Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: cameron07 on July 10, 2008, 08:09:59 pm

Title: Best place to buy Jacuzzi parts & accessories ???
Post by: cameron07 on July 10, 2008, 08:09:59 pm
At this time we are looking for a Jacuzzi brand Ozonator (cd style) and the sand filter as well as the pleated filter. We have a 2006 J-470 we just bought and looking to tune it up a bit.
Thank you
Title: Re: Best place to buy Jacuzzi parts & accessories
Post by: Swell-Tub on July 10, 2008, 09:10:48 pm
At this time we are looking for a Jacuzzi brand Ozonator (cd style) and the sand filter as well as the pleated filter. We have a 2006 J-470 we just bought and looking to tune it up a bit.
Thank you
I buy mine from Jacuzzi Jim. He is on vacation this week I think. He gave me very good prices and shipped in 2 days.

Scott  ;)
Title: Re: Best place to buy Jacuzzi parts & accessories
Post by: cameron07 on July 29, 2008, 02:29:20 pm
Thanx Scott, Jacuzzi Jim is not replying to my emails so we are still looking for a good place to buy Jucuzzi Parts. We have since purchased the Jacuzzi Ozonator which is identical to the Del Ozone Standard version (not the platinum) except for the specialty plug. I know this only because by the time I found the Jacuzzi version I had just bid on the Del on ebay. Both arived the same day, same style box etc. The only difference is the specialty plug for the Jucuzzi control box and the it is set for 230V with the Del from Ebay is selectable 115v/230v  
It is clear that it would be very easy to just use the Del and wire it directly. We just gave the Del to my sister who we had also given our last Hot Tub to that the UV ozonator we becoming much less effective.

Oh, back to the reason for the post, we are now looking for the plastic head rest inserts and possibly the head rests themselves (our headrests are still in decent shape). So and recomendations to buy these parts would be appreciated.

Thank you
Title: Re: Best place to buy Jacuzzi parts & accessories
Post by: Jacuzzi Jim on July 29, 2008, 02:55:43 pm
  Sorry I have not received any E-mails from you, its possible the firewall is blocking them at work??  Give me a call if you wish.  360) 650-0777 pacific time  In fact I am here now.  :D
Title: Re: Best place to buy Jacuzzi parts & accessories
Post by: stevewhosau on July 30, 2008, 12:29:17 am
Slightly off-topic (sorry cameron)...Jim do you have access to Sundance parts as well? I posted a request a short time ago but received no replies.
Title: Re: Best place to buy Jacuzzi parts & accessories
Post by: Jacuzzi Jim on July 30, 2008, 12:45:00 pm
Slightly off-topic (sorry cameron)...Jim do you have access to Sundance parts as well? I posted a request a short time ago but received no replies.

 I should be able to as long as I can get a Part#    Some are the same as Jacuzzi some are not.

 What do you need??    Call me if you like!!!
Title: Re: Best place to buy Jacuzzi parts & accessories
Post by: ndabunka on July 31, 2008, 09:45:32 pm
I myself may need Jacuzzi Jim's help.  My local Jacuzzi dealer has been tryign to find the "correct" replacement jet for my 2003 J-370 for about ...a month now!  He says there were three different versions of the jet and the one he did get me doesn't work.  The one I need has these "tabs" on the jet housing itself.  Seems easy enough but the tabs have broken off and therefore it comes off when I turn on the jets.  I guess I need a part number and have no problems paying for it...  I'll message JJ here in a few minutes with a pic or two to help
Title: Re: Best place to buy Jacuzzi parts & accessories
Post by: Jacuzzi Jim on August 01, 2008, 02:13:14 pm
 I don't know what your dealers problem is?? There was only 1 jet with the tabs that had issues from 02 to late 06  the part# is 6540-760 power pro jet face, they run about 10 bucks per,  the jet is 5" round with the rotating or directional jet in the middle??  I have them in stock and can ship to you!!    Does that sound right or you talking about something else?