Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Mr._Bubbles on February 23, 2009, 11:08:45 am
I’m not sure if I can explain this clearly. The water fall light on my Bengal seems to have some type of clear/yellow spray or sealant over the actual light bar itself, not the plastic frame. If you look close, there seems to be small air or water bubbles trapped under this film. You can move the bubbles around if you press on them.
Anyone know what may be going on and if I should be concerned.
Thank You
Anyone? I'm going to contact the dealer, but thought I could get some help here first.
It's most likely there to keep the light bar secured while allowing the light to come through. Air bubbles behind it shouldn't be any cause for concern.
Does the light shine through this film? Does it in anyway stop the water flow? I don't see any sealant on the TR spa waterfall so I wonder if it is just some silcone which is used under the waterfall plastic slot. :o
Does the light shine through this film? Does it in anyway stop the water flow? I don't see any sealant on the TR spa waterfall so I wonder if it is just some silcone which is used under the waterfall plastic slot. :o
Yes, the light shines through the film. It is a yellowish film over the white light bar only, not where the water exits the tub(waterfall). I'm thinking it was clear at first, but turned yellow. There are tiny water bubbles under the film, you can move them around. Maybe I can get a picture.
WEll, you can certainly try a photo or your dealer will help. How old is the spa?
I doubt this is anything to worry about though as long as the light comes through it fine. But I will be happy to look at the photos. send em on.
WEll, you can certainly try a photo or your dealer will help. How old is the spa?
I doubt this is anything to worry about though as long as the light comes through it fine. But I will be happy to look at the photos. send em on.
It is just under a year old. I guess that’s why I am a little concerned, I think the light only has a 1 year warranty and I don’t want to run into problems down the road. Is there supposed to be any sealant over the light bar? It almost looks like it could be a yellow slime film, but it’s only on the light bar and it seems to have elasticity to it. Like I said, you can move the tiny trapped water bubbles around under the film. I hate to have the dealer come out if it’s nothing, but maybe I should.
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Here is a pic, I'm pretty sure the lightbar was white(or the film was clear) when it was new.
I see it. I think there is a sealant or rubber over this area, where the led light is. The light only carries a one year warranty, but I would suggest you call your local rep and find out if they think this is an issue to be worried about. I have never seen this, so I have no clue as to the long term implications. Sorry.....
You could also have them send the photo to the manufacturer if they don't know what it is. Just email them the photo 1st and see if their service dept. can help, or pay for the service call if you are really worried.