Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: magnoe on August 04, 2011, 01:43:50 pm
Hello all,
I'm new to this forum and also new to the world of hot tubs. It's great to have a forum to be involved with.
My wife and I are looking at getting a hot tub. I have received recommendations to look at Hot Spring tubs. I have an acquaintance this is looking to sell his 2005 Hot Spring Vista that is in good shape. He's asking about $4,500. Is this a fair price?
Thank you for any feedback!
Hello all,
I'm new to this forum and also new to the world of hot tubs. It's great to have a forum to be involved with.
My wife and I are looking at getting a hot tub. I have received recommendations to look at Hot Spring tubs. I have an acquaintance this is looking to sell his 2005 Hot Spring Vista that is in good shape. He's asking about $4,500. Is this a fair price?
Thank you for any feedback!
People selling a used spa will often say their spa ran fine before they unhooked it only for the unsuspecting new owner to find out otherwise. Therefore, only buy a used spa if it is still in use, filled and running. Don't even think about purchasing something you can't see in operation regardless of whether its from a stranger, your friend, your favorite brother or the Pope.
In general I'd say a 6 year old spa should be worth about 25% of its original price but that varies depending on what shape its in (so more like 25% ± 15% based on condition). So without seeing it I'd say $4500 is too high IMO. Maybe $3500 if spa and cover are in very good shape, $2500 if in good shape, $1500 if its just ok...
Thank you for that valuable feedback. I'm the epitome of a "newbie" in regard to shopping for a hot tub. I believe the water is still in the hot tub. We will most likely be inspecting it in the next 2 days.
On those used spas, keep in mind that you will most likely have to invest in other areas. For instance, that spa probably has an older, if not the original cover on it. That's going to be $400-$500. Also, I always recommend new filters for a used tub... you just never know (even if it is your friend.) On that spa, they use the Tri-X filters, so that will run you $260+ at least.