Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: crystal777 on September 02, 2008, 10:45:57 am

Title: The Wait Is Over
Post by: crystal777 on September 02, 2008, 10:45:57 am
Well, my husband just called and told me the hot tub was just delivered....yes!! However, no chemicals were delivered with it and no cover butler. He is going to call and try to get them to have someone deliver it to us today since we live an hour away from Olympia Pools.

Title: Re: The Wait Is Over
Post by: wmccall on September 02, 2008, 09:17:21 pm
Keep us advised.
Title: Re: The Wait Is Over
Post by: IL Parrothead on September 03, 2008, 02:30:26 am
Congrats, Crystal!  My replacement tub just got delivered today too, and I just got out after my first soak.  Ecstatic to be back soaking!!!   ;D
Title: Re: The Wait Is Over
Post by: crystal777 on September 03, 2008, 12:19:22 pm
I cant wait to go for our first soak! Still no chemicals yet. Olympia said they will ship them out UPS and we should get them by tomorrow...ugh!! I was really hoping to go in tonight. Olympia also told him that we could use the hot tub in the meantime....that  a few days without chemicals wont hurt anything. Is that true??? I dont trust that.

Title: Re: The Wait Is Over
Post by: Spatech_tuo on September 03, 2008, 12:26:10 pm
I cant wait to go for our first soak! Still no chemicals yet. Olympia said they will ship them out UPS and we should get them by tomorrow...ugh!! I was really hoping to go in tonight. Olympia also told him that we could use the hot tub in the meantime....that  a few days without chemicals wont hurt anything. Is that true??? I dont trust that.


GO IN TONIGHT. The water coming out of the tap should be fine to go in. After using it I wouldn't want to go a few days without sanitizing but when the chems come tomorrow add then and if they don't get some dichlor from the nearest hot tub store until your kit comes.
Title: Re: The Wait Is Over
Post by: dax on September 04, 2008, 10:13:48 am
Well?  Did Olympia come through and get your chemicals to you?  If not, I practically drive by there every day on my way to/from work.  I can stop in and kick somebody in the butt for you if you want.  ;)

How was your first tub soak?
Title: Re: The Wait Is Over
Post by: crystal777 on September 04, 2008, 10:48:36 am
You're funny dax! That's exactly how I'm feeling right about now(LOL)

Hopefully the chemicals will be there when I get home from work today. If not, I will just take a water sample to the pool dealer close by my house and get some chemicals from him.

As far as our first soak....We loved it! I am sooo looking forward to this every night. I already know my favorite seat will be the lounger. Those jets feel great on the feet and legs!

Title: Re: The Wait Is Over
Post by: Renee on September 04, 2008, 10:58:52 am
PICTURES!!!  We want pictures!! :D
Title: Re: The Wait Is Over
Post by: wewannahottub on September 04, 2008, 12:46:49 pm
Congrats Crystal, enjoy!

COngrats to you, too, Parrot!!  
Title: Re: The Wait Is Over
Post by: IL Parrothead on September 05, 2008, 12:55:17 am
Thanks Chrisi!
Title: Re: The Wait Is Over
Post by: crystal777 on September 05, 2008, 11:27:49 am
OK... So chemicals arrived last night. One problem taken care of. Now would you like to hear the next problem?????

NO CIRC PUMP...we ordered this as an upgrade. My husband opened the panel to see if there was one since he noticed he didnt hear the pump staying on. Sure enough....not in there.

In conclusion: Olympia has to order another one from the factory in Las Vegas. In the meantime we can use this one until the new one comes in. Which means another 4-5 weeks of waiting. My husband was all set to do the decking around the hot tub and put up the privacy wall. Now that will have to wait also for another 4-5 weeks also....what a pain!!


Title: Re: The Wait Is Over
Post by: hottubdan on September 05, 2008, 11:45:41 am
 :'( :( :'(
Title: Re: The Wait Is Over
Post by: Vinny on September 05, 2008, 08:54:42 pm
OK... So chemicals arrived last night. One problem taken care of. Now would you like to hear the next problem?????

NO CIRC PUMP...we ordered this as an upgrade. My husband opened the panel to see if there was one since he noticed he didnt hear the pump staying on. Sure enough....not in there.

In conclusion: Olympia has to order another one from the factory in Las Vegas. In the meantime we can use this one until the new one comes in. Which means another 4-5 weeks of waiting. My husband was all set to do the decking around the hot tub and put up the privacy wall. Now that will have to wait also for another 4-5 weeks also....what a pain!!


Is there a reason you want a circ pump?  Maybe they can give you a large discount for the tub you have.

The funny thing about the non circ pump tubs (at least in 2005) is they have a larger watt heater - 5,000 vs I think 4,000 for those with circ pumps. Bigger heaters should heat faster and be able to handle the winter soaks better.

I bought the circ pump option just in case I wanted to use ozone 24/7. Three years later, I stopped using ozone.

Title: Re: The Wait Is Over
Post by: crystal777 on September 06, 2008, 04:16:01 pm
Vinny, we thought about that too....just have them take some money off. But then I said to my husband " Why should we do that? We wanted the circ pump, that is how we ordered and that is what we should get"  

Yes, the easy thing would be for us to just tell them to take some money off. But I figure we are going to have this hot tub for a long time. Might as well get what we wanted in the first place even if it does mean some inconvenience. At least we will have what we want in the end.

Title: Re: The Wait Is Over
Post by: starsky on September 06, 2008, 08:49:28 pm
Just a guess here, but I think if I were the dealer, I would offer more than just what the pump cost in order not to have to pay someone to haul that one out while putting another one it.. Im not suggesting robbing the dealer, but if it isnt a big deal to you, see what he thinks would be fair to save all the hassle
Title: Re: The Wait Is Over
Post by: Cdn HockeyPuck on September 07, 2008, 08:23:34 pm
I agree with you Crystal, you won't be happy with your tub if you don't get what you asked for. You're going to have it for 10 plus years so you should get what you asked for.

It's surprising the dealer didn't do a check before they delivered it to make sure it's what you asked for. It's their problem and cost not yours for them not doing the check before delivery.

Just my 2 cents.
Title: Re: The Wait Is Over
Post by: jaj111 on September 21, 2008, 08:29:26 pm