Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Jet Sitter on June 18, 2008, 07:40:50 pm
She was posting pretty regularly until recetnly and was on the verge of buying a tub. I enjoyed her posts and realized we haven't seen one for a while...
Maybe she got her tub and she is busy soaking???
Maybe some people around here pissed her off and scared her away.
Maybe some people around here pissed her off and scared her away.
What did you do? :-?
I was thinking the same thing. I know she was busy and the tub search was dragging on while they waited for the Arctic to come in for a wet test. Sometimes you just need a break from the great conversation that goes on this forum....
Scott ::)
Hopefully you are right kacrab10 and she is blissfully soaking.
benalexe - keep those entertaining posts coming don't let the scolding slow you down - we're about ready for a 'sex in the hottub part 2"
Crap! No sex in the hot tub part II !! You are giving my husband ideas. I just want to relax!!! The electrician is coming in one week so I have to stare at this empty tub for one more week!! Hopefully by next Saturday night or Sunday I will be soaking. :) :)
I think Chrisi is still recovering from the hangover of her beloved Penguins losing in the Stanley Cup Finals. :D
Or maybe she's on vacation? If she had gotten a tub, I'm sure she would have posted about it.
What did you do? :-?
No but other people pissed me off so I have been quiet.
No but other people pissed me off so I have been quiet.
I saw people question one post of yours in particular but you amended it to remove what more than a few found to be offensive and we all moved on from that. I sure hope that wasn't what has you pissed at anyone.
Also you shouldn't be pissed at any one person, they are entitled to their opinion. I didn't respond to that thread but in my opinion it was wrong what you suggested. I have said some things that came out wrong from what I really meant but ya get over it.
Move on and let it go.
Also you shouldn't be pissed at any one person, they are entitled to their opinion. I didn't respond to that thread but in my opinion it was wrong what you suggested. I have said some things that came out wrong from what I really meant but ya get over it sober up.
Move on and let it go.
Exactly, we've all put our foot in our mouth and one time or another. You just admit your mistake and move on.
No but other people pissed me off so I have been quiet.
Looks like Crisi hasn't posted since about the 8th of June. I looked through the last posts that she made and it doesn't sound like anyone made her angry. Besides, I don't think she would be easily intimidated, she seems like a very confident person..and you guys aren't that tough!!! ;) ;D
I bet that her son graduated and she has been busy with the college thing...graduation parties and probably working a lot. Hopefully she will be back with good news about a new tub. :)
Does anyone know if she frequented any of the other forums?
She's my wife
Did you lose her? If she is your wife why are you asking? I'm confused. :o
I sent her an e-mail but got no response. She must be spa shopping....
Scott ;)
Did you lose her? If she is your wife why are you asking? I'm confused. :o
Just kidding
Besides, I don't think she would be easily intimidated, she seems like a very confident person..and you guys aren't that tough!!! ;) ;D
I bet that her son graduated and she has been busy with the college thing...graduation parties and probably working a lot. Hopefully she will be back with good news about a new tub. :)
Does anyone know if she frequented any of the other forums?
Boni--you are (so far) the winner!!! No one pissed me off, other than my one ranting---even though that wasn't directed to me---over it all----
My son did graduate, and I have been busy planning and baking and cooking..... party was last night and went well. Had one brief rain shower. Still have a lot of mess to clean up though...
Unfortunately, hot tub searching has fallen by the wayside with the start of summer, hubby is out there fixing the #$%&*!! pump again, since our chems are good, but the pool water is still murky. Haven't heard if the Tundra ever came in. Maybe I'll drop a line...
I do lurk once in a while on poolspaforum but haven't been there much either (T-N-C).
I feel so warm and fuzzy that you all missed me!! :-[ ::) ::) ::) ;D
Apparently, I missed some goings-on, and will need to catch up later!!
Welcome back Chrisi, and benalexe...
Welcome Back Kotter, ah I mean Chrisi.....
Scott ;)
Going to the WayBack--
In fourth grade I had a Welcome Back Kotter t shirt with yellow 3/4 sleeves and a pair of jeans with yellow butterflies all over them. I thought I was stylin'!!!!
Thanks all!! Yinz crack me up!! ;D ;D ;D
What? Nobody misses me? :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
I'm not mad at anybody except my dealer. >:( >:( >:(
Sorry, Fred. I haven't been around to see who's been posting!! I thought about you on the "dealer" thread-- ;)\
How is your tub going now??
It's running...and we love it when it does. We've been down twice; once out of the box and then again a couple weeks later. Our dealer ALLIED POOLS AND SPAS located all over Wisconsin is a joke with customer service.
Now we're dealing with oil and foam. We put a sponge in to try to soak it up but I'm losing patience with this whole spa thing. Almost wish I would have spent the money elsewhere. I know when fall comes and the weather turns cold I'll love it again. But right now I'm so bitter I don't even care to look at it.
Time to salmon fish and forget about it for a while.
In His Peace,
It's running...and we love it when it does. We've been down twice; once out of the box and then again a couple weeks later. Our dealer ALLIED POOLS AND SPAS located all over Wisconsin is a joke with customer service.
Now we're dealing with oil and foam. We put a sponge in to try to soak it up but I'm losing patience with this whole spa thing. Almost wish I would have spent the money elsewhere. I know when fall comes and the weather turns cold I'll love it again. But right now I'm so bitter I don't even care to look at it.
Time to salmon fish and forget about it for a while.
In His Peace,
Fred, what is causing the oil and foam? Knock on wood, I have not had any problems with my J-470. It sounds like your tub is possessed.
Scott :o
Scott I could write a book about this tub. You may be on to something...perhaps it is possessed. I never thought of praying over it.
The oil (I call it oil but it's just a scum that won't go away) and foam is a mystery to us. The only thing I can think of is that we started showering before going in the tub and perhaps it is a soap residue. I started using some old Ivory soap my mom gave us. She had a full box full.
I wanted to try a dose "Spa Perfect" but had to settle for a sponge that will take a week to absorb it. I don't have much confidence in the sponge but I don't want to drive an hour to pick up the "Spa Perfect". We've already drained our tub twice and I don't want to again if we don't have to.
Sometime I'll post our latest hiccup with our filter issue. It turned out ok but was just another long drawn out irritant to add to the list.
Well, I dropped an IM to my Arctic dealer--the Tundra is IN!!! I have another line to them to set up an appointment for a wet test.
Oh boy!!!! ;) ::) ::) ::)