Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Chas on December 24, 2011, 10:45:24 am

Title: Merry Christmas to all
Post by: Chas on December 24, 2011, 10:45:24 am
I know that the term "Merry Christmas" is getting some people upset these days - but the name of the holiday is Christmas, and I want to wish all my friends a good time during this holiday - so "Merry Christmas."

Don't believe that Jesus is the savior? I would still love for you to have a nice time, and I still wish you the best. Get out in your tub, soak with family and friends, have a feast, enjoy the time off from work - milk it for all it's worth!!

But whatever happens, when somebody wishes you a 'Merry Christmas,' keep in mind that they are offering you the warmest blessing of hearth and home, family and joy. It's a gift, and some gifts are best received with joy no matter what.

From my family to yours -

Title: Re: Merry Christmas to all
Post by: Forum Admin on December 24, 2011, 04:03:10 pm
Merry Christmas everyone.

Craig and the gang...
Title: Re: Merry Christmas to all
Post by: Bonibelle on December 24, 2011, 04:34:15 pm
Christmas Blessings to everyone!! Chas, you have captured the essence and spirit of Christmas  :)
Title: Re: Merry Christmas to all
Post by: Spatech_tuo on December 24, 2011, 04:45:34 pm
Merry Christmas to all.
Title: Re: Merry Christmas to all
Post by: chem geek on December 25, 2011, 01:28:16 pm
The Christmas presents I get usually beat out the practical Chanukah gifts every time (we celebrate both in our multi-religion family). Of course, it's not really about the presents and hopefully more about love, compassion, generosity, joy and peace which I wish for all.