Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Chubby Johnson on June 17, 2008, 05:44:20 pm

Title: Hatred for Cal Spas
Post by: Chubby Johnson on June 17, 2008, 05:44:20 pm
I know that this subject might just open a great big huge whopping can of ugly worms but I would like to know why Cal Spas is so hated among customers.

Spent some time running through old posts on this forum as wall as reviews on and  Some of the complaints were substantial and intense.  It seems the when customers hate Cal Spas they really and truly flat out hate them.

Is it mechanical or plumbing issues or corporate office or the owner himself?  Can anybody give a root cause for the hatred?  Feel free to spill your guts and set the truth free!
Title: Re: Hatred for Cal Spas
Post by: Jacuzzi Jim on June 17, 2008, 06:10:10 pm
  I don't think you will find to many recent post hating Cal spa,  I know they had a lot of issues with older ones, and from what I have heard, their dealer support warranty wise sux??  I have a Cal spa/D1 dealer next to me, and I see more Cal's go out than D1s.   But then I see way more Jacuzzis going out then Cal's and D1s both.
Title: Re: Hatred for Cal Spas
Post by: Tom on June 17, 2008, 06:14:58 pm
It looks bad, but if they sell zillions of products, it's a pretty low percentage.   There are only five for 2008.
Title: Re: Hatred for Cal Spas
Post by: Gary on June 17, 2008, 06:45:28 pm
I am no fan of Cal Spas but when I read complaints about any manufacturer of any product I take them with a grain of salt. There are two sides to every story, sometimes the customer is right and sometimes the customer will see how loud they can scream to get something they do not deserve.

I have had countless encounters with consumers that are out of warranty and think the manufacturer should cover it and when they do not I have heard everything, I will sue them, I will get on the INTERNET and bad mouth them...

That is one reason I like the BBB website there you will get both side of the story or if the manufacturer does not respond then you know who is most likely in the right.

Title: Re: Hatred for Cal Spas
Post by: wmccall on June 17, 2008, 08:06:45 pm
I am no fan of Cal Spas but when I read complaints about any manufacturer of any product I take them with a grain of salt.

Agreed.  When that famous site was talking about how bad thermospa was, one of the big points was cracked filters.  My spa used the same ones, and my dealer just gave me replacements. One benefit of a local dealer, even if it is only for a couple of years :)

As far as Cal, the local dealer has great ratings with the local BBB and other consumer groups.
Title: Re: Hatred for Cal Spas
Post by: SpaMan_is_Back on June 18, 2008, 12:55:44 pm
I still say the majority of the problems are with the dealers using the Cal Spa name as a business front. When there is a problem the consumers scream that Cal Spas is the blaim, but the majority is a dealer not taking care of the customer or there is also the possibility that no matter what the dealer does the customer will not be satisfied. I agree that there is 2 sides to every story.

A great dealer will make the difference and will prosper in the long run. 8-)
Title: Re: Hatred for Cal Spas
Post by: Spatech_tuo on June 18, 2008, 01:30:21 pm
I still say the majority of the problems are with the dealers using the Cal Spa name as a business front. When there is a problem the consumers scream that Cal Spas is the blaim, but the majority is a dealer not taking care of the customer or there is also the possibility that no matter what the dealer does the customer will not be satisfied. I agree that there is 2 sides to every story.

A great dealer will make the difference and will prosper in the long run. 8-)

A great dealer makes a difference but with many manufacturers you don't need your dealer to pull teeth for you. A manufacturer willing to stand behind their product warranty rather than look for ways to deny claims is important as well. A couple of us responded to this and then pulled it back not wanting to pile on Cal but I've dealt with their customers and have heard the stories of warranty denials many times. To blame it on their dealers is inaccurate IMO. They earned their reputation. If they're trying to change it fine but it will take some time.
Title: Re: Hatred for Cal Spas
Post by: SpaMan_is_Back on June 18, 2008, 02:09:50 pm

A great dealer makes a difference but with many manufacturers you don't need your dealer to pull teeth for you. A manufacturer willing to stand behind their product warranty rather than look for ways to deny claims is important as well. A couple of us responded to this and then pulled it back not wanting to pile on Cal but I've dealt with their customers and have heard the stories of warranty denials many times. To blame it on their dealers is inaccurate IMO. They earned their reputation. If they're trying to change it fine but it will take some time.
Title: Re: Hatred for Cal Spas
Post by: Zep on June 18, 2008, 03:35:43 pm
Chubby.....I own a Cal and love it.

I have never had a serious problem and my Cal Spas dealer has been great.

That said Cal Spas is not perfect, I heard they had some problems a few years ago.

I bought mine in 2006 and it's been soaking heaven.

BTW.... most of the negative Cal comments on this site are by people that
have never owned a Cal. It's usually "well I knew a guy" or "well I heard
this" or "well I worked on one" or "someone told me" or "I saw on this other
site".....but how do they know the complete story if they have not owned one?
So yes I am just one owner and I realize one owner does not tell "the whole story",
but neither does someone trashing Cal that has never owned one.

As always I would wet test, "interview" the dealer, compare, and make
the choice that is best for you.....the best choice for me was Cal Spas.


Title: Re: Hatred for Cal Spas
Post by: Swell-Tub on June 18, 2008, 06:03:46 pm
You know I knew a guy who's brother had a friend who knew a father of another guy who owned a Cal Spa and he loved his.....
Title: Re: Hatred for Cal Spas
Post by: benalexe on June 18, 2008, 06:19:40 pm
You think people hat Calspas.  They love cal spa compared to thermospas.  I happen to love the thermospas I have.
Title: Re: Hatred for Cal Spas
Post by: Jacuzzi Jim on June 18, 2008, 06:26:56 pm
You know I knew a guy who's brother had a friend who knew a father of another guy who owned a Cal Spa and he loved his.....

 I knew that guy!! He lived with they and them,  I heard from someone, that I don't know was their distant cousin?