Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: gowyn on August 04, 2008, 11:40:20 am

Title: Help to decide on deck or pavers
Post by: gowyn on August 04, 2008, 11:40:20 am
Hello all.  Have an Arctic Frontier on order and need some help on deciding on what surface would be best to put the tub on.

I have an area approximately 12x15 along the side of the house.  House wall to one side and fence around others.

The surface is already prepared, 4-6 inches of chips and dust (gravel) I just need to decide on what kind of surface to put down.

Tub is the Frontier, we also ordered six foot steps along one side, corner steps and also the cedar shelf and bar stools.   The tub will be put up against the fence with the steps along one side and the bar along the end of the tub with a 7x8 foot patio area.

The choices I have are put the tub on the gravel (forever floor) and build a deck around two sides of the tub sitting on the gravel.  Third side is where cover lifts off and ground is covered in cedar mulch.

Today local hardware store has 20x20" square pavers on sale for about half price so that option would be cover the whole area in those pavers.  About a third of the cost of the deck.  Stones the same as in Steelerpetes post.

Last choice is using 24x24" recycled rubber tiles around the tub (tub sits on gravel).  This works out to about 2/3 cost of deck.  Nice thing about the tiles is they are "soft" on the feet and more slip resistant than wood or concrete.  The tiles can be placed right on top of the gravel and cut to fit.  Easiest to install.

So the stones would be the cheapest but most labour intensive.  Deck is most expensive but it's a deck, and the rubber tiles are the easiest to install and probably offer safest "tubbing" experience.

So just wondering what you experienced tubbers would recommend for surface.  We live in SW Ontario so snow and ice are definitely an issue.
Title: Re: Help to decide on deck or pavers
Post by: Chad on August 04, 2008, 11:48:04 am
Being that you're getting an Arctic Spa with that beautiful cedar skirting and Forever Floor, I'd place it directly on the crushed stone and build a matching cedar deck around it.......but that's just me. :D

Here's a picture of NorthWoodsDipper's amazing set-up for some visualization on how beautiful an Arctic Spa looks with a deck around it....Isn't his work ridiculous?!  8-)

Title: Re: Help to decide on deck or pavers
Post by: gowyn on August 04, 2008, 06:04:22 pm
I admit that deck does look good.

However we ended up going with the rubber tiles, mostly for ease of installation and also grippiness especially when wet.

I'll post some pix when it's all in.
Title: Re: Help to decide on deck or pavers
Post by: Steelerpete on August 04, 2008, 06:24:10 pm
Hey gowyn where in SW Ont. do you live in? The rubber pavers look good and should make a great choice.

Title: Re: Help to decide on deck or pavers
Post by: gowyn on August 04, 2008, 08:00:21 pm
I be in London.

BTW, quickly laid out pavers (surface not leveled yet) and they look good.  Hoping they will be good in the snow and ice.

Title: Re: Help to decide on deck or pavers
Post by: Water Boy on August 05, 2008, 10:58:44 am

Congrats on your new Arctic Spa!! :)

Be sure to post some pics when you take delivery. The pavers should be just fine, even in the snow and ice.