Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: COWBOY on April 22, 2009, 04:29:39 pm

Title: Hot weather question
Post by: COWBOY on April 22, 2009, 04:29:39 pm
Im a first year user from Oklahoma & was wondering what other people do with their tub when it get's hot. Unless it feels good to use mine as a cold tub i don't anticipate using mine at all here fairly soon till probably mid to late october. Is it recomended to keep the tub up all summer long on chemicals turned to vacation mode or drain the tub. Again anyone have any experience with using a tub in the summer at say 85 to 90 degrees.
Title: Re: Hot weather question
Post by: Zep on April 22, 2009, 05:18:14 pm
COWBOY (as in OK State?)

I am in Texas and last summer I shut mine down from June-Sept.

People will say it is bad for some parts and seals to let it sit drained.

I had zero problems after draining and shutting mine down last summer
and my brother in Colorado has shut his down for months at a time
for many years without any problems.

Of course if you "go by the book" it is a "no no".

It's up to you....mine will be drained again this summer
using no electricity/no chems while the Texas temps are
nearing 100 all summer long.'s 87 today in Dallas and we're in April!

Good luck!

Title: Re: Hot weather question
Post by: soak-king on April 22, 2009, 05:24:44 pm
I use mine to cool off in the summer sometimes.  ;D
I  turn the temp all the way down, engage the summer mode, prop the cover open with tennis balls, add bags of ice, whatever...It's still nice to sit in a cool tub of water and get some jet action going after cutting the grass, a long bike ride or after a power nap 8-).

On some spas you might be able to turn off the breaker to the heater and not have to worry about it getting hot or seals leaking from drying out.
Title: Re: Hot weather question
Post by: COWBOY on April 22, 2009, 06:02:45 pm
You are correct zeb (cowboy as in ok state not gooner sooner)
Title: Re: Hot weather question
Post by: Zep on April 22, 2009, 06:23:40 pm
Cowboy....boy ya'll were good last year.

I came up to Stillwater a few years ago for an SMU/OSU game.

Eskimo Joes is fun....people were real nice.

Maybe some of the dealers will chime in, but they usually
advise not draining and letting a tub sit for months at a time.

You should listen to them more than me, but like I
said...I do it.....but I don't always go by the book.
Title: Re: Hot weather question
Post by: fdegree on April 22, 2009, 06:47:23 pm
If the tub is drained for the summer, are there any special preparations needed for an easy, trouble free start-up in the fall?

Another thought, is there any harm in leaving it full, just turn the power off for the summer?
Title: Re: Hot weather question
Post by: michiganwinter on April 22, 2009, 07:21:18 pm
I have only had mine in the cold weather so far but am hoping that I can just turn the temperature down during the summer months and keep using it since it is so relaxing.

How low have folks gone with the temperature in the tub, and at what point does it typically become unbearable to use it?
Title: Re: Hot weather question
Post by: just ducky on April 22, 2009, 08:24:40 pm
I have only had mine in the cold weather so far but am hoping that I can just turn the temperature down during the summer months and keep using it since it is so relaxing.

How low have folks gone with the temperature in the tub, and at what point does it typically become unbearable to use it?

I'm also in Michigan, and although we've only had our tub a couple months, I don't ever see shutting mine down for the same reason.  Hell, I've been in the hot tub on a cruise ship in the southern Caribbean in 90-100 degree heat and loved it!  True, we don't get the heat you get in Texas or Oklahoma, but even when it's in the 90's here, I guarantee I'll be in the tub.  
Title: Re: Hot weather question
Post by: wmccall on April 23, 2009, 12:24:54 pm
I hate to agree with people from Michigan, but here in Ohio, even when the summer days top 90 with the humidity in the same number, it does still cool down a bit at night.  We turn our tub down to 101 usually and soak around 11pm or later on weekends, or 5am as well when it isn't that hot.  We still need the relaxation and therapy all summer long.  If it is still hot outside, after the relaxing soak we still come in to the air conditioned house.