Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: TN__HOT_TUB on January 18, 2010, 04:18:53 pm

Title: Air Lock FLO
Post by: TN__HOT_TUB on January 18, 2010, 04:18:53 pm
This probably belongs in the BEAT A DEAD HORSE section, but I didn't find what I was looking for using the search option.

I get the dreaded FLO message on my spa (Artesian Island)

I have drained, refilled the tub.  I even put the hose down the filter pipe.  I've even bled the pump hoping that would work (water came out, so I figured that would have cured it).

Crazy thing is that my spa pump will work in both high and low, but the low only works if I cycle it to high speed and then back to low speed.  This is a pain for me because the thermostat and heater don't kick the pump into high speed (just tries low speed, gets a FLO error and then shuts down)

Anybody got any ideas?
Title: Re: Air Lock FLO
Post by: wmccall on January 18, 2010, 04:39:51 pm
I had a similar situation and it was a flow sensor, It was going to be a few days before the tech got there so the factory told me how to jumper the sensor to allow it run at least run up to temp, at which point I would have to do it again.  This at least allowed me to keep the tub from freezing.
Title: Re: Air Lock FLO
Post by: Jacuzzi Jim on January 18, 2010, 05:40:29 pm
 Kinda sounds like a sticky relay on the circuit brd?   Could be a pump issue, but its strange that you can kick into high spd then to low.  But when it calls for heat low doesn't kick in?

   By what your describing it doesn't sound like a flow sensor problem though. 

Still under warranty?   And dumb question, but you don't have a circ pump right? 
Title: Re: Air Lock FLO
Post by: TN__HOT_TUB on January 18, 2010, 05:41:32 pm
I've been manually turning the pump on each evening.  Kinda stinks.

Filter cycle works because it goes on high speed first and then back down to low speed...but the thermostat only turns on the low speed pump.

Tub is about 4 years old and doesn't have circ pump
Title: Re: Air Lock FLO
Post by: Jacuzzi Jim on January 18, 2010, 05:49:38 pm
 Sounds like a bad circuit brd.  By the fact the pump does run in low spd manually.   Hopefully someone may chime in with another idea.   Downfall with that is you have to replace the whole pak, I don't believe you can change just the board?  We haven't sold Artesian for about 5/6 years now.   

 Good luck!