Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: pkillur on February 26, 2012, 06:19:29 pm

Title: Is this installed correctly (del mcd-50 refill)
Post by: pkillur on February 26, 2012, 06:19:29 pm
I'm so confused by this refill kit.  I **think** it's installed correctly but I look at the diagram, and the wires look like they're crossed.  Can someone confirm the drying chamber and output are on the correct sides??  Thanks in advance!

Huh.  Image doesn't seem to post correctly from flickr - the url is this:

Title: Re: Is this installed correctly (del mcd-50 refill)
Post by: Chas on February 26, 2012, 08:53:34 pm
The white wires are fine, power wires look good.

I don't see an air inlet tube -

It doesn't really matter which way the air goes through the chamber, you just need one Inlet and one Outlet. You want them both to stick out of the case, so that if the airflow ever stops (clogged injector, dirty spa filter, clogged check valve, pinched/kinked tubing or other problem) the ozone will not fill the case and eat the guts alive.


Title: Re: Is this installed correctly (del mcd-50 refill)
Post by: pkillur on February 27, 2012, 12:15:30 am
Ahh, I was wondering about that - I thought it was odd that it was pulling from nowhere - I left the cover cracked open a bit so it could actually get air - but now that I look at it there is a knock-out on the bottom of the case.  Turns out that the P.O. of this spa (my father-in-law) didn't install it with an air tube.  Maybe that is why he made the comment "It doesn't seem to do that much though" - in regards to the mcd-50.  Thank you for the heads up.  That would have also been helpful if I had one and the check valve broke (as it did - which is why I'm replacing it) and it filled up the entire unit with water when the power got cut knocked out!