Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: bouncerclub on April 26, 2012, 09:21:30 pm

Title: Please help with my hot tub choice.
Post by: bouncerclub on April 26, 2012, 09:21:30 pm
I have to make a decision between 3 tubs at different price points all are used and lets pretend they are all equally cared for.   

2009 Cal spa EIII 864L Escape for 3000.00.   

2006 Hotsprings Vanguard for 2500.00   

2004 Cal SPa Pacifica for 1400.00.   

Keeping those prices in mind do you have an opinion?   Would your opinion change if there were any fluctuation in price?  I know that a safer bet would be buying from a dealer but we also are kind of figuring keeping this tub for maybe 3 years and if we have been using it regularly upgrading to a brand new all bells and whistles one.   And hopefully even getting some of our money back out of the sale.   I feel the 2009 might last us even longer since it has all the lights, stainless steel jets and radio already part of the deal but the power of the jets seemed less than the hotsprings. 

 As for our personal needs and wants we wanted a decent amount of jets and power.  Room for 4 adults, and pretty lights per the wife.   A lounger is not important which both the Cals have and the Hotspring do not.   I don't know how i personally feel about the moto massager thing on the hotspring wife likes it though.   The 2009 cal has a stereo also but wasn't important to us.   

Pacifica is tempting on price alone but the jets look like they've seen better days kinda limey and some calcium build up.   We really don't know if thats an easy fix?  This will be our first hot tub.  I thank you in advance for taking the time to help out with your knowledge.   

One last question it kinda felt like the Hotsprings had stronger jets is that just because there are less?   

Title: Re: Please help with my hot tub choice.
Post by: Dr. Spa™ Ret. on April 26, 2012, 11:25:32 pm
Title: Re: Please help with my hot tub choice.
Post by: d00nut on April 26, 2012, 11:37:35 pm


Jets feel more powerful because of superior engineering.  It's not about horse power, it's about how they feel!
Title: Re: Please help with my hot tub choice.
Post by: Jacuzzi Jim on April 27, 2012, 12:24:08 am
 Vangaurd in a landslide! 
Title: Re: Please help with my hot tub choice.
Post by: wmccall on April 27, 2012, 07:57:49 am

I'll second that, primarily because I've been in that one and comfortable with it. Hmm, the IP address looks like they may be in Indiana, maybe I should go get it.  I'm about to sink $1000 into my 2003 Dynasty.
Title: Re: Please help with my hot tub choice.
Post by: Chas on April 27, 2012, 11:29:10 am
Bill - that IS a good price for that tub...

Title: Re: Please help with my hot tub choice.
Post by: Spatech_tuo on April 27, 2012, 11:44:52 am
I have to make a decision between 3 tubs at different price points all are used and lets pretend they are all equally cared for.   

2009 Cal spa EIII 864L Escape for 3000.00.   

2006 Hotsprings Vanguard for 2500.00   

2004 Cal SPa Pacifica for 1400.00.   

The Vanguard IMO but I'd still counter a bit. The Hot Spring uses a specific subpanel, I'd see if they're willing to through that in with the deal to save you from having to go buy a new one.