Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: agh1890 on February 28, 2012, 04:29:35 pm

Title: Goo around diverter and air valves
Post by: agh1890 on February 28, 2012, 04:29:35 pm
I have owned a tub for about 3 months now and the water seems to be pretty clear.  I have been using natures 2 and adding dichlor after each use based on bather load.  I usually let the chlorine level pop up some and then drop back down.  I also use MPS once a week instead of the dichlor.

My question is this on my diverter valves and air control valves which sit on a shelf and collect condenstation from the cover I am finding a clear globular goo.  It is almost like clear snot and sometimes there might be a little pink to it but it is usually clear.  I don't get a ton of it.  When you wipe if off with a spounge it tends to be maybe 1/4" thick and a few inches long.  It seems to show up under the control valves.

Does anyone know what this is and what I should do to get rid of it.  I realize the valves don't really get hit with sanitizer and the water condensing off the cover is probably chemical free since it is really distilled water. 

Do other people have this issue

Title: Re: Goo around diverter and air valves
Post by: Chas on February 28, 2012, 06:33:54 pm (
Title: Re: Goo around diverter and air valves
Post by: agh1890 on March 02, 2012, 09:45:31 am

It sounds like this stuff is not easy to get rid of.  Depending on the temp I will probably try and change the water this weekend. 

I was away the last couple of days and when I opened the tub up this morning the water was all cloudy and gross.  I threw a bunch of dichlor into the tub to push the chlorine level way up.  The PH was also showing a little low so I panicked and put a little bit of bleach (about 2TBSPS) in as well.  I probably should not have done that but like I said I panicked. 

Stupid pink algae.  I though I was doing so well with managing my water too but looks like I am going back to start and not collecting my $200. 
