Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: m_nelsen on December 28, 2012, 04:49:14 pm

Title: Spa Recommendations
Post by: m_nelsen on December 28, 2012, 04:49:14 pm
Can someone please tell me the plus and minus on the following: Marquis "Euphoria", Sundance "Optima" and Hot Spings "Grandee" all seem very similar in quality and cost to me? Does anybody have a good idea on what we should pay for any of these? Have been quoted under $10k for the Euphoria and Optima with music dock and 9500 for grandee.
Title: Re: Spa Recommendations
Post by: hottubdan on December 28, 2012, 07:01:28 pm
Have you test soaked?  Great price for Grandee.  Most people pay $10+
Title: Re: Spa Recommendations
Post by: m_nelsen on December 28, 2012, 07:11:10 pm
Have not tested the Grandee, liked the other two.
Title: Re: Spa Recommendations
Post by: TwinCitiesHotSpring on December 28, 2012, 07:37:23 pm
can't comment on pricing on the other 2, but if your getting a Grandee w/ all accessories for $9,500 that is very very excellent price
Title: Re: Spa Recommendations
Post by: Hottubguy on December 28, 2012, 08:39:10 pm
I'm not a dealer of any of those but have worked on all three.  Ht springs grandee is my favorite tub n the market. Well built, good reliability. I also think the marquis is a little better then the sundance. I would wet tet ad assuming you like the grandee I would ran toward that
Title: Re: Spa Recommendations
Post by: Hot Spring Ace on December 28, 2012, 10:14:47 pm
can't comment on pricing on the other 2, but if your getting a Grandee w/ all accessories for $9,500 that is very very excellent price

That really is a great price for a Grandee.
Title: Re: Spa Recommendations
Post by: m_nelsen on December 28, 2012, 10:39:16 pm
the grandee is tub only the other two include steps, and music (which is not a major issue)
Title: Re: Spa Recommendations
Post by: ATC Buckeye on December 29, 2012, 11:04:35 am
Steps are cheap. If you live in the Cleveland area I have a set you can have.
Title: Re: Spa Recommendations
Post by: Spatech_tuo on December 29, 2012, 04:01:31 pm
the grandee is tub only the other two include steps, and music (which is not a major issue)

Don't buy any spa based on things likes steps, stereos and rubber ducks. (
Title: Re: Spa Recommendations
Post by: Chas on December 30, 2012, 09:53:43 am
$9500 is a great price for a Grandee, and if you say it is coming with a stereo it's a fantastic price.

Grandee is my favorite: we have had a bunch of them in our backyard over the years.

Title: Re: Spa Recommendations
Post by: m_nelsen on December 31, 2012, 05:18:47 pm
wet tested the Euphoria was nice, great wirlpool feature.  Our local sundance sales people didn't have an optima available for wet testing but did test the cameo seats are a little different configuration but had the therapy seat that we liked.  Some of the seats in the Euphoria seemed deaper than the cameo?  Have dry tested an optima.  Even thought the tubs are similar sizes seemed like more leg room in Euphoria?  Also, the sales pitch about Marquis eliminating circ. pumos because they fail alot is something to consider? Optima is about $1000 less also.
Title: Re: Spa Recommendations
Post by: Jacuzzi Jim on December 31, 2012, 05:37:26 pm
wet tested the Euphoria was nice, great wirlpool feature.  Our local sundance sales people didn't have an optima available for wet testing but did test the cameo seats are a little different configuration but had the therapy seat that we liked.  Some of the seats in the Euphoria seemed deaper than the cameo?  Have dry tested an optima.  Even thought the tubs are similar sizes seemed like more leg room in Euphoria?  Also, the sales pitch about Marquis eliminating circ. pumos because they fail alot is something to consider? Optima is about $1000 less also.

   Since Sundance/Jacuzzi went to the highflow circ pump which I love, I have not seen any fail yet.   The older mag drive ones were not very good.    Some run forever some don't..    I do think Marquis  builds a nice spa!     Components and money aside, which do you like better for your needs?     
Title: Re: Spa Recommendations
Post by: m_nelsen on January 11, 2013, 11:22:12 pm
well thanks for all the insight we ended up getting a 2013 Marquis euphoria about $200 more than the optima but we really liked the feel of the marquis over the optima my wife really didn't like the foot dome in the optima.  I was not a big fan that sundance only sells through waht i consider a big box store here in northern Il, their service department stinks.  the marquis dealer seems to be more of a person who cares about the people who sells to.  we happened to be in the store when one of his costumers came in that actually has three tubs two marquis and one sundance and he told us that the guy we bought from actually services all his tubs because the big box guy was unreliable.  what really sold me was that I had a couple questions about the ultimate package changes for 2013 and tony was unsure on a cople questiosn we had and he was able to get in touch of a marquis representative on sunday and I was actaully able to talk to him one on one on the phone on a sunday.  I doubt I could have done that with sundance.  Hopefully we enjoy our tub as much as we think we will. Being built to our specs and should be delivered in a couple weeks.  look forward to sharing our pictures with the followers of this site.
Title: Re: Spa Recommendations
Post by: johnsypa on February 10, 2013, 07:37:13 pm
Looked at a Euphoria yesterday from a local dealer at a home show. It was $8700 delivered with a nice bench/step with storage in it. No stereo. Included delivery and setup. I liked it a lot but I am also considering a MasterSpa Twilight Series.

How do you like yours so far?