Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Rockdoctor26 on November 24, 2008, 03:00:14 pm
Hey all, I'm still in the process of choosing a tub and budget is playing a major factor in my decision. I was looking through the costco website and came across a number of tubs that were very inexpensive! I just wanted to get some advice and suggestions about the Costco products.
I know most people say that Costco tubs are cheaply made and have poor customer service and are poorly insulated but i've been doing some research and found out that on top of their manufacturer warranty they have a 24/7 hotline that helps troubleshoot your problems with you. And they have a perimeter insulation package as well as insulation on the frame and tub itself...which is similar ot some of the major brands. And i found out that the company that manufactures these models also makes some of the other major brands.
The Centurion 1061 tub has many of the features as some of the major brands discussed in this forum but at a fraction of the cost. This tub is selling for $5500 and includes LED lighting, 61 jets, 5-layer insulation (which has the perimeter insulation as well as insulation around the the tub itself and on the frame) its not as fancy looking and doesn't have as many lights or have a stereo but is $4K cheaper than most of the tubs i've been looking at. Here is a link to the tub:
Costco is also selling the Pilates XP1 which is going for 10K and has the stereo, 92 jets with massage rollers and a programmable massage seat, led light (only one), the ozonator and the same insulation package as the centurion. Here is the link to that tub:
So would you buy one or would you shell out the extra 3-5K for one of the bigger names? :-?
I wouldn't do it. Not only is the quality, energy efficiency, filtration, etc. inferior, but the biggest challenge is that all of the manufacturers that sell to Costco end up going out of business. HydroSpa and Infinity Spas are a prime example. I think you can return a spa to Costco within 1 or 2 years, but do you really want to go through that hassle? Another thing to keep in mind with big box spas is that delivery is to your curb, not to your back yard. You should be able to find a quality spa with similar features for $1,000-$3,000 more. Where do you live?
Perimeter insulation? I was skiing in a snow storm with a buddy, and my "perimeter insulation" kept me nice and warm. Long underwear, a shirt, a sweater, and a nice down jacket. My buddy, SOB, he died of hypothermia. WTF? He also had "perimeter insulation"....though, it was only a T-shirt
Get the picture here ;) ? Even when comparing apples to apples, a Granny Smith aint no Golden Delicious.
I know most people say that Costco tubs are cheaply made and have poor customer service and are poorly insulated but i've been doing some research and found out that on top of their manufacturer warranty they have a 24/7 hotline that helps troubleshoot your problems with you. And they have a perimeter insulation package as well as insulation on the frame and tub itself...which is similar ot some of the major brands. And i found out that the company that manufactures these models also makes some of the other major brands.
So would you buy one or would you shell out the extra 3-5K for one of the bigger names? :-?
1) That 24/7 phone line has a different purpose than you think. That is SOLELY there to talk the customer into fixing their own spa. That is how they keep warranty costs down. It is simple; you will be the #1 service guy for your tub. With some DIYer type people, that's fine. That number is not there for you to say "please come fix my spa".
2) Doc's analogy is perfect. I'm not a fan of that type of insulation from any of the makers who go that route but there's is substandard by any comparison. They probably even have some sharp Marketing name for their insulation method like "Heat Miser" but it'll cost you double to run per month versus a well insulated spa.
3) Sure, they do manufacture for other brands but the problem is their quality is consistent across the board. They used to be called Hydro Spas. Then they changed their name to Tatum. Now they've changed it to Living Waters. When they change it again I'll come back to this post and add their latest name. In the end the name changes but the product stays the same.
I'm not saying this spa is overpriced. It’s just that it’s not a deal. It is what it is, a lower priced, lower quality spa where you will be the #1 service guy and getting warranty coverage is probably iffy. IFFFFF you are a major DIYer willing to take on a project then maybe its for you. If you want to buy and enjoy without on the job training as a spa tech then I'd look elsewhere.
Now just a dang minute! Quit running down these bargain spas.
Our first hot tub was kind of like that (not from Costco). Not even as nice as that, because it only had two or three jets per seat. We bought it for I think $3500 CAD so probably about $5000 in today's dollars. It had about 3/4" of foam sprayed on the shell and nothing else for insulation. We kept it inside a sun-room. The walls of the room were insulated, so , insulation or lack thereof on the spa was no problem.
At first I would replace the jets whenever the ball bearings fell out, but after a while I stopped. The jets weren't under warranty and cost $15 each. Besides the jets still worked after they stopped spinning. I fixed a leaky slice valve with epoxy and a C-clamp. When the water pressure dropped, the dealer said to bring in the motor/pump. It was really easy to take out, and I was able to run it into town (90 minute drive), leave it for them to test, and pick up the new one two weeks later. No improvement in flow or pressure, but at least I had a new pump. It was easy to install, too. And the thing with the mice was amusing in retrospect (search the forum for 'mouse trap' and maybe you'll find that story).
That spa lasted four or five years with pressure and another couple without (still nicer than the bathtub for soaking) and I think it was worth what I paid for it. At the end, the cover was in like-new condition (I had treated it per instructions) and the cedar siding still looked good (I sanded and stained it just before we sold the house ::) ) The new owners threw it out and bought a new one. I can't understand why, as the old one still kept the water hot. :D
True story. Were we foolish to go that route, or was that money well spent?
You should go into some dealers and see what they can do in the price point. I ask all of our wholesale retailers if they have stuff to compete with the mass-merchant tubs. They say yes, but sometimes don't get a chance to pitch because the mass-merchant customer never comes in. People just assume that since it's Costco there is no way anyone can touch the deal and don't shop around. IMHO if you run a spa store and don't carry something in that price price point (and I'm not talking about the 2 person soaker tub), you deserve to lose out to the mass merchants. Most of the spa mfrs have lines to compete. D1 has @home, Artestian has Island Spas, Sundance has the old Sweetwater line (680 series now I think).
The only way I'd buy one of those spas is if I were a certified spa tech looking for stuff to do in my off duty time! ;D
If money is an issue maybe you should browse
Here is one on CraigsList in Calgary.
Be advised though unless you buy a top brand from
a dealer there is always some risk.
[size=18]2008 Model Hot Tub - $2650[/size]
Date: 2008-11-12, 8:59AM MST
Relax and enjoy in your very own spa!!! 6 person hot tub
with built-in waterfall, 6 bhp pump, LED mood lighting,
comes fully loaded with mfg warranty and 24/7 tech support.
Cost $5200 Sell for $2650. Call 403-770-0212
For the most part; you get what you pay for and you pay for what you get. Would I blow $5500 on a Costco tub; never.
To put it bluntly, NO!
I think last year Costco actually sold a Hot Springs Hot Tub but I don't see it on their web was an internet purchase only
This is the newest addition to the Hot Spot line, the "La Palma" from the people who bring you HotSpring spas. It is large, deep, has a large number of jets, is fully insulated, and can be ordered with a stereo if you wish. I have it on sale for just slightly higher than the price you have quoted for the off-brand tub. I may put one in my own backyard - depending on how my end-of-year sale goes.
I would see if you can find a deal on one near you - at least it is worth looking at.
Here is a pdf -
Chas....thats the type of foot dome I love!
The guy who sold me my spa said is was the best spa ever made and always will be. So I've got that going for me .... which is nice because I don't have to ever worry.
I've posted this many times over the years...
The manager of one of the local Wal-Marts bought a HotSpring Landmark from me. His brother bought a HS Vanguard. His parents bought a HS Jetsetter. He referred the manager of the local Sam's Club who bought a HS Vista. He referred his friend, the manager of another Wal-Mart, who bought a Tiger River Bengal.
When I brought up the fact that his company sells spas, his reply is that "I'll sell them all day, but there's no way I'd own one of them."
That spa Chas is showing is exactly what I am talking about. Not all elite brand manufacturer spas are $10k. If your budget is $5000-6000, it doesn't mean you can only shop at Costco. On the other hand, I think retailers need to do a better job of comparing comparable price point models instead of just dismissing the low price point tubs all together.
If money is an issue maybe you should browse
Here is one on CraigsList in Calgary.
Be advised though unless you buy a top brand from
a dealer there is always some risk.
[size=18]2008 Model Hot Tub - $2650[/size]
Date: 2008-11-12, 8:59AM MST
Relax and enjoy in your very own spa!!! 6 person hot tub
with built-in waterfall, 6 bhp pump, LED mood lighting,
comes fully loaded with mfg warranty and 24/7 tech support.
Cost $5200 Sell for $2650. Call 403-770-0212
This is an Infinity spa, we know the mold well since the bought them from Waters Edge back a few years ago. Have fun with the 24/7 since they are not answering the phones!
If money is an issue maybe you should browse
Here is one on CraigsList in Calgary.
Be advised though unless you buy a top brand from
a dealer there is always some risk.
[size=18]2008 Model Hot Tub - $2650[/size]
Date: 2008-11-12, 8:59AM MST
Relax and enjoy in your very own spa!!! 6 person hot tub
with built-in waterfall, 6 bhp pump, LED mood lighting,
comes fully loaded with mfg warranty and 24/7 tech support.
Cost $5200 Sell for $2650. Call 403-770-0212
personally I think this ad should not be legal. There is a guy here that uses the same misleading tactic. I believe they are flat out lying to a consumer by using the term "cost"
They should be saying MSRP is 5200.00, as we know even this number is inflated and misleading, but certainly not the cost.
When someone uses the term cost, it should mean what they paid for the item. Many people think these ads are a consumer that bought a spa for 5200, now does not want it and is willing to sell it for a 50% loss. The sign bandit up my way prints these road signs that look like someone used a marker when they actually have them printed in large quantities that way. They even say, "still in wrapper" to try to convince people someone is selling this for a loss. They also use the term cost.
These folks are back door dealers that work out of there house or a garage and mislead the public and flat out lie with the term "cost".
I guess there is a sucker born every minute..
yeah I guess a buyer would find that all out upon taking a look in person, but yeah it even made me wonder if it was someone that had won a spa in a raffle or something and was trying to get rid of it.
i think maybe if it's possible CraigsList and others like e-Bay should have a check mark box that says something like "This seller in an individual and not a business"....just to help clarify to potential buyers who they are buying from.
Of course there are many individual sellers that are not in the business on CraigsList and e-bay that are just trying to sell their tub for a variety of reasons.
Usually the buyer has all the power and should be an informed buyer.
i think maybe if it's possible CraigsList and others like e-Bay should have a check mark box that says something like "This seller in an individual and not a business"....just to help clarify to potential buyers who they are buying from.
That's a great idea. I mean, these sellers are using BS marketing words, here's a place they'd be forced to be honest ::) (sorry, couldn't resist)
(craigslist currently does this for car sales.... how many dealers do you think actually check the box saying they're a dealer, not an individual????)
doc there is a way to break into fort knox does
that mean we should leave the doors open?
i think maybe if it's possible CraigsList and others like e-Bay should have a check mark box that says something like "This seller in an individual and not a business"....just to help clarify to potential buyers who they are buying from.
It would not matter. They would still lie. There is a guy in my state that tells folks he is not a spa store. He just buys a few to give people the best deal he can because he just cares. Thats why he sells the way he does. This is the tactic he uses to run his HOME BUSINESS. Would this guy check off Business or individual on the box option. One more way to legitimize his deception.
true not much in life is 100% effective
we have all kinds of rules/laws in society that are broken everyday
but i think if a guy checked "Not A Business" and potential clients
drove for miles to come look at his products and found out the guy
was lying some would be pissed off enough to mark a complaint
or provide negative feedback like on e-bay. I am EXTREMELY
protective of my 100% Positive feedback rating on e-Bay after
447 transactions.
true not much in life is 100% effective
we have all kinds of rules/laws in society that are broken everyday
but i think if a guy checked "Not A Business" and potential clients
drove for miles to come look at his products and found out the guy
was lying some would be pissed off enough to mark a complaint
or provide negative feedback like on e-bay. I am EXTREMELY
protective of my 100% Positive feedback rating on e-Bay after
447 transactions.
I agree, but you are an honerable person. So they only bring one spa in the garage at home at a time for pick-up. Believe me, they are in the business to decieve, I see there signs everyday and talk to there customers all the time.
doc there is a way to break into fort knox does
that mean we should leave the doors open?
Was that supposed to read;
IF there is a way to break into fort knox does
that mean we should leave the doors open?
The answer to that is, of course not, SEAL UP THE HOLE ;D
Using your example though, I think another analogy would be, "why bother closing the door at all, just tell people if they don't belong in there to stay out.". People that are liars and deceptive will simply CONTINUE to do so with any questions you might require them to answer. I think that if anything, the question would simply reinforce the belief a consumer might have that the seller is just a private party (not dealer).
People need to take responsibility for their own gullibility! You wouldn't believe how many potential customers I talk to that are comparing us to someone else. When asked what it is about the other company they like, they frequently say, "the other company is rated #1 in the industry.". I ask how they know this and their response is that "it says so on the other site". Even after I explain to them that there is NO "organization that "rates" these products, not in the "industry" or anywhere in the entire world for that matter...and ask them, if they were selling crap, do you think they would say right on their website, "we were rated with the crappiest product in the industry", a lot of them STILL don't get it!
We may not want to start a rumor to people in this industry that there is a way to break into fort knox right now.... 8-)
i must be missing something
there are liars on CraigsList
there are liars on e-Bay
there are liars at spa dealers
does that surprise anyone?
i have seen lots of hot tubs on CraigsList that are obviously being sold by
individuals who need/want to sell their hot tub, and some people if they are
so inclined can find a great deal on a used tub via CraigsList.
i must be missing something
there are liars on CraigsList
there are liars on e-Bay
there are liars at spa dealers
does that surprise anyone?
i have seen lots of hot tubs on CraigsList that are obviously being sold by
individuals who need/want to sell their hot tub, and some people if they are
so inclined can find a great deal on a used tub via CraigsList.
Maybe it is me, but I dont think 3K is a great deal for an 8 year old Sovereign with no warranty, delivery etc. They also state that a Sovereign sells for 9500, is that true? do they really get $9500 for a 1 pump 33" deep spa?
Holy Hot Tub Batman...
"Maybe it is me,
Maybe it's me, but it appears to me that you seem to think/imply
that good or great deals are not to be had on CraigsList for hot tubs?
Maybe great deals are to be had on all other products, just not Hot Tubs?
but I dont think 3K is a great deal for an 8 year
old Sovereign with no warranty, delivery etc"
BTW....I never said the link was a "great deal" but I'll play anyway.
Plus there are "not great deals" from a dealer too.
I dont think 3K is a great deal[/i]
Well I guess that depends doesn't it?
If you really want a spa and you have $2500 & make an
offer on a Hot Spring and get what you need/can afford.... it may be a great deal.
The point wasn't that this one particular spa was "THE ONE",
it would have to be examined, get the history, study the owner...ect
The point is that it's possible to find a great used tub on Craigslist
irregardless of the fact that some scam artist may sell stuff on CraigsList.
They also state that a Sovereign sells for 9500, is that true? do they really
get $9500 for a 1 pump 33" deep spa? Holy Hot Tub Batman... [/i]
I guess it depends where you buy it, but I think they usually go for about 7-8K.
Hi Zep,
Happy Thanksgiving.
Maybe it's me, but it appears to me that you seem to think/imply
that good or great deals are not to be had on CraigsList for hot tubs?
Maybe great deals are to be had on all other products, just not Hot Tubs?
I implied no such thing. I am sure there are many products that are some fine deals. I pay attention to Spas. I love this industry, I wish everyone was honest. Every happy customer regardless of where they purchase there spa will only become an advertisement for there friends to also purchase one. We were talking about dealers that advertise trying to appear as an individual taking a loss after paying "cost" and sacrificing that item for a huge discount.
BTW....I never said the link was a "great deal" but I'll play anyway.
Plus there are "not great deals" from a dealer too.
I wasn't playing, just taking part in a discussion. I only looked at a link you provided when talking about great deals on Craig's list.
Well I guess that depends doesn't it?
If you really want a spa and you have $2500 & make an
offer on a Hot Spring and get what you need/can afford.... it may be a great deal.
The point wasn't that this one particular spa was "THE ONE",
it would have to be examined, get the history, study the owner...ect
The point is that it's possible to find a great used tub on Craigslist
irregardless of the fact that some scam artist may sell stuff on CraigsList.
I was only commenting on that one ad. After all that is all you posted, and these comments were not part of your original post. But I stand by what I said.
I hope I can guide people to help make an informed decision. Paying 3K for an 8 year old appliance I believe is excessive. Paying 3K for an appliance that has run outdoors for 8 years under the impression that the owner spent 9500 for it when that is an exaggerated price even by today's standards I believe is misleading. I would have preferred if the owner had stated that they paid,,, lets say 6200.00 8 years ago and now are selling it for 3k. The truth never hurts.
I guess it depends where you buy it, but I think they usually go for about 7-8K.
But it does make a difference. a 10K spa selling for 3k is a 70% discount. Do you think they spent 9500 8 years ago? If they did not, why use current prices to describe an item. You know as well as I there have been many changes in 8 years, lets not even go there.
I don't know you, I don't know what you do what you sell or what your reputation is. I am sorry if you took our discussion about reputable dealers personal.
It is important that we all try to inform everyone about our industry and we work toward having a customer base that will sing the praises of spa ownership, regardless of the brand.
By the way, I just bought a car on ebay, half the age of that spa and at about a 90% discount.. had we used the current price that car sells for it would have been a 130% discount. Hell using that theory, they should have paid me to buy that car...
"I wish everyone was honest" you are in the spa business?
"I wish everyone was honest"
Kialda.....are you in the spa business?
Yes I am. I have enjoyed every minute of it.
"I am sorry if you took our discussion about reputable dealers personal"
personal? thats funny
i just sense a bias from you against buying a CraigsList spa, but i could be wrong
"I am sorry if you took our discussion about reputable dealers personal"
personal? thats funny
i just sense a bias from you against buying a CraigsList spa, but i could be wrong
You are wrong,,,, In fact we use Craigs list with our customers everyday... But no worries mate, no offense taken.. Did you miss my point?
In fact we use Craigs list with our customers everyday...
how so?
In fact we use Craigs list with our customers everyday...
how so?
I guess that answers my question. Just re-read the posts. I assume you are also in the spa business. I wish you well. Thanks for the fun on a slow night..
"I guess that answers my question"
You had a question?
"I assume you are also in the spa business' [/b]
You assume wrong.
btw I stated I sensed a bias against CraigsList spas from you and you stated:
"You are wrong,,,, In fact we use Craigs list with our customers everyday"
Then you said re-read your posts, but I fail to see anything in your posts
that follows your "we use CraigsList everyday with customers" that shows
any positive vibe from CraigsList your statement implied. Almost everything
you have stated in regard to CraigsList and spas has been negative.
"I guess that answers my question"
You had a question?
"I assume you are also in the spa business' [/b]
You assume wrong.
btw I stated I sensed a bias against CraigsList spas from you and you stated:
"You are wrong,,,, In fact we use Craigs list with our customers everyday"
Then you said re-read your posts, but I fail to see anything in your posts
that follows your "we use CraigsList everyday with customers" that shows
any positive vibe from CraigsList your statement implied. Almost everything
you have stated in regard to CraigsList and spas has been negative.
Yes I had a question, I asked if you missed my point..
You are right, I should not have assumed. So What business are you in?
The discussion was not about if I use craigs list, You just seem to have an issue with that for some reason. Again, we were talking about deception in advertising..
"Yes I had a question, I asked if you missed my point"
I don't think so.
"You are right, I should not have assumed. So What business are you in?"
Transportation and legal support.
"The discussion was not about if I use craigs list, You just seem to have an issue with that
for some reason. Again, we were talking about deception in advertising.."
We can agree to disagree, because in my mind discussions develop and several topics within
an original topic can develop as a discussion continues.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I don't think so.
We can agree to disagree,
well the second line I agree with, Have a great Holiday.....
"So What business are you in?"
Transportation and legal support.
Ambulance chaser? That and the Cowboy fan part would explain a lot! ;)
"Ambulance chaser?"
No...I help lawyers sue spa technicians that screw up! ;)
"That and the Cowboy fan part would explain a lot!"
Fun game today!
Thursday, November 27th, 2008
Dallas 34, Seattle 9
Wow, cute sister!!! ;D
Wow, cute << adopted >> sister!!! ;D
That's Zep's granddaughter, you knuckleheads....
Wow, things got off on a tangent there :)
What do you guys think of this tub? Anyone have or know of anyone that's had this tub?
if you're going to spend 10k go to a dealer. imho spending that much money requires the service after the sale that a dealer provides.
if you're going to spend 10k go to a dealer. imho spending that much money requires the service after the sale that a dealer provides.
I would agree. I would set the threshold lower - say $3000, but I admit to certain bias in this regard. ;)
I agree also, and may be bias, but if you are going to spend that kind of money, don't you want to be able to walk into the store and speak with the people who know everything about the tub rather than do things over the phone.
My customers tell me dealer support is one of the most important aspects of their tub purchases.
What do you guys think of this tub? Anyone have or know of anyone that's had this tub?
They appear to originate from the same company that makes LaZBoy and Coleman Spas...based on what I saw in Vegas, I would keep looking.
They appear to originate from the same company that makes LaZBoy and Coleman Spas...based on what I saw in Vegas, I would keep looking.
Yup, they're made by Living Waters spas who used to be called Tatum and before that used to be Hydro Spas. The name has changed a couple times but the product remains the same, subpar.
We stopped at the living waters booth, and grilled the guy about the Costco pilates spa that they were the same,he pretty much denied it, then came clean. ::) there were some differences between the two but not much.
I was really surprised by the Chinese made spas, you can sure buy them pretty cheap, they looked alright at the show but I wonder what you would really get when you open the container and the spa up?? Tell you one thing if your going to have a booth at a spa convention you need more than cute girls that cant speak engrish to answer questions. We would never consider bringing them on, but had a lot of questions about the spa.
Do they enter the country on the West Coast or the East Coast? If they come in here on the west coast, I could go buy one for a study. You all chip in a hundred bucks each and Ill go get the thing and open 'er up with my camera in hand.
I have heard from folks who have looked inside the Chinese tubs and have been blown away at the poor quality. I don't know if there are more than one brand coming in, and if so, how the quality varies.
She told us they would come into San Diego then go from there to where ever. I don't see why I couldn't get them shipped direct to Seattle though If we wanted.
Realistically a person could open a store bring those in and be quite competitive and probably do some damage to local stores for awhile,but if the quality wasn't there and you didn't take care of the customer you wouldn't last long.
I also saw the import spas. There was nothing imported that impressed me. But this is the way things are going. Its not only chinese, There are majors in this country that are having things made in there factories in Mexico now also.
I had to laugh at the Jazzi line. It was an import knock off of Jacuzzi. They even made there logo to look like Jacuzzi as well as the circle in the pillows.
I have seen many of the major brands offering lines in the 5-6K range now so I still think anyone who wants a spa in the 5 K price point does not have to go to Costco. They can get a lower price spa with the benefits of a dealer.
There are also some companies that are buying or making parts in other countries. I know Maxx is having there shell on there swim spa made in China. I believe Limelight from Watkins is Mexico made..
I hope made in America does not become a thing of the past for this industry.
RockDoc...I am just a spa consumer, so I am no expert but if you're going to spend almost 10K why would you buy from someone that won't deliver right to the final spot in your backyard with gates and fences involved, set it up, help you with the electrical and foundation, do the intial start-up, teach you the chem routine, and be the direct local source for any questions, service calls and/or warranty work? I can understand someone considering Costco for a low-end money saver type spa, but at 10 grand you will be much better served by going to a full fledged spa dealer whose primary business is selling spas.