Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: gowyn on August 16, 2008, 09:21:40 pm

Title: Dealer Screwup, what to do
Post by: gowyn on August 16, 2008, 09:21:40 pm
So we ordered an Arctic Frontier the end of last month.  Was told it was in stock in Alberta.  Finally shipped last Friday.  Got the call yesterday that tub will be delivered this Monday, ok so far so good.

Well got a call today from the dealer saying they shipped the wrong tub!  Of course it's Saturday so they will be calling Arctic Monday and then calling us to let us know.

Now the way it was explained to me was when a truckload (ten tubs) has been filled, usually once a month but sometimes more often then they are shipped out from the warehouse in Alberta.

I persoanally hate when people blame others for mistakes, apparently the manager ordered the wrong tub.  So I'm just wondering what folks think the best way to handle this situation would be?  Best case scenario is it will ship out this coming Tuesday (apparently a truck is leaving then but I imagine it will be full) and perhaps delivered the following week, or will ship who knows?

This is a substantial high ticket item so some sort of restitution I feel is in order.

Title: Re: Dealer Screwup, what to do
Post by: bosco0633 on August 16, 2008, 10:02:35 pm
well at least it wasnt a train derailment!!!!!!!!!!!  just kidding, but seriously, I would say that if the dealer accepted fault, then perhaps see if you can get an in store credit towards chemicals and what not.  I dont think asking for some sort of discount is out of the question, but fact is, the tub is worth what it is so a week or a month late wont change the price.

The in store credit would be nice!!
Title: Re: Dealer Screwup, what to do
Post by: Tailhooker on August 16, 2008, 10:34:37 pm
Get the tub you ordered!
Title: Re: Dealer Screwup, what to do
Post by: gowyn on August 16, 2008, 10:43:47 pm
Well Bosco, you know who I'm dealing with so I'll take your advice.

I got the impression that the manager is no longer there...not sure why but...
Title: Re: Dealer Screwup, what to do
Post by: bosco0633 on August 17, 2008, 12:25:24 am
was it phill out there as well??  I think so.  I cant believe that he is gone.  If arctic knows anything they would try and get that guy back.  He was such a good guy, smart.  He will do well where ever he goes.  

its up to you, try and get what you can, but I think nickel and diming for your tub wont work.  Let them know your frustration and see what they offer you.  I would take a store credit for my time and anger, wouldnt you?  Hell right about now, I would take a non leaky tub  ha ha
Title: Re: Dealer Screwup, what to do
Post by: gowyn on August 17, 2008, 07:46:32 am
cracks me up that you're still so up beat about them after all your own poblems with them.
Title: Re: Dealer Screwup, what to do
Post by: Tom on August 18, 2008, 12:47:10 pm
Hell right about now, I would take a non leaky tub  ha ha
Uh, now I'm confused.  In another post, didn't you say there was no leak, as the water level had not changed all weekend and there was no further water in the spa?

I am looking forward to having both your and gowyn's issues sorted out ASAP.
Title: Re: Dealer Screwup, what to do
Post by: wewannahottub on August 18, 2008, 01:07:05 pm
Looks like Bosco posted that BEFORE he knew for certain it wasn't leaking the whole weekend.
Title: Re: Dealer Screwup, what to do
Post by: gowyn on August 18, 2008, 01:08:41 pm
Hi Tom, does that mean you're looking into mine too?

I'm expecting a call from the dealer today, we'll see.
Title: An update
Post by: gowyn on August 18, 2008, 06:35:49 pm
Well heard nothing, called at 4pm and was told they'll call back in 10-15min.  Guess what?  Nothing.

My wife called at 545 and said she wanted an answer today or we'll cancel the order.  Just got a call now saying oh we were so busy, but no answer from Arctic if it will be on a truck tomorrow or not.  Promised to call us tomorrow am, yeah right.

So Tom if you see this...

So far not impressed at all.  Pretty sure they got that impression too.
Title: Re: Dealer Screwup, what to do
Post by: wewannahottub on August 18, 2008, 06:39:44 pm
Do I understand it right?  You and Bosco have the same dealer??  If so, I hope Arctic reevaluates their relationship with them. :-/
Title: Re: Dealer Screwup, what to do
Post by: gowyn on August 18, 2008, 06:54:48 pm
My understanding it is a dealer group (six stores) with a central service/warehouse area.  Basically all of Ontario, BIG province!
Title: Re: Dealer Screwup, what to do
Post by: bosco0633 on August 18, 2008, 07:50:59 pm
wow your confused tom??  im confused, I didnt realize that I was opening pandoras box when I posted my issues with my tub.  Why do I feel like I am under attack for some reason.

Maybe im way off base here and reading into things wrong, but at this point it doesnt look that way.
Title: Re: An update
Post by: Vanguard on August 19, 2008, 12:32:58 am
Well heard nothing, called at 4pm and was told they'll call back in 10-15min.  Guess what?  Nothing.

My wife called at 545 and said she wanted an answer today or we'll cancel the order.  Just got a call now saying oh we were so busy, but no answer from Arctic if it will be on a truck tomorrow or not.  Promised to call us tomorrow am, yeah right.

So Tom if you see this...

So far not impressed at all.  Pretty sure they got that impression too.

Isn't it your dealer you're not impressed with and not Arctic?  I don't think you can hold Arctic responsible for what's going on.  They can only ship what the dealer orders.  Now, if they shipped the wrong spa, that's a little different, but mistakes sometimes are made.

Title: Re: Dealer Screwup, what to do
Post by: gowyn on August 19, 2008, 08:10:48 am
yep you're right, it's the dealer, nothing to do with Arctic.  

They ordered the wrong tub.

Just annoyed with the dealer.  

I'm sure it will all work out, I was just asking folks their opinions on how best to deal with them.

I'm off camping for a couple of days so the spousal unit will deal with them.

Title: Re: Dealer Screwup, what to do
Post by: Tom on August 22, 2008, 12:52:54 pm
Hi Tom, does that mean you're looking into mine too?
Yes - sent you a PM on Aug. 19.  System indicates you haven't read it yet.  Guess you'll see it when you're back from camping.
Title: Re: Dealer Screwup, what to do
Post by: gowyn on August 26, 2008, 02:49:13 pm
An update.

I avoided posting here to avoid a feeding frenzy like in another post.

The tub was delivered today, everything is fine with the exception of one small thing which was a dealer issue.  Ordered the wrong cover lifter.

Title: Re: Dealer Screwup, what to do
Post by: bosco0633 on August 26, 2008, 07:37:50 pm
amazing, shark season is in effect, cant help but feel responsible.  I am so glad that you got your tub.  You will love it, I promise.  have great fun enjoying your new tub
Title: Re: Dealer Screwup, what to do
Post by: gowyn on August 26, 2008, 08:11:07 pm
had a quick soak, daughter drove me nuts bouncing around.  Now I have to try and figure out all the diverters and stuff.  Jets are too powerful.
Title: Re: Dealer Screwup, what to do
Post by: bosco0633 on August 26, 2008, 08:24:14 pm
its funny when I first bought my tub, I bought the signature which has like 33 jets, and was kicking myself that i didnt get more jets.  I was really upset but couldnt convince the wife to spend anymore money.  Im so glad that I didnt spend the extra, I mean I love the jets, but so many nights, Igo out with a glass of wine, baileys on ice, cold beer, scotch, you get the point.  When it is really late, I love the lights out and just enjoy the quiet outside and hot water while looking at the stars.  

I find that I get itchy if I have the jets on to long.  I have 2 kids myself so understand the issues with kids in the tub.  Go out again tonight when you can, and really enjoy it.  Wait until the dark, and you will understand true spatopia!!!