Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: mblm on April 14, 2011, 10:29:42 pm
We are purchasing a hot tub and don't know whether we want a black shell or pearl color. Which would be better looking and which is easier to maintain?
Darker shell colors are going to show more whether it be water spots or an evaporation line around the water level. Also, in my opinion the lighter shells will reflect LED lighter better.
Welcome to the forum. I'll mainly emphasize the LEDs feature. Black shells absorb the light and the pearl ones look really great lit up.
I'll chime in since I had a similar question about 6 months ago. We liked a deep blue color, and were swayed to a pearl/opal color after a few posts, then someone mentioned how both look great at night.
We went with the deep blue (Twilight on the Sundance line) and absolutely love it...the colors look awesome at night with LED lights, which is when we spend most of the time in the tub.
In other words, I don't think you'll go wrong either way. We do have to occasionally run a sponge near the water line with slightly high CH in our water, but it really isn't an inconvenience...
Keep in mid that 95% of the day the cover is on and you don't even see the shell until you open it. Get whichever color you like.
Go with which one you like better, But with the LED lights know the lighter the color the lights will show better and also may have a different color spa every night with the lights,,,red, green, blue, purple,, etc.....
How good does the shell and the LED lights look when you are sitting in your spa, head back, eye closed and relaxing?
good point but there are people that use a hot tub to talk with theere other half,,,so the lighting makes it nicer,,,,
also decided to check them out,
1. internet spa purchase,,,,Brand Name? and use U.S cities as the name of the spas..
2. U.K product... whats the cost if someone in the states purchases?
3. Warranty, 5 year shell, 2 year electrical and plumbing, 12 month labor....thats great..
4. Sorry not amzing spa IMO....
5. 12 to 16 person tub,,,really.....!!!! ;D ;D ;D
6. Maybe in U.K they are fine and the service you offer,, but here in the states!!!!!
We had a spa with a black speckled shell and replaced it with one with a shell which is white with some grey swirls. One reason we went with a light shell was because we upgraded the lighting to LEDs.
Thus far I'm liking the lighter shell. I liked the looks of the darker shell, but it did tend to show white marks when the water line dropped. I'm not sure how much difference there'd be between a light or dark shell at night with the LED lights, but the white shell does seem to light up.
One thing I really like about the light shell is that during the day the water shows up as a nice light aqua blue.
Here's some pics of the white shell and the LEDs...
right on.....
Wow colo_artist spa is awesome! I like the construction and I think these are good colors specially aqua and purplish color.
Wow colo_artist spa is awesome! I like the construction and I think these are good colors specially aqua and purplish color.
Thanks. It's a Marquis Wish (
The Shell color is quite decisive, a thorough check-up is needed :p
As previously said, a lighter Shell would better enhance LED luminosity.
I also recommend you Blue, or Denim (like blue jeans) color. I saw it at 109th Guangzhou Fair.
Looked great.
Good day
Great pictures. White is clean to look at, but the thing is, it really doesn't matter because the purpose is to relax while enjoying the massage in your hot tub.
Chill and Good luck.
What a thorough checkup,, a checkup on what ??? he is showing the colorson the tub he just got,,, i lighter color makes the light why would you say blue or denim....
I also recommend you Blue, or Denim (like blue jeans) color. I saw it at 109th Guangzhou Fair.
Those China spas should stick to earth tone colors.
That way they'll blend in with their surroundings better, that being the local landfill where they typically end up in just a few short years.
agree.....We need to support our U.S made spa companies....
Those are standard Lucite colors found on most brands of spas.......
Today my spa is one month old. I did some general maintenance like swapping out the filters and cleaning the cover. With my old spa, one with a dark shell, I'd also be cleaning off the white water ring. At first I didn't think there was a ring on the new spa's shell, buy only on close inspection did I find one.
White is nice.