Hot Tub Forum

General => General info Somewhat hot tub related => Topic started by: Guzz on November 01, 2005, 01:16:58 pm

Title: Re: Sex Offenders
Post by: Guzz on November 01, 2005, 01:16:58 pm
Brooke, sorry to hear your concerns, but face it, there are lots of bad bad people out there. Sometimes it is better not to know, because the reality could drive you nuts. Sometimes the nicest people have the most skelitons in the closet. As a parent of two beautiful young girls I will continue to do as always, keep them close, keep them safe, and not worry about  what you cannot control.
Title: Re: Sex Offenders
Post by: East_TX_Spa on November 01, 2005, 01:23:08 pm
Every month I check the Sex Offender data base in my area.  Friday night, I stopped at the local convenience store and noticed a familiar face sitting in a booth chatting with one of the pretty clerks.  I couldn't quite place the guy until I got halfway home.  Yep, convicted sex offender, 4 counts spread over 7 years.

When I got home, I called the store and told the clerk that had waited on me that the guy her co-worker was talking to was a sex offender.  She somewhat panicked but said the guy had already left.  She really appreciated knowing who and what he was.

They should not be on the streets.


Title: Re: Sex Offenders
Post by: spaman-- on November 01, 2005, 01:36:32 pm
For anyone who does not know heres the link to a sexual preditor list in your own neighborhood!

I am with Term they don't belong on the streets, only I pack a bigger gun than he does! ;)
Title: Re: Sex Offenders
Post by: East_TX_Spa on November 01, 2005, 01:42:11 pm
I am with Term they don't belong on the streets, only I pack a bigger gun than he does! ;)

Not according to your Spiderman pic you don't. ;)

Actually, I carry a Sig .45 on my person.  There's a .308 battle rifle with 10 20 round mags in the trunk of the Batmobile (should any renegade elephants attack the store).

Title: Re: Sex Offenders
Post by: Rayman on November 01, 2005, 01:49:29 pm
In Canada it goes against the rights of offender to post such a thing, when they are relocated to an area victims rights group will canvas the area and put up postings to let everyone know.  sick fuckers
Title: Re: Sex Offenders
Post by: spaman-- on November 01, 2005, 01:54:35 pm
Not according to your Spiderman pic you don't. ;)

Actually, I carry a Sig .45 on my person.  There's a .308 battle rifle with 10 20 round mags in the trunk of the Batmobile (should any renegade elephants attack the store).


UH OH! I only carry the glock 26 9mm, its small and then the bigger gun I was reffering to is my 300 weatherby mag. Good gun!
Title: Re: Sex Offenders
Post by: Brewman on November 01, 2005, 02:17:19 pm

Actually, I carry a Sig .45 on my person.  There's a .308 battle rifle with 10 20 round mags in the trunk of the Batmobile (should any renegade elephants attack the store).


Springfield XD-40 is my carry choice.  Don't have a high power rifle, wish there was some place around here to rifle shoot.  
Title: Re: Sex Offenders
Post by: East_TX_Spa on November 01, 2005, 02:32:49 pm

 Springfield XD-40 is my carry choice.  Don't have a high power rifle, wish there was some place around here to rifle shoot.  

We've talked about your XD-40 before, heck of a gun Brewman.  Wish I still had mine.

Ya'll have too many lakes up there.  Rounds will be skipping all over the place. ;D

Title: Re: Sex Offenders
Post by: LtDan on November 01, 2005, 02:42:57 pm
Nothing says love like a single action 45.  I carried a glock 22 on duty for years, but I can't imagine giving up my Wilson CQB now.

Shortly after posting their address, sex offenders should be slow roasted on a spit.
Title: Re: Sex Offenders
Post by: wmccall on November 01, 2005, 03:43:01 pm
8 in your zipcode? I have 8 within a mile!  Although our database doesn't list the conviction or severity and Lt Dan can correct me if I'm wrong, but If I offend someone looking into my backyard as I get in the tub, the indecent exposure could be considered a sexual offense.
Title: Re: Sex Offenders
Post by: East_TX_Spa on November 01, 2005, 04:24:31 pm
Nothing says love like a single action 45.  I carried a glock 22 on duty for years, but I can't imagine giving up my Wilson CQB now.

Shortly after posting their address, sex offenders should be slow roasted on a spit.

Amen to your second paragraph.

Wilson Combat used to be one of my customers many years ago.  Neat company and neat people.  Located down a gravel road outside of Berryville, AR.  One of their engineers was originally from Denmark.  He had always been fascinated by guns and wanted to design them, but could not find that kind of work.  

He immigrated to Arkansas, bought himself a trailer, got a plump little hillbilly wife, and builds guns for a living.  What a great country!

The dude looked like Jean Claude van Damme.  I guess all Danes probably do.

Title: Re: Sex Offenders
Post by: Dr. Spa™ Ret. on November 01, 2005, 04:27:35 pm
UGH!  I'm so furious right now.  I bought this house 14 months ago and checked the sex offender registry... there were 8 offenders in the zip code, the closest was a couple miles away.

8? EIGHT? In your ENTIRE zip code? . I just checked my zip code......... 330.

The closest is 2-1/2 BLOCKS away........ Actually there's 2, each 2-1/2 blocks away, in opposite directions.

Am I worried? NOT A BIT! And I'm not armed.

I grew up in as densely a populated area as I'm in today, and the way I see it, , 40 years ago the percentage of adults that were "offenders" wasn't any different than today. Only today a lot higher percentage of abuses GET reported.

I've taught my son.
I continue to teach my son.
I trust my son.
I wont worry about what I have no control over.
And I will not imprison my son with over protection.
Title: Re: Sex Offenders
Post by: East_TX_Spa on November 01, 2005, 04:27:52 pm
8 in your zipcode? I have 8 within a mile!  Although our database doesn't list the conviction or severity and Lt Dan can correct me if I'm wrong, but If I offend someone looking into my backyard as I get in the tub, the indecent exposure could be considered a sexual offense.

This cat isn't in your neighborhood, is he?


Name: Peppers, Brian J Reg. No:

Age: 37 Sex: M Height:
5.07 Weight:
Race: Caucasian Hair:
Brown Eyes:
1355 Picadilly Lane Apt#4 (Click to view map)
Maumee, OH 43537

And yes, he is real.

Title: Re: Sex Offenders
Post by: Vinny on November 01, 2005, 09:15:05 pm
My township enacted possibly the strongest anti child sexual preditor law in the country - I believe that a child molester can't live anywhere within 2500 feet of a school or park (I believe this is the distance). My township has many parks and schools and when they showed the map, there aren't too many places for a person to live!

Although I believe what Doc said, but I think that society has given people more excuses for their actions rather than being accountable for them.
Title: Re: Sex Offenders
Post by: wmccall on November 01, 2005, 09:36:40 pm

8? EIGHT? In your ENTIRE zip code? . I just checked my zip code......... 330.

310 for me, now I don't feel so bad.
Title: Re: Sex Offenders
Post by: wmccall on November 01, 2005, 09:39:17 pm

This cat isn't in your neighborhood, is he?


He is 134 miles away. I think I would remember seeing him.
Title: Re: Sex Offenders
Post by: Brookenstein on November 01, 2005, 09:41:48 pm
How many people are in your zip code?

Is there a way to know if this guy is renting or owning the house?  There are quite a few rentals in the area, so I'm hoping.
Title: Re: Sex Offenders
Post by: r100rs on November 02, 2005, 03:18:43 am

The dude looked like Jean Claude van Damme.  I guess all Danes probably do.


I can guarentee all Danes don't look like that.

Title: Re: Sex Offenders
Post by: LtDan on November 02, 2005, 09:18:47 am
8 in your zipcode? I have 8 within a mile!  Although our database doesn't list the conviction or severity and Lt Dan can correct me if I'm wrong, but If I offend someone looking into my backyard as I get in the tub, the indecent exposure could be considered a sexual offense.

§ 2907.09. Public indecency.  

(A)  No person shall recklessly do any of the following, under circumstances in which his or her conduct is likely to be viewed by and affront others, not members of his or her household:  
(1) Expose his or her private parts, or engage in masturbation;  

(2) Engage in sexual conduct;  

(3) Engage in conduct that to an ordinary observer would appear to be sexual conduct or masturbation.

The key is trying to be discreet. If your neighbor has to climb a tree or stand on a wheebarrow and hang over the fence to see you, you are OK. If you put the hottub in your front yard an allow Brookenstein to show you how she keeps the "swimmers" out of the hot tub every evening at dusk, that would meet the "reckless" standard.

Entertaining for sure, but reckless. And it is under the Sexual Offense section of the code.

Title: Re: Sex Offenders
Post by: LtDan on November 02, 2005, 09:23:36 am
We do keep a map of the city with push pins noting the current address of all registered sexual offenders. If we get a missing child, it is one of the first things to get checked.

Wmccall probably remembers the kid in Lancaster that was found alive after a couple days in the attic of a neighbor that was a registered offender. He had drywalled over the access to the attic, but detectives heard her crying when interviewing him.

I believe he was killed in prison.  Good riddance.

Title: Re: Sex Offenders
Post by: Brewman on November 02, 2005, 09:43:48 am
I believe he was killed in prison.  Good riddance.

As was said by the Deputy in the movie Colors, "There's all kinds of justice in this world".  

Title: Re: Sex Offenders
Post by: JcDenton on November 02, 2005, 01:50:56 pm
In Canada you cannot carry a pistol. If you want to hurt someone you have to buy them a snowmobile.

Title: Re: Sex Offenders
Post by: Brewman on November 02, 2005, 03:55:11 pm
In Canada you cannot carry a pistol.

So what's it like living in a crime free country?

Title: Re: Sex Offenders
Post by: wmccall on November 02, 2005, 06:29:01 pm
Wmccall probably remembers the kid in Lancaster that was found alive after a couple days in the attic of a neighbor that was a registered offender. He had drywalled over the access to the attic, but detectives heard her crying when interviewing him.

I believe he was killed in prison.  Good riddance.

I remember that very well.  It was somewhere around 89-91  I think? I remember that for 2 reasons.  I live in a single story ranch with a full finished basement. Prior to that my daughter (now 21) had no problem playing in her playroom in the basement, or watching TV downstairs if we were upstairs.  After hearing that story she wouldn't stay up or downstairs unless we were with her, and she was scared to stay in her first floor bedroom (where that girl was abucted from)  That lasted a few years.

The other reason I remember it was I nearly got on the jury. I was in that jury pool and I decided I would have to tell the court that I couldn't be objective in that case for the reason outlined above.  They ended up filling up the jury before they got to me.  I ended up getting on a crack house trial, where I got to hear the testimony of an undercover Columbus officer who was key in the case. She was in her early 20s and absolutely gorgeous and these dumb idiots could't quit telling her all about thier operation.

If I remember right LT Dan, you told me you on your towns SWAT?  The rest of this trial I saw how tough and dangerous SWAT work is (they did the raid) and in the face of all that danger how well they documented every step of the raid.  I left that case with a hightened respect for SWAT.  Did I mention that undercover cop was a babe? She was a cross between Tyra Banks and Halle Berry.

Title: Re: Sex Offenders
Post by: LtDan on November 02, 2005, 09:50:02 pm
It's more dangerous walking up on a traffic stop alone not knowing who/what you are dealing with. With the SWAT entries, you train, practice, get in the proper mindset and take 10 to 15 well armed and like minded buddies with you. I am the SWAT team commander, used to be the assault team leader until I made Lieutenant. My job now is largely administrative, the officers lovingly refer to my position as a FAG (Former Action Guy). At least I think they mean it lovingly...
Title: Re: Sex Offenders
Post by: JcDenton on November 02, 2005, 11:19:55 pm

 So what's it like living in a crime free country?

Excellent! ;)

The only problem is that someone keeps posting my pic without my permission.

Title: Re: Sex Offenders
Post by: Brewman on November 03, 2005, 07:58:52 am
You mean in the Post Office?
Title: Re: Sex Offenders
Post by: tootall on November 03, 2005, 02:25:22 pm
Whats even more up setting is that acording to stats for every 1 registerd sex offender there are 10 convicted murders that are out living amongst us. and no registry for them I figure people are more comfortable being killed. I am not making light of the need to keep track of sex offenders and keep an eye on them. But I think any one who has comitted a vilolent crime needs to be monitered and their wereabouts known. And the comunity made aware!
Title: Re: Sex Offenders
Post by: drewstar on November 03, 2005, 02:33:52 pm
Whats even more up setting is that acording to stats for every 1 registerd sex offender there are 10 convicted murders that are out living amongst us. and no registry for them I figure people are more comfortable being killed. I am not making light of the need to keep track of sex offenders and keep an eye on them. But I think any one who has comitted a vilolent crime needs to be monitered and their wereabouts known. And the comunity made aware!

Sex offenders usually prey upon young children who cannot protect themselves, or have the good judgement to protect themselves.

Real sex offenders (not people who got arrested for public urination and got classified as sex offenders) can not be rehabilitated.  

"murderers'  eh...a bit different. Are we talking Murder 1, or anyhone with a manslaughter conviction.  

Although I am all for a secure society. I also belive this is america not a facist state.
Title: Re: Sex Offenders
Post by: LtDan on November 03, 2005, 09:57:31 pm
Whats even more up setting is that acording to stats for every 1 registerd sex offender there are 10 convicted murders that are out living amongst us. and no registry for them I figure people are more comfortable being killed. I am not making light of the need to keep track of sex offenders and keep an eye on them. But I think any one who has comitted a vilolent crime needs to be monitered and their wereabouts known. And the comunity made aware!

Except for serial killers, murder is typically a controlled decision. Sex offenders are driven by "feelings" they can't/won't control. I'd rather live in a neighborhood with 10 convicted murderers than one sexual offender.