Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: agh1890 on February 15, 2012, 11:35:59 am
I am currently own an Artesian hot tub that went live in early January. I am still working to figure out all the things I need to know but so far have had no real issues. I have an ozonator, a circulation pump, and and using natures2 and dicholor as my sanitation regiment. Once a week I use MPS shock instead of Dichlor. This seeme to work out and is what my deal told me to do. Occasionally the water gets a little cloudy but I think this is because my chlorine levels crash to zero so I have been trying to keep it up a little higher.
Anyway we are going away for 4 days and I was wondering if there is anything I should do to the tub before i leave. I was planning on turning the temp down to like 98. Should I add a bunch of chlorine so they levels will stay up and my water will stay clear?
This will be the 1st time we have even been apart for more than a day so any advice would be appreciated.
with silver ion and an ozonator 4 days is nothing...make sure you have a good chlorine level before you leave and it will be fine
Be aware: your tub WILL miss you.
and yes, turning it down is a good idea. if you left it at 102 you can be assured that the heater would have run for at least a couple hours over the 4 days to maintain that number. to raise it from 98 to 102 upon your return will not take a couple hours. as an added benefit the cooler water will demand less chlorine.
This is like a guy who got a pet dog and has spent EVERY minute with it since the day it came home and is worried what will happen if he leaves the dog alone for 8 hours when he has to go back to work. Don't worry about it! I've gone 2 weeks without even bothering to check the tub. Once it is in balance, it's pretty "idiot proof". In my case, the chlorine will last about a week. The water will be neutral for the next week. no problems.
PS - I've only used MPS about 5 times in the many years I've owned it. It's just not needed.
If you ever anticipate being gone for a longer period of time, buy a chlorine float. Get it ahead of time to allow yourself time to mess with it and get it dialed in. With a float, you can leave it for a month.
If you ever anticipate being gone for a longer period of time, buy a chlorine float. Get it ahead of time to allow yourself time to mess with it and get it dialed in. With a float, you can leave it for a month.
Chlorine tablets will lower the pH dramatically. A floater is best used only if it's bromine in my opinion
Chlorine tablets are tri-chlor....which as spa temperatures dissolve so quickly they're near impossible to control.
I left my tub for 18 days and came home to crystal clear water. I use the Bromine frog and I also lowered my temperature. Oh and I didn't miss my tub at all.. :D I was in Tuscany lol!
I left my tub for 18 days and came home to crystal clear water. I use the Bromine frog and I also lowered my temperature. Oh and I didn't miss my tub at all.. :D I was in Tuscany lol!
That's a good sign your neighbors aren't using your tub while your gone.
Floaters = evil.
If you use them, do so ONLY for short periods of time, such as a vacation or such.
Tri-chlor tabs eat spa covers, headrest pillows, and pump shaft seals.
"Bromine" tabs contain Chlorine (up to 45%) so they are NOT good for covered spas. Pure Bromine, such as "Brilliance" is chlorine-free, and works well. You do have to shock it once per week to make up for the lack of chlorine built in.