Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: shelley on November 12, 2012, 12:24:44 am
Hi there,
I bought a used hot tub and filled it for the first time. I read the manual and it said to fill halfway up the filter. I filled it so it's halfway up the basket that is above the filter. Does that mean that I filled it too high? It is like the jets are surging and I also read that if that happens, it means there isn't enough water. So I'm not sure what to do!
Any advice?
Welcome to the forum. In at least most models I've looked at "halfway up the filter" doesn't sound like enough. The correct level can vary and depend on how many people you put into hot big a tub. I frequently run my jets after adding dichlor and nobody in the tub so I fill up past the highest jet.
What Bill said. You don't want surging - it is hard on the jets. I have to keep our tubs a bit 'high' here in the showroom so that jets are quieter and the pump doesn't surge as I turn them on and get the customers to put their hands /arms in front of various jets. That means that I have to (very quickly) lower the water level if somebody wants to wet test. I do so with a pool vac hose and a piece of PVC pipe - siphon out the front door into a planter, about two minutes and it's perfect.
What Bill said. You don't want surging - it is hard on the jets. I have to keep our tubs a bit 'high' here in the showroom so that jets are quieter and the pump doesn't surge as I turn them on and get the customers to put their hands /arms in front of various jets. That means that I have to (very quickly) lower the water level if somebody wants to wet test. I do so with a pool vac hose and a piece of PVC pipe - siphon out the front door into a planter, about two minutes and it's perfect.
lol I know this procedure..."Hi Eric can our family come in within the next 30 minutes to test out some models" ...."of course", as I'm running to get the hose and siphon some water out as quickly as possible ;D
Thank you everyone ... I filled it with more water so it's actually above the basket, turned it off, turned it on and then once I turned on the jets, it was running great!
Your welcome, you have solved one problem, but as for the right answer, it might vary from one circumstance to another. On my Sundance Majesta I filled up just above the neck jets in the corner seat. (nobody in the tub) Its just a hair too deep for my wife, so I backed it down a 1/2". Its perfect for us, but when nobody is in the tub the neck jets are above the water line and spray all over the place when I'm adding chemicals. Now I turn those jets in the corner seats off, till we need them. When people (my wife and I) are in the tub its not a problem.