Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: honeypot on May 26, 2010, 03:30:04 pm

Title: What do you have over your hot tub?
Post by: honeypot on May 26, 2010, 03:30:04 pm
Hello everyone.

My Tempo was installed last Friday and the electrician did his work on Monday.  Woo Hoo!  Lovin' it!

I failed to take into account that the new patio and hot tub sit in the sun from noon on.  The tub cover is burning hot to the touch.  Now I'm thinking "maybe this can't be good for the cover or the spa"?  What do you have over yours if it's on the side of your house that gets the hot afternoon sun?


Title: Re: What do you have over your hot tub?
Post by: rick_in_cleveland on May 27, 2010, 12:03:17 pm
Mine is in the sun from 10AM to 5PM.  I'm on my second cover as the first lasted 6 years.  As long as you  treat it periodically with something like 303 Protectant you should be fine.  Enjoy your tub
Title: Re: What do you have over your hot tub?
Post by: Spatech_tuo on May 27, 2010, 01:23:53 pm
Mine is in the sun from 10AM to 5PM.  I'm on my second cover as the first lasted 6 years.  As long as you  treat it periodically with something like 303 Protectant you should be fine.  Enjoy your tub

I agee, I prefer the open feel with nothing overhead of the spa. I know it will cause my cover vinyl to wear sooner than if it was covered and I don't expect 6 years from my cover but if you use a good protectant I think you can get 4+.
Title: Re: What do you have over your hot tub?
Post by: honeypot on May 27, 2010, 02:24:42 pm
Wow, have I put myself through all of this worry for nothing?  When the guys delivered my spa they said that since I have the 'pearl' interior I shouldn't let it bake in the sun because it may eventually crack... that freaked me out  :o.  That's just great...what about my parties where I plan on having the tub open all day?   Then I went out and felt how hot the cover was and thought that just like you put a shield in your car window to protect the interior, maybe I should put something over my tub.  I looked at the gazebo things which are really nice looking, but way out of my budget. 

I was thinking about getting one of the tent like structures and securing it to the ground?  Of course, then when the stars are out at night I'll be looking at vinyl.  ugh that's not appealing.

Do you sun worshipers put sun lotion on before entering your spa?   Does that mess up the filter or water or?

Remember, I'm a newbie and need all the advice I can get. 


Thank you.

Title: Re: What do you have over your hot tub?
Post by: Bonibelle on May 27, 2010, 02:59:03 pm
HI Pam,

I have an inexpensive off- set umbrella. You can find some real expensive ones, but I found my in Ace Hardware several years ago and as long as you bring it in during the winter, it lasts. I like the umbrella because you can take it down to see the stars and if it is so hot, it does allow you to still soak without out frying. And I can even turn it around to shade my dog if she wants to lay on the deck during the point being that it is portable opposed to a gazebo structure. I also purchased one of those fabric covered gazebos for a party last summer (out in the yard, not over the tub) and it is a piece of junk. It came from K-Mart and it is a rusted piece of don't go that route.

I think your delivery guy probably meant not to leave the dry tub uncovered for long periods in the sun.  I am sure you will be fine partying in the tub during the day.

The downside of the umbrella however is that you will have to remember to close it up when storms are predicted or it will take off...mine almost did last summer!!

Good luck ( if you have an Ace Hardware..they have an off-set on sale right now for 59.00)
Title: Re: What do you have over your hot tub?
Post by: BNMac on May 27, 2010, 03:00:35 pm
Hot Tub Noobs here - hi fellow soaker folks!

We currently have nothing over the tub, but living in the great northwet, we'll eventually put an awning over the entire patio including the area where the tub currently sits:



The awning will be (optionally) open on the sides so we'll stlll be able to gaze at the stars when we have no cloud cover.

Yes, we are sun worshippers as well - and we wear nothing in the tub including sunscreen.  The less that goes in, the less that has to be extracted back out.  We shower before entering the tub, 'cause the tub is for soaking, not bathing. 

We've had the tub for a couple months now, and it's been quite an experience fussing over water chemistry and lots and lots of other issues.  But as of last night, we've soaked 21 times, and had exactly one guest, whom wore exactly the same as us.

We tend to prefer natural hot water to this artificial thing, but beings we are about 3 hours away from a respectable natural hot water soak, we finally decided to break down and buy one. 

It's a Columbia Spas Teton, 25 jets, 5HP motor & full time recirc + ozone. 

Title: Re: What do you have over your hot tub?
Post by: ejf The Spa Guy on May 27, 2010, 03:06:16 pm
Up in our area most of customersup here in the Spokane area leave them open to the sun, best time to enjoy the openness is when the snow is falling... just do not leave your spa empty and the cover open . thats were you will have the problem.... just make sure you use a cover conditioner on the cover it will last longer, my personal spa is in the sun all day no shade to it at all. and no problems...
Title: Re: What do you have over your hot tub?
Post by: Spatech_tuo on May 27, 2010, 04:19:03 pm
Wow, have I put myself through all of this worry for nothing?  When the guys delivered my spa they said that since I have the 'pearl' interior I shouldn't let it bake in the sun because it may eventually crack... that freaked me out  :o.  That's just great...what about my parties where I plan on having the tub open all day? 

You should keep it covered when the spa is EMPTY. If the spa is filled with water you're fine to leave it open for parties during the day.
Title: Re: What do you have over your hot tub?
Post by: Zep on May 27, 2010, 04:45:45 pm
Hot Tub Noobs here - hi fellow soaker folks! It's a Columbia Spas Teton, 25 jets, 5HP motor & full time recirc + ozone.  --BNMac...

Looks like a great set-up!
Title: Re: What do you have over your hot tub?
Post by: BNMac on May 27, 2010, 05:41:54 pm
Thanks!  That spot has changed a lot since we bought the place 8 years ago - it was a mud hole with a real crappy set of stairs/landing and junk doors.  We still have a long ways to go, but it feels like home now.

I'll contribute to other topics in the days to come - I have a clear pale green water issue that I believe is related to the blue dye in the "clarifier" solution we use when the water is cloudy.  The tub is cream colored with small dark specks.  I'll get a snap one of these days and will post it.

Cheers, Naturally!

--BNMac, (for you natural hot springers out there)
Title: Re: What do you have over your hot tub?
Post by: rick_in_cleveland on May 28, 2010, 02:41:47 pm
I think that as you use your tub it will be used in the early AM or at night and not during the day

Title: Re: What do you have over your hot tub?
Post by: Vanguard on May 28, 2010, 04:19:49 pm
All I've ever had over my spa are the stars at night that are big and bright, here in the heart of Texas!!  8)
Title: Re: What do you have over your hot tub?
Post by: ejf The Spa Guy on May 28, 2010, 08:06:38 pm
 that sounds good but i don't think you can beat sitting in the spa and lightly the Northwest
Title: Re: What do you have over your hot tub?
Post by: Bonibelle on May 28, 2010, 09:33:07 pm
Ok, so one of the soaks that stands out in my mind was during a fairly heavy rain at about 40 degrees.  Typically that is the weather that I really really hate...We put on hats and pulled the spa blanket so that it could hang off the opened spa cover well over our heads like an awning ..It was so awesome being nice and warm in a cooold downpour!

I do think soaking in a snow is the amazing though! ;)
Title: Re: What do you have over your hot tub?
Post by: Chas on May 29, 2010, 11:52:57 am
The title of this thread caught me off guard - I don't "Have anything over my spa," other than some blurry photographs in a compromising situation with a much-younger Jacuzzi, but that's been forgiven and we have moved on.
Title: Re: What do you have over your hot tub?
Post by: Bonibelle on May 29, 2010, 02:18:21 pm
Haha...this thread may have helped me get my reminded me to say something to my kid about how bad I want a pergola over the he says he is going to build it for me...If it happens, I will post a picture (right after I faint!)
Title: Re: What do you have over your hot tub?
Post by: ndabunka on May 29, 2010, 06:27:24 pm
The OP asked about sun tan lotion before getting in the tub.... I know that conditioner's create a LOT of foam and I would think that suntan lotion would also be a NO-NO
Title: Re: What do you have over your hot tub?
Post by: honeypot on June 02, 2010, 03:54:43 pm
Thanks for all the responses.

I have decided to use a large umbrella that hangs over the tub.  It's working quite well.  If I could just figure out these chemicals (see other thread, please  :-[

As far as lotion is concerned, I always have an spf on.  I grew up in Florida and did plenty of baking... now it's time that the wrinkles might start showing so I am always putting on sunscreen.  Hope the tub can handle it.

Pam aka honeypot
Title: Re: What do you have over your hot tub?
Post by: Bonibelle on June 02, 2010, 07:18:49 pm
Smart lady...use that sun screen... ;)