Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: on November 29, 2011, 08:27:35 am

Title: mesh drain cover got "sucked up"
Post by: on November 29, 2011, 08:27:35 am
I was running some SEA CLEAR through my Sundance Cameo, removed the filter as I was instructed, but forgot to remove the mesh drain cover in the bottom of the filter compartment. When I came back the filter cover was long gone, somewhere in the system. I didn't worry about it to much and cleaned and used the spa for a couple of weeks before I got around to calling the dealer. He told me to stop using the spa, turn it off, and now I have a service call for Wednesday. My question is how much damage did I cause? Did I ruin a practically new spa or cause a lot of damage????? It seemed to be working fine for the two weeks after. I am really bummed that I may have caused some serious damage.
Title: Re: mesh drain cover got "sucked up"
Post by: RUBADUBDUB on November 29, 2011, 09:44:54 am
You didn't ruin it I'm sure. We used to have repeated service calls for people who's spas "ATE" the sock. It's just better to get it out sooner than later.
Title: Re: mesh drain cover got "sucked up"
Post by: on November 30, 2011, 06:08:46 am
Thanks for the reassurance. Service people will be coming out today so I hope they can find it and I can get to using the tub again ;D
Title: Re: mesh drain cover got "sucked up"
Post by: SerjicalStrike on December 05, 2011, 09:47:52 am
I have had to remove a few of those.  If you have a wet vac, you can fix it yourself.

1: Turn the power off
2: Remove the filter and remove the 2" pipe that the filter sits on.  It unscrews counterclockwise like normal
3: Put the wet vac up to that hole and make sure it is sealed around the hole. 
4: Turn the vacuum on and put your hand over the other hole in the filter box.
5: Give it about 15 seconds then turn the vac off. Open it up and the sock should be in your vacuum.  If not, repeat a few times.
Title: Re: mesh drain cover got "sucked up"
Post by: on December 06, 2011, 02:04:20 am
Thanks for the info. I did end up having the service guy visit as I didn't have a wet vac and don't trust myself with a screwdriver. He got it out in a few minutes, no permanent damage done, and didn't even charge me for the usual service call that he said would have been $158. At least I learned my lesson!
Title: Re: mesh drain cover got "sucked up"
Post by: Bonibelle on December 06, 2011, 10:40:34 am
Just a may want to invest in a shop vac for your tub. I have one that I use only for cleaning the tub. I am a bit nuts about sucking out that last little bit of water in the bottom of the foot well as well as trying to clean out the jets and my filter area. :)
Title: Re: mesh drain cover got "sucked up"
Post by: wmccall on December 06, 2011, 02:16:57 pm
Just a may want to invest in a shop vac for your tub. I have one that I use only for cleaning the tub. I am a bit nuts about sucking out that last little bit of water in the bottom of the foot well as well as trying to clean out the jets and my filter area. :)

A good reason for me to buy another one. My last one finally died.
Title: Re: mesh drain cover got "sucked up"
Post by: on December 07, 2011, 04:44:21 am
OH a shop vac. I'm have to have to get one of those! I guess I should have thought of that. I've been using tupperware to try to get out the water of the bottom and them sopping the rest up with towels. That is such a pain not to mention gives me a back ache. A shop vac would make it much easier. You see they never tell you these things when you but the hot tub!
Title: Re: mesh drain cover got "sucked up"
Post by: Srhoton on February 25, 2012, 09:00:13 pm
I have an altimar.  Started getting flow warnings and this caused the heater to work intermittently.   Saw a post somewhere that this warning is almost always solved at the inlet side of the circulator pump.  So... Reluctantly I drained it and took the pump loose.  Had to loosen the bolts to the pump with a 13mm wrench.  Then used a screwdriver and tapped on the notches in the pvc fitting to loosen the main lines. Can't get a pipe wrench in there to loosen the output side and it needs to come off to pull the pump back a bit   .... And there it was.   The mesh drain cover.   problem solved.   Outside of draining and filling, the job took about 20min
Title: Re: mesh drain cover got "sucked up"
Post by: 999 on February 26, 2012, 11:11:09 am
OH a shop vac. I'm have to have to get one of those! I guess I should have thought of that. I've been using tupperware to try to get out the water of the bottom and them sopping the rest up with towels. That is such a pain not to mention gives me a back ache. A shop vac would make it much easier. You see they never tell you these things when you but the hot tub!
....... or a big sponge and bucket. It does the job fine!