 and noticed that the second stick, the one to holds the cartridge up in the filter(?) has fallen off of the bottom of the cartridge (sucked off my the filter) and is no where to be found. I'm assuming it is in the line somewhere. I shut the spa off, turned the filter off and lowered to heat.
Can anyone walk me through what to do to find this stick and removed it or is this something I need to call my pool place to come out and visit? I'm pretty handy and can handle some jobs. This is new to me though. Any help would be appreciated.
The piece on top is the culprit that came loose and is now in the pipe.
People have vacuumed them out with a shop vac.
This is part of the reason I don't put them actually in the filter but in the filter compartment.
This is part of the reason I don't put them actually in the filter but in the filter compartment.
I was also told I could put on top of the plastic screen cover on top. Does it accomplish the same thing if it is adding the minerals pre-filter cartridge?
Another person told me to try a shop vac. I'm draining the tub now. I'll keep everyone posted. It sounds like the piece made it to the pump though. I think I can hear it rattling in there.
If it actually made it into the pump (unlikely with the bends in most pipes), it should simply be a matter of undoing the union (if equipped) before the pump and pulling it out.
This is part of the reason I don't put them actually in the filter but in the filter compartment.
I was also told I could put on top of the plastic screen cover on top. Does it accomplish the same thing if it is adding the minerals pre-filter cartridge?
Another person told me to try a shop vac. I'm draining the tub now. I'll keep everyone posted. It sounds like the piece made it to the pump though. I think I can hear it rattling in there.
It is my understanding that it just needs to be in the body of water with flow going past it, which is accomplished by just putting in filter compartment.
I put a small SS eye bolt in the top of the weir and hung it with a SS fishing leader.
I have vacuumed foreign objects out of plumbing by starting a siphon with a large hose: shop vac hose, pool vac hose or similar, and putting the end of the hose onto the fitting where the item disappeared. I have gotten ladies panties, expensive rings, and even a watch out that way.
You have to get good flow, and it helps to lift off and put it back in place a few times to shake things loose.
Well the shop VAC must not be strong enough. I have yet to suck anything out. I'm pretty sure I have it narrowed down to where it is, but the shop vac is not pulling it out. I can remove the union at the pump, is a large channel lock all ti takes? Not special wrench as to not damage the exterior gripping surface?
Thinking about that eye bolt idea mentioned also.
Still trying.
Large channel lock will work.
Got it! Used a smaller diameter hose from a 3.5 shop vac, stuck it down the intake hose of the tub and connected it to the 6.0 shop vac. The hose stopped at the one way valve about 4 feet down and I heard the stick come through the hop vac!!! Thank god, I'm not going crazy!
Now to do that eye hole trick. That's next. Thanks for the help guys and gals!
yay! glad it turned out well.
On my Maax I couldn't get the Nature2 to sit right in in the cartridge.
With the extensions it was pretty much sitting directly in the hole where the filter screws in, a position I felt might reduce flow.
Ended up double looping an extra large zip tie through the loop on the top of the Nature 2. and stuffing it inside the filter upside down. The loops hold it nicely inside the filter and the whole assembly easily comes right out.
At least with the Maax if the shop vac didn't work it's simple enough to access any of the plumbing to find it. Nice that you got it with the vac and didn't have to take anything apart.
The equipment bay of any brand is easy to access. And there's no other place it would go.