Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: TLWR on July 14, 2012, 10:54:57 am
I am sort of draining my tub today. It is actually raining harder/faster than the gravity drain is working, no kidding ;D
I'd like to purchase some filter cleaner today and soak the filter overnight, but I'd also like to use the tub before bed, which means filling it.
Are there any issues with running the 24/7 circ pump tonight without a filter in the tub?
Should be fine, just make sure nothing can get sucked up into the pump with the filter gone.
Thanks, just got back with the filter cleaner, tub is already up to temp.
I was advised to get a second filter so that when they are rinsed weekly with a hose they can dry before putting them back in the tub. I thought that sounded strange but apparently the fibres in the filter close properly when allowed to dry. Anyway I have two, and rotate them weekly, giving them a week to dry. Also, when I use the cleaning fluid every few months I can soak them overnight.
Has anyone else heard about allowing the filters time to dry or was that just to sell me a second filter?
I used Leslie's Cartridge Cleaner ( overnight on the filter. It appeared to work really well. The gunk that was built up in the pleats is now gone and the spotty discoloring is much reduced or gone. After a good rinse, there was no foaming issues when reinstalled and ran in the tub this morning. This was the filters first cleaning (4 months old) though I do rinse it every other week. I may clean it every other month, the process was pretty easy.