Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: stuart on August 11, 2009, 08:50:12 pm
I've said this before but things like ARC-fault breakers and GFCI's are not helping the gene pool...Think about it, someone that sets their stereo on the side of the spa or uses the blow-dryer in in the bathtub is not really smart enough to let breed and should be taken out by natural selection.
If we keep saving these people we will have a hard time breeding intelligence into the human race.... ;) :P :-*
Mother's milk leads to Heroin addiction.
Like I have always said the NEC purpose is to protect the morons.
Outside of the workplace when someones ask me is ok to wire their 50-amp spa with 12-awg aluminum and install a ceiling fan 5-feet about the spa (easier to change the bulbs and fan speed that way). I tell you them you do what you think is best. ;D
Some of the stuff I have seen over the years I am surprised people have not killed themselves or burned down the house.
But, small aluminum is so much cheaper than thick copper! Go ahead and direct-bury it, too. It'll last months and months before you have to worry about it! Hmmm, ceiling fan above the hot tub. There's an idea! Just run it off of an indoor extension cord so you can unplug it when not in use for extra safety! Forget GFCI and those annoying nuisance trips.
Just kidding, BTW! I'm responsible for designing control panels and 3-phase electricial distribution systems that operate up to 575 volts. Trust HAVE to make this stuff moron-proof because the world is full of morons and greedy lawyers. Even when you do things "right" and to code, it still costs you to defend yourself on occasion.
Being safety-minded, I didn't trust some of my local electricians. I've seen some of their work. I chose to do my own electrical because I know it's done right. It's a sad day when the homeowner has to inspect the electrician's work!
Respecting the humor of the original post, I guess we have to protect the children of morons. Some of our greatest citizens come from very humble backgrounds.
Considering the number of warning labels that exist on each new string of Christmas lights I buy, I can't believe the entire cabinet of tubs isn't sticker-covered.
"Don't play electric guitars while in tub"
"Long periods of submersion in tub could lead to permanent damage to person"
"Floatation device recommended"
Haha! The products manufactured by the company I work for are covered in dozens of warning labels. Internally, we've joked about making one HUGE label that says, "USE THIS PRODUCT AT YOUR OWN RISK!". Of course, then we'd still face a lawsuit stating the client couldn't read.
I live with the thought "here's your sign" ringing through my head often and I've often asked, "did you have an uncontrollable urge to think without any real capability?"
As I've often stated...Common Sense is not that common...they put a warning on desiccant to not eat it because it probably happened somewhere!
they put a warning on desiccant to not eat it because it probably happened somewhere!
That stuff is good on pizza, it keeps it from getting soggy. ;D
they put a warning on desiccant to not eat it because it probably happened somewhere!
That stuff is good on pizza, it keeps it from getting soggy. ;D
It might work ok on Chicago "pizza" since they make its more like pizza "stew" but not on real NY style pizza, it sucks all the moisture out of the sauce. ;) ;D
Will it work in my husband's car? He left Monday and forgot to close his moonroof...We had one heck of a rain storm last night...his car is very very soggy!!!