Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: ElBombero on May 22, 2004, 12:36:39 am
Does anyone out there own a Tiger River Sumatran and if so, what do you think of it. A local Hot Springs dealer has them on sale - $5,200.00 We are new to this whole "hot tub" world.
The two people that I know that bought this tub seem pretty happy with it, they have owned theirs more than a year.
I sell about 10 a year - roughly. They seem to do what the people want them to do.
Simple tub, only 6' 6" square, very quiet, very economical to operate - backed by HotSpring.
Note: HotSpring re-designed the Sumatran just a month or two ago. The changes were cosmetic only, the controls and other things had been updated just at the begning of the year. What I'm tryin' to say is: you may be able to get a floor model deal on one, if your dealer has one of the 'old' new spas!
We sell that model for aroud the same price...they 2003 models were all sold by January, the new desined control panel has been in the spas since then...the new designs looks great and our customers like the look better too. :D
Best of lick & if you get that spa, you will love it!!! ;D