Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Swell-Tub on February 17, 2008, 10:30:07 am
So I will post my adventures as I seek out a new spa. So far I put money down on a Coast Spa Radiance and loved the tub from a dry test only. Well I did stick my arm in it and it felt great. It had 3 - 5 hp motors in it with led lights and a cool waterfall. Also the sound system with sub-woofer, equilizer, and floating remote was cool. Then I started to hear lack of support issues and parts from Canada were a problem. Also they enclose the plumbing in foam which make repairs difficult. So I cancelled the order and gave up my deposit.
Next I went to a Hot Springs dealer and they only had 4 tubs on the floor and only one was wet. The wet one was a Caldera and it seemed under powered. Again this was based on only a arm test and the dealer said that while the design saved power it did not allow for all jets to be run at the same time.
I looked into an Elite and Dynasty but this forum told me that both had problems and poor support. I haven't seen one yet but I have a co-worker who has a Dynasty and he uses it twice a day every day for several years now and he loves his but wants a bigger tub. He says his 8X8 is not large enough to stretch out in.
What I want is a spa that has quality, support, great performance, and ease of operation. I want to come home at night and go out the french doors of my master bedroom and climb into a nice relaxing experience. Then other than chemicals and some light maintainance. I don't want to think about it much. I also want a nice waterfall with lights to watch from my bedroom at nights. LEDs seem to be the ticket because they last a long time and provide bright colors. I would like to stay around $10K or less but I was going to spend $15K for the Coast Spa out the door.
I'm going to try to find the new Jacuzzi dealer here in Vegas and see what they have to offer. Also Renee is closing a store and I hear they have some great deals on last years Hot Springs. Next weekend is a Spa show here in Vegas and I might attend that as well. What I don't want is 900 lbs of trouble in my backyard. I'm sure used spas are not easy to get rid of. While I was house hunting here in Vegas last year I saw several properties with empty Spas in the backyard that appeared to be large boat anchors for the home.
If all tubs are nothing but an income for the repairman then I will continue to just soak in my bathtub at nights. Anyway I will keep you all posted on my Spa adventure and see where it ends. I have appreciated most of the advice I have gotten from this forum so far.
Scott :)
I added my $0.02 before and I'll add it again.
There are better brands and not better brands. The dealer can make a difference in the spa ownership. If you get great service from someone and crappy service from another - the brand doesn't matter much.
Being on this board for a long time, maybe too long I can say that most of us have had the experience that you are seeking. Do tubs break - yes they do but so do cars, home heating systems and appliances; everything breaks down every so often.
Personally I have had 2 problems with my tub - jets breaking and an air control stopped working. Both problems have been taken care under my warranty, which ends this June. My dealer has been pretty good - she has replaced the jets under warranty every time (I think 6 have gone) and I installed them which isn't a big deal.
My first advice to you was to find tubs that you like. I understand that there may not be too many dealers around you so pick the dealers that sell good brands - this was already listed and visit all that are there. Forget all the stuff dealers want you to believe why their tub is special - they all provide clean, hot swirling water ... my pick may not be yours!
Enjoy your search but do search. Don't get caught up in sales dribble and remember even though we may have different and sometimes conflicting opinions here - ask anything question you might need to clarify - we'll try to help. Opinions are just that, ultimatly the best tub is the one you are happy with.
Thanks Vinny.
Well being new to the whole tub thing I hear that a titanium heater or a stainless steel heater with teflon coating is needed here in Las Vegas because the water from Lake Mead is so heavy with calcium and other things that heaters don't last long here. Also 2/3 of the dealers here in Las Vegas have gone under with the big housing problem here and the ones who remain have cut down the number of stores and reduced their inventory. I have been told that a couple of dealers here in LV are very dishonest and to avoid at all costs. The problem is that I'm down to like 4 dealers here and my choices are only Coast Spa, Hot Springs, Caldera, Dynasty, Elite and possibly Jacuzzi. I was interested in the Dimension One but the nearest dealer is in California.
I worry that I need to get it right the first time because getting rid of a used tub is not an easy thing to do. I'm caring for 2 elderly parents and raising a 4 month old grandson. So we could use some relaxing hot water in our backyard so I think it will be used most of the year except July - August when it gets 117 degrees outside. I'm not sure how to tell if a dealer is going to be a good dealer in the long run. They all talk a big talk before the sell....
Scott ;)
I think it will be used most of the year except July - August when it gets 117 degrees outside. I'm not sure how to tell if a dealer is going to be a good dealer in the long run.
Scott ;)
How cool does it get on those nights? With the tub at 95-97, it can be cool and refreshing, it you can get it that cool, and great with the jets.
As for the dealer, its a crap shoot. There are a couple of people here, myself included who bought from dealers who had been in business for 20 years, and had then go under after they purchased.
The evenings cool down a lot. I work construction on the Las Vegas Strip and my crews are off the job by 2:30PM everyday because the hottest part of the day is 4:00PM. All the concrete and asphalt builds up heat during the day and at 4 you can burn the bottom of your feet even with flip flops on. But after July - August the weather down here is great. We have been in the 60's and 70's the last couple of weeks.
I'm told that a air blower is useful down here during the summer months. Only problem like with the Coast Spa you have to give up a motor for the blower. So you can have 3 motors and no blower or 2 motors and a blower. I really like the 3 motor setup because you could dedicate one to the waterfall and another to the volcano and so forth. One person on this forum told me that they don't use the blower because of the noise.
I recommended to a spa dealer that they might want to figure out a way to cool down a spa for summer use. That way after a hot day you could cool down in a spa without buying a pool.
Scott ;)
Hi Swell-Tub
Since you have a Hot Spring dealer in your area, I'll throw in my two cents. I understand that you went to this dealer and the only tub that was filed was a Caldera. You need to be aware that the Caldera and several other lines (Hot Spot, Tiger River, Solana) are owned by Hot Spring's owner, Watkins, but are not Hot Spring tubs. They are different lines, some of which I understand developed from different ideas prior to the acquisition of their companies by Watkins. Hot Spring Spas is the premium line of all the hot tub companies owned by Watkins.
I am a longtime owner. My first was a 93 Prodigy that ran great until it was hit by a falling tree. My new tub is an 06 Hot Spring Envoy. The Envoy is a "high performance" tub in the HS lineup. The power of the jets is great. I've had my new tub since Nov 06, and the only real problem I have had was the upgrading of the auxiliary control panel which took about two minutes.
Also, in almost 15 years of HS full foam ownership, I have never, ever had a leak. And I believe that most full foam owners will tell you the same. I'm not preaching full foam vs. thermal pane, because each system is great if properly done. It just seems to me that the thermal pane system is more difficult to do right; thus people are more likely to encounter problems with insulation and heating costs, especially with the lower price, less well known tubs. Personally, I would only consider a Thermal Pane tub if I could assure myself from the git-go that the manufacturer had a stellar record insulating with this method.
Since it doesn't appear that you have had the opportunity to actually test a HS tub, you should ask the dealer to fill one of the HS models you like and give it a shot.
Also, ignore the "Consumer Digest - Best Buy Award". It's a scam. "Consumer Digest" is not "Consumer Reports".
Hot Spring and other major manufacturers have determined its worth buying these "awards" each year. (and frankly, its the only slimy thing I've ever encountered with Hot Spring or Watkins)
Finally, some friendly advice: Put your wallet away until you are sure which tub you want. You aren't buying the Mona Lisa.
If you miss a deal on a pearl tub with gray sides, you can be sure another one just like it is coming off the factory line!
Did Artesian close their factory store?
They are built in LV and I had heard they have a store attached to their factory.
A bunch of happy Artesian owners here ... I am one as well.
I know there is a right tub out there for everyone. It appears that Hot Springs and Jacuzzi are the Kings of the Hill on this forum. Hot Springs are sold in my area by Renee and I have only heard good things about Renee. I haven't hooked up with the local Jacuzzi dealer yet as they are brand new (I think).
What I have been told is to check the quality of the tub. Is it poured or vacuumed? How thick is it and how is it finished. The sun down here is hard on a fiberglass finish. Next is the quality of the jets, plumbing, and motors. After that is dealer support and warranty. So far my favorite tub was the Coast Spa but the last item is why I walked away.
Who is Watkins anyway? And why do they have several lines. I think if I was a manufacturer I would have a high quality line and a mid line. Then put all my R&D into the 2 lines and keep the number of models down to a useful number.
Scott ;)
Who is Watkins anyway? And why do they have several lines.
Scott ;)
Watkins manufacturing is the largest tub maker on the planet, bar none. They are owned by a publicly traded company called Masco. Look them up. Very solid.
They have amassed an impressive number of industry awards, and they are very good at pressing the dealers to offer good after-sale service. They are straight-shooters and I have enjoyed working with them for the past 21 years - which has included more than one downturn in the economy. I don't think they are going to go away on you. Even if your local dealer fades - no likely since she has been around a good long time AND she has other irons in the fire including inground pools and spas - the factory will be there to get anything taken care of that you might need. Hey, they can send me on a road trip if needed, I haven't been to Vegas in a while.
Since Renee is only showing part of the line right now, it will be harder for you to see the entire line and to experience the jets and seating of a HotSpring. However, I think it would be worth your effort to do so. If it would be possible for you to visit Southern Cal, I would be glad to show you the entire line of HotSpring, Tiger River, Solana and Hot Spot tubs, and let you soak in any that you wish to. I can't sell to you, but I would be glad to pick you up at the airport and drive you to a local dealer. If you fly into San Diego I will take you to the factory and have them give you a tour before you see all the tubs in their beautiful showroom.
I could take you to a Caldera showroom, one of the very first ones which ever existed, and you can sample those tubs there.
Let me know if I can help.
Did Artesian close their factory store?
They are built in LV and I had heard they have a store attached to their factory.
A bunch of happy Artesian owners here ... I am one as well.
They appear to still be in business. They are up in the Northern Las Vegas area. I haven"t heard much about Artesian spas and you are the only one who has had something to say about them. My co-worker sells spas on the side and uses his Dynasty twice a day for his arthritis. I'll ask him what he knows about Artesian.
Scott ;D
Swell, I'm also going to throw my 2 cents in, and some of it will repeat what others above have said. First, I'm a consumer, not a dealer or salesman. Read this forum and others and ignore what most salesmen in stores tell you. I've found they either "fudge" on the truth a little or may even be not fully informed. They may know a decent amount about their particular brand, but many don't know anything about the other brands.
Forget the full foam finding leaks argument. I agree wholeheartedly with Richs. Full foam is GENERALLY a better idea, only because there are only 1 or 2 companies that insulate with other methods (sometimes called thermal pain or heat lock) that have it right. Arctic and Coleman come to mind. The rest of the companies using non-full foam methods appear to be cutting costs and are not well insulated. May not be a big deal in Vegas, but full foam also helps insulate the noise of the internal components.
I'll give you what I have consistently seen to be the list of the top tubs for quality and owner satisfaction (in no particular order, and I may miss a couple): Marquis, Hot Spring, Caldera, Jacuzzi, Sundance, D1 and Arctic....a few others seem pretty popular too -- Artesian, Coleman, Bullfrog. After that, it's all 3rd tier or lower.
Finally, my biggest advice -- Forget sticking your arm in a tub. Sounds like in the construction trade that therapy will be high on your list of priorities, along with quality. You won't know what tub "fits" you best unless you wet test. I took that advice on this forum and others, and I believe it ranks up their in importance with the quality of the tub and the quality of the dealer when deciding what to buy.
Good luck! Keep us informed!
Get back in the Caldera and wet test it! I'm not sure what model you were in, but I found it to be the most powerful of all the tubs I tried, plus, the lighting and waterfall were my favorite. Being in South Florida, I agree about finding a way to cool the tub. I have tried my whole icemaker, but it doesn't work. There is ONE company that does offer a cooling system, but it is an unknown company. I have also heard of an add-on to cool your spa. I do sometimes use my air blower for that reason.
I tested Dynasty, and while I loved the neck jets, found the rest of the tub to be VERY wimpy. D-1 was very uncomfortable for me, Hot Springs was good, but I didn't love it, Sundance makes a beautiful tub, but the jets didn't do it for me, plus on the one I tried, I felt like you couldn't use the foot and seat jets on high at the same time, Vita has a unique system with lots of air jets and above the water fresh cool water misters, which made me really consider this tub, just to cool down easier, but in the end, I figured I would rather have the best tub and install my own misters (same with the stereo). If I were judging by looks and what salespeople told me, I would have bought a totally different spa.....the wet test made all the difference.
So I will post my adventures as I seek out a new spa. So far I put money down on a Coast Spa Radiance and loved the tub from a dry test only. Well I did stick my arm in it and it felt great. It had 3 - 5 hp motors in it with led lights and a cool waterfall. Also the sound system with sub-woofer, equilizer, and floating remote was cool. Then I started to hear lack of support issues and parts from Canada were a problem. Also they enclose the plumbing in foam which make repairs difficult. So I cancelled the order and gave up my deposit.
Next I went to a Hot Springs dealer and they only had 4 tubs on the floor and only one was wet. The wet one was a Caldera and it seemed under powered. Again this was based on only a arm test and the dealer said that while the design saved power it did not allow for all jets to be run at the same time.
1) Be careful when reading spec sheets. Those "5hp" pumps by Coast are rated in brake horsepower (an old marketing trick). They are really more like 2.5 hp when compared with spas where they state REAL horsepower.
2) Unless you are buying the tub with the intention of just sticking your arm in it at home you really should consider wet testing with your whole body.
The problem I have had with wet testing is that the two stores I have been in only have one or two tubs with water in them. Then the thought of walking into a store and jumping in with a suit on and then as customers come in you look like the monkey in the cage or in my case they would try to save the beached whale as all the water left the tub upon my entrance. I know I have to do the wet test but it will be my last exercise before the purchase as I know this will be a difficult task.
Now if I were to open a Spa store I would have a temporary blind I could put up around a tub for when a customer wanted to do a wet test. That way the customers could have some privacy while trying the tub out. How do you dealers do wet tests when a customer wants to try a tub you have empty on the floor?
Scott ::)
Then the thought of walking into a store and jumping in with a suit on and then as customers come in you look like the monkey in the cage or in my case they would try to save the beached whale as all the water left the tub upon my entrance. I know I have to do the wet test but it will be my last exercise before the purchase as I know this will be a difficult task.
Scott ::)
Just wet test when they first open in the morning and no one is there or at the end of the day where the dealer will no doubt be happy to lock the doors and give you time while they ready the place for closing for the night.
I was really uncomfortable with the wet testing thing too. Most places though had very few people there if any when I tested. The ones that were there were all saying what a great idea it was to test. I was doing anything to avoid it, but I realized, when was I ever going to see these people again? Would I drive a car without a test drive? Would I buy a mattress without lying on it first? Why would I ever spend $10,000 on something I will have for 10+ years and not be sure it is the one I would be most happy with!
Many dealers were willing to drain one tub and fill another for me. I also went to places far away to test other models even if I were planning on buying one closer. Dealers will make arrangements for you to test after hours if need be.
Many dealers had mood rooms available years ago. Now days many of the showrooms dont have the extra space. There was an article about this in pool and spa a year or two ago.
We still have a mood room with 2 wet spas inside. One spas on the floor and another on a two teir deck. The rooms fully enclosed with a double door. Room includes music, beach scene on wall, plants, robes and a 4x6 sky light.
How do you dealers do wet tests when a customer wants to try a tub you have empty on the floor?
Scott ::)
I have a pump and hose handy. We can move the power to another spa in about the same time it takes to transfer the hot water.
I don't do it often, but the few times I have done it I have written up the spa in question.
I keep 2 spas wet in the private mood room, 2 more on the showroom floor, and 5 wet outside on the deck. I've actually had up to 4 different families wet testing at once one time. I also keep a supply of wine, beer, water, cigars, and other essentials to help make the experience more enjoyable for the customers.
Despite all of this accomodation, I probably only have about 10 wet tests per year.
If a dealer is not willing to accomodate you when you are shopping, go to a dealer that will.
I keep 2 spas wet in the private mood room, 2 more on the showroom floor, and 5 wet outside on the deck. I've actually had up to 4 different families wet testing at once one time. I also keep a supply of wine, beer, water, cigars, and other essentials to help make the experience more enjoyable for the customers.
Despite all of this accomodation, I probably only have about 10 wet tests per year.
If a dealer is not willing to accomodate you when you are shopping, go to a dealer that will.
Man I wish you had a store in Vegas. Wine, beer, water, cigars. I don't drink or smoke but the other essentials have my mind going (haha).
Scott ;)
Heck yeah! Term has me wanting to fly south to try another wet test. IL just passed a smoking ban for anything indoors. Haven't had a cigar since. :(
Full foam is GENERALLY a better idea, only because there are only 1 or 2 companies that insulate with other methods (sometimes called thermal pain or heat lock) that have it right. Arctic and Coleman come to mind. The rest of the companies using non-full foam methods appear to be cutting costs and are not well insulated. May not be a big deal in Vegas, but full foam also helps insulate the noise of the internal components.
I'll give you what I have consistently seen to be the list of the top tubs for quality and owner satisfaction (in no particular order, and I may miss a couple): Marquis, Hot Spring, Caldera, Jacuzzi, Sundance, D1 and Arctic....a few others seem pretty popular too -- Artesian, Coleman, Bullfrog. After that, it's all 3rd tier or lower.
I believe in your effort to be helpful you have made a few assumptions I take issue with. There are several companies that do it right with non-full foamed tubs. Popular tubs don't always equate to the best tubs. There are several regional tub mfgs that are really well made and hold up well. In fact most people that own hot tubs are not members of any hot tub forum and are very well satisfied with the tub they buy. I find it a little bit close minded to suggest any tub not on your list is 3rd tier or lower. When buying my hot tub I looked at over 3 dozen mfgs of hot tubs. Most of them were comparably built and most had some feature the others didn't. Bottom line on a hot tub is, Will it keep the water hot, relax you with the jets and not breakdown? Also in my opinion the dealer is more important than the actual mfg of the tub.
I was really uncomfortable with the wet testing thing too. Most places though had very few people there if any when I tested. The ones that were there were all saying what a great idea it was to test. I was doing anything to avoid it, but I realized, when was I ever going to see these people again? Would I drive a car without a test drive? Would I buy a mattress without lying on it first? Why would I ever spend $10,000 on something I will have for 10+ years and not be sure it is the one I would be most happy with!
Many dealers were willing to drain one tub and fill another for me. I also went to places far away to test other models even if I were planning on buying one closer. Dealers will make arrangements for you to test after hours if need be.
Great point I need to do it to finally make my choice, but I am dreading the "wet test"
Tailhooker, I was a tad nervous (as was my wife) for the first wet test, but it wasn't bad. We did it as suggested - right before closing time. Some offered to do it at closing time, or even before they opened in the morning. The one or two times customers came by, we were already in the tub -- they'd say something like "Great idea! I should do that!" and walked along. Noone actually stood there and watched us. And they were long gone before we got out of the tub. It really made our narrowing process much easier.
Thearm, I prefaced my list with the caveat that I might not list every tub. And while there may be regional tub mfrs that do a great job, nobody on these forums could possibly know every detail about every one of them. And those mfrs don't produce enough tubs to generate the numbers that let us really know with a better degree of certainty what their reliability and quality is. And, obviously you didn't read my post very closely, because I've always said (IMO) -- dealer, wet testing and manufacturer are all equally as important. Most 1st time purchasers have no clue what they're looking for. Until they start reading on this site and others. I myself didn't, until I started researching and wet testing. And while sometimes the advice they get is a bit general, we're all trying to point them in the right direction. I have no agenda. Just trying to give them info they might not have had when they first signed on here.
This reminds me of the Chevy vs. Ford discussions we have had in our family over the years. Everyone has an opinion and I appreciate all the opinions. Some examples have been that there is a Jacuzzi dealer here and also I hadn't even heard of Artesian spas until this forum.
I'm going to check out Jacuzzi, Hot Springs, and Artesian this week. When I bought a boat the best part was going to the factory and seeing how they were made. I'm kind of getting excited about a visit to the Artesian factory here in Vegas. I bought a SunnyBrook RV and the best selling point was a manufacturing video available on their website. I got to see an RV built from start to finish. You can tell alot about a product when you see one built. I have had a nice offer to fly down to San Diego to see a Hot Springs built.
So far this forum has taught me alot about a topic I had very little knowledge of. This journey is going to be an adventure and I'm sure I will be alot happier with my final decission because of it.
Scott ;)
Also in my opinion the dealer is more important than the actual mfg of the tub.
I don't completely agree with this statement. I believe the dealer is AS important as the manufacturer. A good dealer with a bad spa still gives you a bad spa. A good manufacturer with a bad dealer gets you problems with service if you should need it (and you will). A strong dealer carrying a good line should get you a good experience.
I don't completely agree with this statement. I believe the dealer is AS important as the manufacturer. A good dealer with a bad spa still gives you a bad spa. A good manufacturer with a bad dealer gets you problems with service if you should need it (and you will). A strong dealer carrying a good line should get you a good experience.
Both are important but I agree with you that they're even or maybe the manufacturer is slightly more important if I had to choose. I'd rather have a so-so Hot Spring/Sundance dealer than a top notch M@$###/C@! dealer. If the dealer isn't good at least you can complain to the manufacturer and hope for resolution that way. If the dealer is great but the manufacturer has a crappy product or is denying claims a dealer sometimes can help but sometimes the manufacturer can tie their hands.
In the end, why not just have the best of both worlds?
Hi Swell-Tub and welcome to these forums.
I recently went through the same sort of search as you...and the best advice I got from these forums was to Wet Test. It's like test driving a car...probably the most important way to see whether you'll like it or not.
Lots of people here have favorite brands. Owners tend to recommend the tubs they bought and dealers recommend the tubs they sell. I started a similar thread to yours and got the same sort of advice you're getting now. It was all helpful, but none of it compared to the wet test. That's really the only thing that matters. You really have to get in there and see if you like how the seats feel when it's all filled up. Anything else is really secondary to how it feels to you.
For what it's worth, I wet tested several different brands and took extensive notes on how each one felt to me. They went a little like this (listed in order of my personal preference).
La Spas: This is the brand I eventually bought. Most comfortable and also the powerful tub of the ones I tried out (great lounge, great back and shoulders chairs). I bought the HEET, but they have a non lounger called the Concord which was the best non-lounge model I tested. I think they were fantastic and if there's a dealer near you, you should try them for sure.
Jacuzzi: Their loungers were a bit too short for me (even in the biggest tub) but the 480 non-lounge had a bunch of really comfortable seats and was one of my favorite tubs. I really liked their in floor foot massage thing that people sitting around in a circle could share. This was my second choice tub and I'd recommend it to anyone.
Sundance: Really liked their Cameo, which had a great lounge and jets that gave a good massage. There were a couple of shallow seats, but this one was a top 3 contender for me. I loved the corner seats in them, btw.
Phoenix: A lot of people warned me to stay away from this brand (which was the cheapest with the most bells and whistles) but the dealership was by far the friendliest and so anted to give them a shot because of that. I liked their Sorrento a lot and if I was price shopping, this would have been my top pick.
Hot Spring: Tested a couple of their tubs, but many of the seats weren't quite deep enough for me (My shoulders stuck out). On top of that, all of their tubs felt really underpowered. If you wanted to really turn it up, you had to divert the jets around and couldn't have more than one seat on at a time full blast. I'd say they were very comfortable, but weak. Still, there's no denying the great rep they have.
Arctic: Was very uncomfortable for me. The jets seemed more ornamental than functional and the mold of the tub wasn't a fit for me. A lot of people have good things to say about these, so I'd chalk my own dislike up as "abnormal".
I also went and looked at D1, Marquis and a few other frequently recommended brands, but didn't wet test due to the quality or location of their dealerships. '
Good luck...and do those wet tests! :)
They appear to still be in business. They are up in the Northern Las Vegas area. I haven"t heard much about Artesian spas and you are the only one who has had something to say about them. My co-worker sells spas on the side and uses his Dynasty twice a day for his arthritis. I'll ask him what he knows about Artesian.
Scott ;D
I also am familiar with the Artesian brand as Vinny is. I think it's a quality tub with a tremendous amount of upside. You can actually build it based on features and price. There are many quality spas on the market, too many to list, although Sundance and Hot Spring always come to the top in every conversation.
It is extremely important that you feel comfortable with the dealer. It is he/she that will be the difference maker. As someone said in an earlier post, "if you can't get it repaired in a timely fashion, does it really matter what it is?" :-/
I had a very cool tour today of the Artesian manufacturing plant. They took me out on the production floor and showed me tubs at different levels of production. Now I will admit I'm a rookie but they had many quality checks along the way. All hose fittings are glued and clamped. The high end tubs have five 3HP motors so each seat has it's on pump and each pump draws only 6 amps. 7 year warranty on the tub and 5 year warranty on all the plumbing and pumps. 2 year warranty on the cabinet.
They make your tub to order in 10 days. I asked for a wet test and they build your tub with the colors you like and have you wet test that tub. If you like it you buy it and if you don't they put it into inventory. They have one equipped the way I want it but not in the same color, so I told them that I would prefer to wet test that one and then have them build my color if I like it, so my wet test is scheduled for this Friday.
The salesman and service technicians design the tubs and one of the technicians went on the floor with me and told what finishes hold up best in the Vegas heat. They also told me about service calls and what kind of things need repairs. It was really cool. They were making alot of tubs while I was there. I asked where all of them were going and they told me that they have large orders to fill overseas in other countries.
So does anyone have a Artesian Spa or know anything about them?
Scott :)
I wet tested the Grand Bahama in the Island Series, and the Piper Glen in their high-end series. Both were nice. Piper Glen was gorgeous, but didn't wow me for the price. I probably would have gone Grand Bahama or Grand Cayman in the Island Series if I was going to buy Artesian. Price was great and therapy was decent. For my wife and me, other manufacturers fit us better, but the Artesians were nice tubs. And I want to say the Island Series were in the mid 5 thousand range -- slightly more to upgrade to bigger pumps or an extra pump.
We are looking at the Pelican Bay 8X9. With all the extra LED's, poly-planar stereo system that includes XM stereo, cover lift, steps, and taxes we out the door for $12K. There are no others options available so this unit would be loaded with every available feature.
Scott ;)
My wife and I bought an Artesian Dove Canyon in the end of December and we're very happy with it. The individual pumps for each seat is a great idea, no sharing of pump output makes sense to me don't know why more mfg's don't go that route. We compared it to a Jacuzzi 480 and it didn't take long for us to make up our mind that the Artesian was the way to go for us. We did have one minor issue, the connector for the lights wasn't plugged in, had to remove a panel and snap it back in place, but overall, we're very happy.
I have a 2005 Artesian Grand Cayman. I couldn't afford the Piper Glenn which was their top of the line back then.
It is a nice tub, gave me a lot for the money and was the best value for me. Back in 2005 (with 2004 pricing I paid $6500 for it).
I have gone on the Artesian website and they have changed the design of it for 2008(?) and it now looks closer to a lot of other tubs - Piper, Optima and others with a foot dome. It has plenty of power when you want it and can be gentle when you need that.
The only thing I will caution you about is sometimes a manufacturer puts too many jets int the tub and the jet action suffers. I have 52 jets but now they make them with 62, it doesn't sound like much but 10 jets may be enough to go from "wow" to "huh" ... I'm talking from experience as I saw another tub that I was going to buy and the tub manufacturer turned their tub into a "huh?' tub. Of coarse if you wet test this will be avoided.
They had several blems for sale at the factory. Some with a jet missing or an extra jet was installed. They don't have separate model lines so all tubs go down the same line. I guess this is why they have some blems. Anyway I can get a Piper Glen blem for $7-8K. A new Piper Glen was like $11K out the door with taxes. The seven extra LEDs is $400 and the top of the line stereo with floating remote is $800. This was included in the $11K price. I had a budget for $10K but almost spent $15K a couple of weeks ago, so if the wet test goes well then I will be right in the middle of both prices.
Scott ;)
My wife and I bought an Artesian Dove Canyon in the end of December and we're very happy with it. The individual pumps for each seat is a great idea, no sharing of pump output makes sense to me don't know why more mfg's don't go that route. We compared it to a Jacuzzi 480 and it didn't take long for us to make up our mind that the Artesian was the way to go for us. We did have one minor issue, the connector for the lights wasn't plugged in, had to remove a panel and snap it back in place, but overall, we're very happy.
How many jets does your 5 motors run?
Scott :)
They had several blems for sale at the factory. Some with a jet missing or an extra jet was installed.
Huh, how the heck does that happen?
Huh, how the heck does that happen?
The guy who installs the jets can't count that high. I don't know. When I looked at the blems I couldn't see anything wrong with them. Alot of them were returned by stores that went out of business so they had 2006 and 2007 tubs but called them blems because they were returned.
Scott :)
We sold Artesian before Jacuzzi for 4 years, in the end the Jacuzzi won out. The Artesian is a nice spa, and they have a lot to offer.
We did have trouble with quite a few right out of the box, it was always a cross my fingers, I hope this runs type of deal. Once we worked the kinks out of them they seem to run fine.
I know since they built a new factory their quality control went up quite a bit. But we still stuck with Jacuzzi, I was selling Jacuzzi 10 to 1 over the Artesians, in the end I was blowing new Dove Canyons and Piper glens out at 5000.00 just to get rid of them.
Overall I like the Jacuzzi better, but like others have said check em out!
Tonight I'm wet testing a Hot Springs Envoy. The Grandee is looking good but they don't have one wet. I guess in Nevada it is against the health department code to allow wet testing of tubs. The reason is that you swap sweat with other people so it becomes a community spa at that point.
I do have one question how many use your stereo in the spa? I'm told they don't get used much because the jets drown them out.
Scott :)
Tonight I'm wet testing a Hot Springs Envoy. The Grandee is looking good but they don't have one wet. I guess in Nevada it is against the health department code to allow wet testing of tubs. The reason is that you swap sweat with other people so it becomes a community spa at that point.
I do have one question how many use your stereo in the spa? I'm told they don't get used much because the jets drown them out.
Scott :)
I went with the SpAudio II system with my tub (the same one you will be testing tonight). I didn't have a stereo on my old tub, but I use this system almost every time I get in. At least on the Envoy, the sound is not drowned out by the pumps. I like it and would get it again if I got a new tub. But, it is an expensive option.
Enjoy the wet test!
Well we just got home from wet testing the Hot Springs Envoy.
Dealership = Outstanding (Spas by Renee)
Hot Springs Quality = Outstanding
Envoy Functionality = Far less than wow. The tub was small and difficult to get around in. Temp was 104 inside so we overheated pretty quick. We couldn't stay down in the lounger. I had my wife and 28 year old daughter with me for the test.
We sat in the Grandee dry and it was far more comfortable. So our first wet test was not very exciting. The dealer put out lit candles and had fresh towels lined up on a table. Turned out the lights so the tub lights could be seen. He did a great job of setting the mood for the experience. Only thing that could have been better is if temp was lower.
I would really like to buy a tub from this dealership. I will continue to do research. I think my next stop will be Sundance
Scott :(
I honestly get that reaction from quite a few that wet test the HS, lack of power. And thats one reason why a wet test is so important everyone likes different things. I am sure the HS dealer hears things about our spas as well ?l
I am sure the HS dealer heres things about our spas as well ?l
Honestly, no one has ever even brought them up at our stores...unless you count the one's that tell us how much they "love their HotSpring jacuzzi!".
Okay I will admit it, the wife and I watch American Idol. :-[
Last night one of the kids singing is named Chikeze, Simon called him Jacuzzi. ;D Freakin cracked me up! I about spewed beer all over myself.
And Term you don't even have a Jacuzzi dealer close to you do you??
I had the same reaction to the Envoy. That was when I realized that a lounge was not for me. Keep looking, you'll find a good one.
Honestly, no one has ever even brought them up at our stores...unless you count the one's that tell us how much they "love their HotSpring jacuzzi!".
That happens all the time here as well. People referring to spas in general as jazuzzi's.
And Term you don't even have a Jacuzzi dealer close to you do you??
No sir. There used to be one back in around ought one, but they gone now and tain't been back.
Same old same old around here: Bullfrog, Dynasty, Sunbelt.....and us!
No sir. There used to be one back in around ought one, but they gone now and tain't been back.
Same old same old around here: Bullfrog, Dynasty, Sunbelt.....and us!
Well no wonder you sell so many, you have no competition. ;D
Well no wonder you sell so many, you have no competition. ;D
Never really have had much, they all kinda come and go and leave behind a few upset customers that can't get parts or service.
By cracky, sold 2 yesterinday and just sold my third one today!
The gentleman that just bought a 2008 Sovereign is trading in his 1984 Sovereign. He told me he is famous at Watkins as he was actually shocked by his spa when the dealer wired it up wrong, thus precipitating the policy of only having our spas wired by a licensed electrician.
Gotta go! So mebody here!
So tonight the local Coast Spa dealer called and lowered his offer. He also said he would pay the crane fee. Lots are so small here in Vegas that you have to pay for a crane to raise the spa over your roof into your backyard. So let's hear it. What is wrong or right about Coast Spas out of Canada?
Scott ::)
I would tell the Coast guy that you've looked at other spas and are leaning towards one of them. See if he will drop the price even further. If he does, DO NOT BUY from him as he is either (a) gouging you to begin with and will continue to do so as long as you have a relationship with him or (b) is extremely desperate and will probably not be around much longer anyway.
Good luck!
GThere is ONE company that does offer a cooling system, but it is an unknown company. I have also heard of an add-on to cool your spa. I do sometimes use my air blower for that reason.
The Arctic Chiller is an add-on cooler for Arctic Spas -- and I'd sure like to think that we aren't an "unknown company". It might conceivably work for some other brands with perimeter insulation.
What is wrong or right about Coast Spas out of Canada?
They have been recognized for six years straight as one of Canada's 50 Best Managed Companies, making them Platinum Members. You'll find them listed here:
They have been recognized for six years straight as one of Canada's 50 Best Managed Companies, making them Platinum Members. You'll find them listed here:
WOW. This coming from a competitor's point of view. I think the hardest thing about shopping for a spa in my local market is how bad the dealers bash one another. Not just the tubs but the actual dealers. I do want to know if a tub is not performing well but I sometimes have to listen about personal details about the people and that ain't right.
Scott :(
How many Jacuzzi owners do we have on this site? What do you think of Jacuzzi Spas?
Scott :)
I'd say quite a few. I'm assuming you made a stop at your local Jacuzzi Dealer and they tickled your feathers?? Don't be embarased, they have a tendancy to do that to a lot of people. Me included. :)
I'm sure someone has mentioned this before but I'll reiterate. As long as you stick to one of the major players in the game and they're backed by a reputable dealer, the only concerns you should have are price and how they feel during wet tests.
Oh yeah, in case I wasn't clear enough, Jacuzzi is a major player.
What model(s) has caught your attention?
Hi Swell - did you wet test Artesian? I may have missed that post. I have an Artesian Piper Glen that we got in Oct 2006. We love it.....the individual seat controls are a major plus. We haven't had any problems with ours. We did a lot of research and wet testing prior to our purchase. Definitely wet test all tubs that you are interested in. Check out Jacuzzi and Marquis too if you haven't already.
I canceled my wet test at Artesian because I received a lot of negative comments about the company. Also doctor said I can't wet test for another 4 weeks because I just had knee surgery. I do have a new Jacuzzi dealer close to my home. I thought I might check then out today.
Scott :)
I canceled my wet test at Artesian because I received a lot of negative comments about the company. Also doctor said I can't wet test for another 4 weeks because I just had knee surgery. I do have a new Jacuzzi dealer close to my home. I thought I might check then out today.
Scott :)
Interesting....can you share what those comments were? :-/
Interesting....can you share what those comments were? :-/
Bohms, I think he means the dealer and not the manufacturer.
I can't say anything about the dealer but I will tell you anyone who said negative things about Artesian may be full of garbage (cleaned up!). The only thing I can say about the dealer is there is no dealer if you're dealing with a company store.
Yes, there are some people on the internet who had a bad experience but that is true of all manufactures out there. Nothing is 100%.
Jacuzzi Jim had a comment about their quality but that was the first I ever heard of the "quality issues". Not saying he's wrong but this was the first time any dealer really said anything that negative about Artesian.
There used to be a dealer here that sold them and HS, Artesian seemed to do well against them.
Maybe I'm defending my brand but I put a lot of research into it before buying a tub and it was one of the brands that consistantly (in 2004) had nothing negative said about it. Actually one of the dealers here helped another member get a PC board swapped out just out of warranty free of charge - pretty good customer service on Artesian's part if you ask me. BTW, on another forum there is someone who is complaining that their jets are breaking and a different manufacturer isn't honoring them under warranty - my 6 jets have been honored under warranty for the whole duration - again pretty good IMO.
Good luck in your search but if something is said and you want it verified - ask here - we ain't afraid to tell you!
Bohms, I think he means the dealer and not the manufacturer.
Oh....he said he heard a lot of negative comments about the company - that, to me would imply Artesian, not the dealer. I was just wondering what he heard that I didn't hear.
Vinny - I agree - when I was doing my research, I was on two different forums asking about Artesian and I never heard anything negative (even from dealers that didn't sell Artesian) which is the reason why I went ahead with the wet test.
Maybe I'm just getting defensive b/c it's my brand, but I just want to know what Swell heard and from who.
Like earlier in the thread I appreciated it when a competitor or it seemed, had something good to say about Coast Spas. When you are a rookie like me and each time you go to a dealer and they spend a lot of time putting the competition down it makes it hard to know who to believe. So every dealer here in Vegas has told me to avoid Artesian.
Yes I went right to the factory store and was impressed. All the dealers claim they are near out of business. Based on the volume of tubs going through the line at the time I was there it seems hard to believe. They did tell me that many of the tubs were headed out of the country, I think Mexico. One concern was they did have an entire wall of blems. Some returned and others had wrong count of jets. I would guess about 30 - 40 tubs stacked three high. This did concern me. Another story was that they use different suppliers for jets and motors so when the tub gets older it might be hard to find replacement parts. As far as features for the price they were great. I looked at the Pelican Bay and it seemed like it would be a good match for what I was looking for.
I go through cycles. I get excited about buying a spa then I think it is going to be nothing but trouble so I give up. Then I start the cycle all over again. I was told to stick to the major brands like HS, Sundance, Dynasty, Jacuzzi, etc. But I have had some tell me to avoid Dynasty and I have an inside track and can get the best deal on a Dynasty. So the journey continues. One dealer told me not to think about it so much and not to do a lot of research. Just buy his tub. He was a HS dealer BTW.
Anyway I'm not putting any manufacturer down because I simply don't know who is the best. I have only wet test the HS Envoy and it did not fit me at all. It was a very uncomfortable tub. I'm 6 foot and weigh 250 lbs. I felt like the roman tub in my bathroom was bigger than the Envoy.
Scott ;)
There quality was more of an issue with the original factory, an airplane hanger in Victorville Ca.
Even then quite a few spa's came out ok and quite a few did not. It was never really an issue with the spa its self, well sometimes? Leaks here and there or a shell/jet issue which we still have to this day, but the Gecko equipment they used was not very reliable, once we got the kinks worked out the spa ran fine.
I am pretty sure the spas coming from there new factory are pretty dang sound. Gecko as well is better.
And realistically I would put them up against Hot springs, Sundance and Jacuzzi, any day!! No matter how they are today, I still prefer the Jacuzzi over the Artesian for different reasons than how they are built.
Should add, the only real reason we let Artesian go was, when we brought Jacuzzi in we sold more of them than Artesian's! We looked at our store space,we looked at the lines both offer and the cost differences also, and Jacuzzi won out. I still order parts from Artesian as we service everything we sell, and they gouge us on jets, controls, paks you name it, they always have. I understand markups but their's are outta line, which we then have to pass on to the poor guy that bought a 10,000 dove canyon.
One other thing would be if a local dealer is bad mouthing them I would guess it's because they are scared of loosing a sale, I also would say Artesian is not going to go bankrupt, the spas you saw could be there for a number of reasons, thats one thing about customizing a spa, all it takes is one person to miss something and then the spa is built is wrong for the customer and has to be rebuilt. I was never a fan of customized build to order spa.
In short you want an Artesian go with it you would not be disappointed, same with Jacuzzi and Sundance as well, we already know the HS did not suit you,if it had you would have been happy with it!
But hey, thats why there are different brands.
Bohms, I think he means the dealer and not the manufacturer.
I stand corrected, Bohms. It appears that Swell did mean the manufacturer and not the dealer. Sorry. :)
If the other dealers are bashing Artesian, that's a good sign that their spas must not be that good. Because if they were, they should be able to just let their product speak for themselves w/o the need to bash others.
I'm curious as to which dealers are bashing, so we can put them on blast for being poorly operated. Care to name any names?
Swell, I would disregard the rumors of Artesian goin under. A big plus for you over most people who buy a tub is if there is any major issues you could actually go direct to Artesian and talk to someone face to face. To me it sounds like a lot of dealers are just wheelin and dealin saying anything just to get a sale. Personally id hate to see what it costs to operate a business in Vegas.
Do NOT listen to a different dealer when looking for anything. Some people like Ford trucks, some Chevy and others Toyota. Like Chad said - if their bashing there's a reason. Come on this website and ask about anything hot tub and people will extoll the virtues of their brand. Filtering, heating, even chemical delivery systems - as was said a couple times before ... whatever you find is the best for you. BTW, I'm 6', 290 lbs so it's not impossible to find a tub.
Even though people say no to Dynasty, Bill owns one and has had few problems. Zep owns a Cal Spa and if you listen to some professionals they're crap - Zep has had zero problems so far. I own Artesian and I said what my problems were. Heck, I know a person with a Walmart spa and he loves it - jets are breaking but he's able to get parts it seems. There are people here with HS, Marquis, Jacuzzi and Sundance that had problems. But there can always be that person who gets a lemon and will let everybody know. My mom always told me to behave at other's houses because bad news travels very fast and it is true.
Yes, Artesian does use Waterway jets - I think Waterway may be one of the largest jet manufacturers around. The good part is any same size Waterway jet is available almost anywhere. I can't speak as Jacuzzi Jim spoke of the parts and prices but I do have Gecko controls and now Artesian uses Balboa - these 2 are the largest I believe. I once worked for a company that marked up parts 53% ... parts do make people money. Personally, I have called the factory because of my jet problem and was completely satisfied in how they took care of me. Someone didn't respond to one of my emails and they actually had him call and appologize, which I didn't need or expect.
I am not trying to sell you on Artesian (OK maybe I am ;) ) but look at the tubs, don't listen to the sales dribble, wet test when you can and when you do find the tub don't second guess it.
OK, I just got back from a visit to the Jacuzzi dealer. He did not do any high pressure, but then his main business is building pools. He just got the Jacuzzi line in his store and I knew more then he did. He could not tell me anything about how many motors or how the heater was built. He simply did a demo and told me to come back anytime for a wet test. Very nice guy. He also didn't bash anyone else's product.
Now remember I'm a rookie but that J-470 was looking very fine. It seemed to call out to me. Jacuzzi had the nicest finish of any tubs I've seen so far. I liked the raised back for the waterfall. I liked where they placed the lights. The jet action was cool looking, I'm looking forward to see how it feels. I-pod deck was a nice touch as well. They deliver and setup and only charge $150 crane fee which is the cheapest so far. The price was just under $10K fully loaded which was a good price as well. They have the best warranty I have seen so far. Only one thing that bothers me is the trip charge after the first year. HS doesn't charge any trip charges during warranty.
Now here is where I'm going to get in trouble:
Bash Meter
Worst is Diamond Coast Spa followed by Spa's by Renee.
Best is Desert Springs Group (Jacuzzi) and Artesian Spas, these two focus on talking about there products only. It really is a nice touch and adds a lot of class to the sell.
Scott ;)
FYI. Ten grand for a J-470 is a good price!
Trip charges are fairly common these days. Is the charge reasonable? Keep in mind that dealers that do not have a trip fee today may very well have one tomorrow.
FYI. Ten grand for a J-470 is a good price!
How Good?
How Good?
Your quote is $1000 less than my dealer's starting asking price w/o stereo. It may even be more as I haven't been in my dealership for a few months.
I was quoted over 14,000 for that tub (the Jacuzzi) with a stereo....may have even been closer to 15,000. I didn't negotiate because they didn't wet test.
I would think having a local factory (Artesian) would be a real positive. If you have any problems, the factory is right there! Plus, you should be able to get a better deal, because there would be no cross-country shipping fees attached. I have only heard positives about Artesian. If others bash them, I wouldn't buy a spa from them....but let them know why. That is a really bad sales technique, do them a favor, and let them know what they are doing to lose a sale.
Yeah, Jacuzzi J4 series was in my top couple of tubs after wet testing. I wanna say I was quoted in the low 10's without stereo -- around 11 with. I could be off by a couple hundred. I'm not positive.
I wet tested J480 -- the most comfortable lounger to me and my wife of all tubs we tested.
I wet tested Artesian Grand Bahama (didn't care for the lounger, but my wife thought it was decent....liked the neck jets).
Tested Piper Glen. Beautiful tub. Individual seat controls were cool. Didn't like it enough to justify the price increase from Island series.
Both make great tubs. See what you like better after wet testing, and let that be your guide.
And realistically I would put them up against Hot springs, Sundance and Jacuzzi, any day!! No matter how they are today, I still prefer the Jacuzzi over the Artesian for different reasons than how they are built.
What different reasons do you prefer a Jacuzzi over the Artesian?
Scott :-?
OK, I learned something simple today. After you look at a tub give the salesman the dial-a-prayer phone number as your cell phone number. What was I thinking?
Scott ;)
Saturday I will be wet testing a Coast Spa Radiance with 3 - 5HP motors and an air blower. Do any of you own a Coast Spa and what do you think of them?
Scott :)
Saturday I will be wet testing a Coast Spa Radiance with 3 - 5HP motors and an air blower. Do any of you own a Coast Spa and what do you think of them?
Scott :)
In case you are comparing with other spas those are 5 BHP pumps (marketing horsepower rating), in true HP that's more like 2.5 HP I'd suspect.
Deja Vu all over again.
In case you are comparing with other spas those are 5 BHP pumps (marketing horsepower rating), in true HP that's more like 2.5 HP I'd suspect.
Of course the salesman told me that his 5 HP motors were really like 7HP motors because the other manufacturers use bhp. I'm not sure how to tell for sure because there seems to be a big debate over HP.
Scott :)
Of course the salesman told me that his 5 HP motors were really like 7HP motors because the other manufacturers use bhp. I'm not sure how to tell for sure because there seems to be a big debate over HP.
Scott :)
Well that's not a good star becuse his info is inaccruate. There is no way those are three 5 real HP pumps or you'd need about a 100A breaker. Maybe his untruths are due to ignorance which would be funny since he's calling out others for giving BHP ratings. The dealer is a key ingredient, you may want to factor it in.
I wet tested the Radiance Coast Spa tonight and WOW, what a powerful tub. If I turned the jets all the way up I would have trouble staying in my seat. The 3 - 5HP motors plus the air blower created a lot of action in the tub. So next wet test will be the Jacuzzi 470.
Scott ;)
I wet tested the Radiance Coast Spa tonight and WOW, what a powerful tub. If I turned the jets all the way up I would have trouble staying in my seat.
Scott ;)
Is this a good thing? Is it relaxing?
Is this a good thing? Is it relaxing?
Well it had plenty of power but the key was to dial down the jets until you had the right amount of pressure. Also as you reduced power then you had more power to run other jets. Also the wide waterfall was relaxing to sit under and the gatlin gun jets felt great. This coming weekend I have scheduled a wet test of the Jacuzzi 470.
Scott :)
Is this a good thing? Is it relaxing?
LOL... spoken like a true spa owner! :)
I just wanna know when Coast is going to upgrade those old "5HP" ::) motors to the new Binford 6000 12 HP motors? ;) I'd want at least 4 of them in any tub I consider...
LOL... spoken like a true spa owner! :)
I just wanna know when Coast is going to upgrade those old "5HP" ::) motors to the new Binford 6000 12 HP motors? ;) I'd want at least 4 of them in any tub I consider...
Is this a tooltime joke... I swear Binford was the brand from Home Improvement.
Is this a tooltime joke... I swear Binford was the brand from Home Improvement.
You are as sharp as you are beautiful!!
If three 5HP motors are not enough you can get two Big Red 7HP (20 amp) motors that get you closer to the Tim Allen mode. One 7HP in the floor volcano jets can help you out of the tub when you are done.
Scott ::)
So today I wet tested 2 tub's. Jacuzzi J-465 and a J-345. The J-465 had too many jets for the 2 motors and the family members thought it was a boring tub with weak jet action. The J-345 had less jets so we got better pressure and my son-in-law didn't want to get out of it.
So like the three bears, the Hot Springs Envoy was too weak. The Coast Spa Radiance was too strong. Maybe the Jacuzzi is just right. If we go with Jacuzzi we would probally order the J-365.
I'm thinking we may need to retest the Coast Spa and try the Artesian Piper Glen.
That's it for now....
Scott ;)
So today I wet tested 2 tub's. Jacuzzi J-465 and a J-345. The J-465 had too many jets for the 2 motors and the family members thought it was a boring tub with weak jet action. The J-345 had less jets so we got better pressure and my son-in-law didn't want to get out of it.
So like the three bears, the Hot Springs Envoy was too weak. The Coast Spa Radiance was too strong. Maybe the Jacuzzi is just right. If we go with Jacuzzi we would probally order the J-365.
I'm thinking we may need to retest the Coast Spa and try the Artesian Piper Glen.
That's it for now....
Scott ;)
Scott, did you really notice that much difference between the 400 and the 300 series? Is the difference or lack of features of the 300 still make you consider it compared to the 400?
Scott, did you really notice that much difference between the 400 and the 300 series? Is the difference or lack of features of the 300 still make you consider it compared to the 400?
Yes there was quite a difference between the two tubs. The 300 had better pressure than the 400. Also there was a $3500 difference in costs. So for less money we got better performance. BTW I didn't see any more features on the 400 over the 300.
Another thing that was missing was any neck jets and my neck is one of the major reasons for a spa. Coast Spa still has the best jet action and great above the water neck jets. I really like the quality appearance and finish of the Jacuzzi spa.
So at this point I am down to 2 spas. Either the Jacuzzi J-365 or the Coast Spa Radiance. My co-worker tells me I need to come over to his house and try his Dynasty. He use to sell spas and swears by Dynasty and he didn't even sell the brand.
Scott :)
The J-465 is the worst of the 400 line and does not do justice to the 480 or 470, I sold a J-465 last week at a discount to get rid of it, I have one left when its gone we will order no more unless someone really wants it.
If they will fire off a J-470 it would be worth a try. For the price though the J-365 is very nice!
The J-365 is very similar to the J-345 basically a larger version with a foot dome.
The J-465 is the worst of the 400 line and does not do justice to the 480 or 470, I sold a J-465 last week at a discount to get rid of it, I have one left when its gone we will order no more unless someone really wants it.
Wow, what would you change about the 465 to address the lower rating you give it?
I'd concur with Jim. I tested a 480, and it was pretty sweet! :P
Wow, what would you change about the 465 to address the lower rating you give it?
To start with, only 1 diverter hndl in a 2 pump spa fine in some, but for 9 grand I would want 2, 2nd the lounge is great for tall people about the only thing I do like about it, but the other seats are not deep enough for average height people, I am 6'2 and I sit way to high in the back 2 seats. Those are just a few of the gripes I have with the J-465.
I will usually sell them the J-470, J-375 or the J-365. Whats strange is the J-470 is the same height 38 to 44" in the back, but I sit way different in the seats of a J-470 (which is my favorite) than the J-465.
To start with, only 1 diverter hndl in a 2 pump spa fine in some, but for 9 grand I would want 2, 2nd the lounge is great for tall people about the only thing I do like about it, but the other seats are not deep enough for average height people, I am 6'2 and I sit way to high in the back 2 seats. Those are just a few of the gripes I have with the J-465.
I will usually sell them the J-470, J-375 or the J-365. Whats strange is the J-470 is the same height 38 to 44" in the back, but I sit way different in the seats of a J-470 (which is my favorite) than the J-465.
Been looking at the 480 and was wondering if the power was better on that then the 465? I'm about 6'4" and I really want a large lounger with good therapy. Anyone got a ballpark figure for the 480 and 470 with and without bells and whistles?
So what do you get on a 400 series that increases the price like $3500 over a 300 series?
Here is my problem. I did not like the Hot Springs (sorry to all you Hot Spring fans). I did like the Caldera however.
Anyway I like the nice finish and quality appearance of the Jacuzzi and I am leaning it that direction, however it is like a whole different world when you step into a Coast Spa. The J-465 had a very nice lounger because I could lock my feet under the foot jets to keep me from going top side. However the J-465 had very boring action and I liked the individual flip switches on the J-345 that turned the seats on and off. The advantage is that once you get the tub setup the way you like it, you only need to flip the switch when you want to sit in that seat.
Now for the Coast Spa. It has so much power in reserve that you can get as much or as little jet action as you want. I know there is a debate on this site about actual HP ratings but that doesn't really matter because at the end of the day it is the jet action that matters and Coast Spa is king in this arena (IMHO).
I need some good neck action for this spa to be effective for me. The only spa with above water neck jets that I have wet tested so far is the Coast Spa. So I keep thinking maybe the Coast Spa would be my best choice. If Jacuzzi had neck jets and a floor volcano with some high volume pumps I would be in business. My co-worker tells me he has the perfect spa for me. It is a Dynasty but we don't have any Dynasty dealers here in Las Vegas. About 2/3 of the spa dealers have gone out of business here in Vegas the last couple of years.
Scott ;)
So what do you get on a 400 series that increases the price like $3500 over a 300 series?
Here is my problem. I did not like the Hot Springs (sorry to all you Hot Spring fans). I did like the Caldera however.
Anyway I like the nice finish and quality appearance of the Jacuzzi and I am leaning it that direction, however it is like a whole different world when you step into a Coast Spa. The J-465 had a very nice lounger because I could lock my feet under the foot jets to keep me from going top side. However the J-465 had very boring action and I liked the individual flip switches on the J-345 that turned the seats on and off. The advantage is that once you get the tub setup the way you like it, you only need to flip the switch when you want to sit in that seat.
Now for the Coast Spa. It has so much power in reserve that you cab get as much or as little jet action as you want. I know there is a debate on this site about actual HP ratings but that doesn't really matter because at the end of the day it is the jet action that matters and Coast Spa is king in this arena (IMHO).
I need some good neck action for this spa to be effective for me. The only spa with above water neck jets that I have wet tested so far is the Coast Spa. So I keep thinking maybe the Coast Spa would be my best choice. If Jacuzzi had neck jets and a floor volcano with some high volume pumps I would be in business. My co-worker tells me he has the perfect spa for me. It is a Dynasty but we don't have any Dynasty dealers here in Las Vegas. About 2/3 of the spa dealers have gone out of business here in Vegas the last couple of years.
Scott ;)
How was the Caldera neck jets, I hear that the collar is pretty good?
So I will post my adventures as I seek out a new spa. So far I put money down on a Coast Spa Radiance and loved the tub from a dry test only. Well I did stick my arm in it and it felt great. It had 3 - 5 hp motors in it with led lights and a cool waterfall. Also the sound system with sub-woofer, equilizer, and floating remote was cool. Then I started to hear lack of support issues and parts from Canada were a problem. Also they enclose the plumbing in foam which make repairs difficult. So I cancelled the order and gave up my deposit.
Next I went to a Hot Springs dealer and they only had 4 tubs on the floor and only one was wet. The wet one was a Caldera and it seemed under powered. Again this was based on only a arm test and the dealer said that while the design saved power it did not allow for all jets to be run at the same time.
I looked into an Elite and Dynasty but this forum told me that both had problems and poor support. I haven't seen one yet but I have a co-worker who has a Dynasty and he uses it twice a day every day for several years now and he loves his but wants a bigger tub. He says his 8X8 is not large enough to stretch out in.
What I want is a spa that has quality, support, great performance, and ease of operation. I want to come home at night and go out the french doors of my master bedroom and climb into a nice relaxing experience. Then other than chemicals and some light maintainance. I don't want to think about it much. I also want a nice waterfall with lights to watch from my bedroom at nights. LEDs seem to be the ticket because they last a long time and provide bright colors. I would like to stay around $10K or less but I was going to spend $15K for the Coast Spa out the door.
I'm going to try to find the new Jacuzzi dealer here in Vegas and see what they have to offer. Also Renee is closing a store and I hear they have some great deals on last years Hot Springs. Next weekend is a Spa show here in Vegas and I might attend that as well. What I don't want is 900 lbs of trouble in my backyard. I'm sure used spas are not easy to get rid of. While I was house hunting here in Vegas last year I saw several properties with empty Spas in the backyard that appeared to be large boat anchors for the home.
If all tubs are nothing but an income for the repairman then I will continue to just soak in my bathtub at nights. Anyway I will keep you all posted on my Spa adventure and see where it ends. I have appreciated most of the advice I have gotten from this forum so far.
Scott :)
Hi!! I am new at this so please bear with me.
So far our experiences in spa seeking have been bad/hilarious to great!! Here is what we looked at so far:
We looked at Viking/Destiny River at a local "big box" store. We thought it was everything we wanted until we looked further. At this same store, they sell Sundance and Cal Spas--neither were comfortable, but were great looking. That store had the most ridiculous salesman :o :P!!
Further down the same highway, we ran into a Caldera/Coleman dealer. We loved the Aspire on the floor and were ready to buy--but I want more leg and neck therapy that it didn't offer. One of the best salesman ever!! Great rep!! ;D
Next--further down the same road--we checked out an Arctic and Dynasty dealer--Arctics are great; we like more lights and different cabinetry. Our friends have one and have small issues with the pillows and some other small things, but love it. Dealer experience thus far is great!! They are willing to deal. We were concerned b/c of the less-than-great comments, but we like the Caspain 55 as it is roomy and has extras and the jets are where I like them. We do plan a wet test. (the dealer is ordering one in colors I want with no obligation so I can see it and wet test!!) ;)
A little further down the road--we looked at one more dealer (stopped on the way at someone who sells Hydrospas--looked great on line--TERRIBLE dry test--I felt every jet!!) at someone who sells Clearwater and Raindance, tried a Clearwater Orlando dry (the $13,500+ spa) b/c we liked the seats--but the dealer didn't fill it--we wet-tested a "similar" model, but they don't seem to want to budge to make a sale. I think we will not be going back there.
We couldn't even find the Bullfrog dealer--we have seen mixed reviews--since the business seems to state hours of operation but no one is there----so....
I think at this point the Dynasty is where we are going to go. THe dealer has DEFINATELY made a great impression, and that is half the battle.
Of note--we did look at a D1 Amore Bay--don't like the "barrier free" seating. :P
I will keep all posted on what we decide.
I think at this point the Dynasty is where we are going to go. THe dealer has DEFINATELY made a great impression, and that is half the battle.
So which Dynasty model are you looking at?
Scott :)
How was the Caldera neck jets, I hear that the collar is pretty good?
I have not done wet test in the Caldera but as I was looking at Hot Springs and the features on the Caldera seemed more forward looking. The same dealer sold both. I did do the arm test on a wet Caldera and it felt good.
Scott ;)
So I see that I have a BullFrog dealer here in the area. Is BullFrog a high end spa? Are the jet packs a good idea?
Scott ::)
To start with, only 1 diverter hndl in a 2 pump spa fine in some, but for 9 grand I would want 2, 2nd the lounge is great for tall people about the only thing I do like about it, but the other seats are not deep enough for average height people, I am 6'2 and I sit way to high in the back 2 seats. Those are just a few of the gripes I have with the J-465.
I will usually sell them the J-470, J-375 or the J-365. Whats strange is the J-470 is the same height 38 to 44" in the back, but I sit way different in the seats of a J-470 (which is my favorite) than the J-465.
Is the pressure in the 470, 480 better than in the 465? Is the 480 deeper as well compared to the 465? IS that $3500 price difference really worth it? I guess the 300 doesn't have great neck jets (I think, just looking from the pictures.)
If pressure and neck jets is what you seek then try a Coast Spa. The Radiance with three 5hp motors and an air blower or the two 7hp motors with an air blower. The tub has action and pressure to spare. Two of the seats have 4 neck jets above the water line that are adjustable and spray down on the neck.
My biggest reservation has been that Coast is made in Canada and parts take some time to get if you don't have a repair shop that stocks them.
Scott ;)
Been looking at the 480 and was wondering if the power was better on that then the 465? I'm about 6'4" and I really want a large lounger with good therapy. Anyone got a ballpark figure for the 480 and 470 with and without bells and whistles?
I got a price here in Vegas of 11K for a J-470 with a stereo....
In my Search I as thinking what Spa should I research next? Sundance or BullFrog?
I see that the Chino, CA location is a 3 1/2 hour drive from Vegas and was thinking maybe Sundance has a manufacturing plant there that I could tour.
BullFrog is in Salt Lake which is a 7 hour drive and I need to go to SL next month for a wedding anyway so does BullFrog have a plant there that I could tour?
Do any of you dealers know the answers to the questions above?
Scott, I know you wet tested an HS at the HS/Caldera dealer. But I would highly recommend having them fire up a Caldera for a wet test. Based on what you've been looking at, probably a Geneva. It has one seat with good neck action, and we found the Caldera Utopia line to have more power and room than the HS. You never know, it may save you the 3 1/2 hour trip to Chino.
I got a price here in Vegas of 11K for a J-470 with a stereo....
I think a 480 is around 11.5K with stereo with only cover and chemicals in Corpus Cristi TX. Don't know if that is set or if they add lifter and steps to that price. Here they only have a 465 to wet test :(. To my hand the jets didn't feel very strong, is the 470 and 480 better... they have the same pumps but one extra diverter valve (guess that could make the seats stronger at the expense of the rest))
Next wet test in scheduled for this Thursday.
I'm trying a Sundance Optima.
They have one retrofitted with the new 9HP turbo motors, the technician was a guy named Tim Taylor....
Scott ;)
In my Search I as thinking what Spa should I research next? Sundance or BullFrog?
I see that the Chino, CA location is a 3 1/2 hour drive from Vegas and was thinking maybe Sundance has a manufacturing plant there that I could tour.
BullFrog is in Salt Lake which is a 7 hour drive and I need to go to SL next month for a wedding anyway so does BullFrog have a plant there that I could tour?
Do any of you dealers know the answers to the questions above?
Sundance should be available - I would call first for both. You might be interested to see Jacuzzi's facilities there, too. I've been transferred to the Jacuzzi "side" of the facility on accident a few times.
Bullfrog International has quite the state of the art facility in Bluffdale, UT. I'm sure they would be more than happy to show you around.
After reading some of your other posts, I think the Bullfrog facility will suprise you a bit.
BullFrog International has called me 3 times today. Then the St. George, UT dealer called me after that. They are looking for a new dealer in the Las Vegas area. They have come out with a new concrete jet pack that goes into in-ground spas. Anyway they seem very pro-active.....
Scott :)
So which Dynasty model are you looking at?
Scott :)
We are thinking of the Caspian 55. Nice seating, deep options, nice lights/stereo. (we like bling) Hubby is also eyeing up the Titan 5000. :-/
Well the wife tells me that our wet testing days are over....
Scott ;)
Congrats on finally finding a tub. :)
Well the wife tells me that our wet testing days are over....
Scott ;)
Did you guys find a tub!!!??? :exclamation How did the wet test go!!! Did Ben Roesthlisberger really buy a Maxxus!! my bad, sorry I couldn't resist :-?
Gonna nap for a bit--I'll check back in a bit.
What do people on this forum think about the Sundance Optima?
We wet tested the Maxxum last night and my wife really liked the jets. Had the best lounger I have sat in so far. We don't want a lounger because it takes up to much space. I checked the reviews on Epinions and the tub ranks 4 out of 5 stars. Several owners on the site complain about frequent repairs but then say it is a high quality tub. Not sure how that works. Anyway we are thinking about ordering an Optima unless I come up with anymore ideas.
Scott ;)
Nice tub! Sundance is a great brand IMO and there's a few Optima owners here too believe.
Yes the Optima is a nice spa, I think blowers in spas are useless, but like mentioned, it could work to your advantage when its hot outside. The only other thing is the filter, I would hate spending 70 bucks for a new filter every 6 to 7 months and throwing that one in the garbage, but thats me. ::) Other than that if it fits, the WIFE likes it!!! Question is do you like it?
Optima uses the same jets as the Maxxus. I prefer it to the Maxxus myself, as I like open seating.
As for the filters, there are several options online for cleanable, re-usable filters.
Although, customer feedback on the disposables is good here.
Yes the Optima is a nice spa, I think blowers in spas are useless, but like mentioned, it could work to your advantage when its hot outside. The only other thing is the filter, I would hate spending 70 bucks for a new filter every 6 to 7 months and throwing that one in the garbage, but thats me. ::) Other than that if it fits, the WIFE likes it!!! Question is do you like it?
Since Swell is from Vegas, it gets pretty hot there, I imagine!! :-[
Thats why the blower would/should work for him, it is heated air from inside the cabinet but it will also cool the water down faster if needed.
I like your nurse smiley (
Thanks!!--That's a pretty cool hot tub smiley!!
Heres one your husband will like!! (
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
The only other thing is the filter, I would hate spending 70 bucks for a new filter every 6 to 7 months and throwing that one in the garbage, but thats me. ::) Other than that if it fits, the WIFE likes it!!! Question is do you like it?
It was the most comfortable and relaxing tub I have wet tested. I still plan on wet testing an Optima before I purchase. Please explain the filter comment. Does the Sundance require more expensive or more frequent changing of there filters? Also what would be a reasonable price to pay for an Optima with a blower, ozone, and stereo?
Thanks in advance,
Scott :)
It was the most comfortable and relaxing tub I have wet tested. I still plan on wet testing an Optima before I purchase. Please explain the filter comment. Does the Sundance require more expensive or more frequent changing of there filters? Also what would be a reasonable price to pay for an Optima with a blower, ozone, and stereo?
Thanks in advance,
Scott :)
I was told that there is another filter by Sundance that you can buy and clean yourself just like all the other spas. I should be wet testing a Cameo shortly. 8-)
When we wet tested the Maxxum last night they had it at 100 degrees and it was just my wife and I so we were in a large tub with only 2 people and she could barely walk because of back pain. We are raising our 6 month old grandson and she carries him around each day and I think that is why her back hurts all the time. We are both too old to be raising a baby. When she got out after 40 minutes her back was feeling much better and I think that is why she said just buy that one because it fixed her back.
I did like the Sundance but in all fairness the Jacuzzi felt good also except they had it at 104 degrees and I was too hot in it. When potential customers come in for a wet test I would highly recommend that you set the tub at 100 degrees so they can spend some time in the tub. When we tested the Hot Springs we had the same problem, they had it set for 104 degrees.
I noticed on Ebay they are selling new 2007 Sundance Optima's with stereo's for $6995.00 and $495 for shipping. They sell them COD so you can see the tub before you pay for it. So what is the story does Sundance have a lot of 2007's left over and some dealer in Illinois is unloading them on Ebay?
Scott ;)
Heres one your husband will like!! (
Hey, for the record, I like it too! :o :o :o ;D ;D ;D :-*
Hey--back to biz--our closest JQZ rep has a 470 on the floor but in Morgantown, WV. Me and hubby may go for a ride...
Well good, you really gotta try the 470 its night and day difference from the J-465.
Swell-tub not sure who is selling 07 Optima's on ebay :-/ And not sure its something Sundance would condone??
2nd one would be, who's gonna fix it doubt your local dealer will touch it?
Well good, you really gotta try the 470 its night and day difference from the J-465.
Swell-tub not sure who is selling 07 Optima's on ebay :-/ And not sure its something Sundance would condone??
2nd one would be, who's gonna fix it doubt your local dealer will touch it?
I agree the J-465 was not very exciting. I would like to try a J-470 myself but there are not any available near by. I wouldn't buy one off EBay but was asking because you get to pick colors so it seems he has a few.
Scott :D
When I bought my Cameo...the optima was $9200
With Stereo, chem,lifter&cover,steps. I believe the blower is standard. He did throw in the ozone on my deal,and the optima and cameo were priced the same.1997 models
The internet deal...$7500 plus some goodies and you are getting close...still sounds like a good price.
The dealer here wants $11,800 for a Sundance Optima with stereo, ozone, and blower. For that kind of money I could buy a Jacuzzi J-470 equipped the same way. I see a conspiracy going on here since Jacuzzi and Sundance are the same company.
Scott ;D
Well good, you really gotta try the 470 its night and day difference from the J-465.
Swell-tub not sure who is selling 07 Optima's on ebay :-/ And not sure its something Sundance would condone??
2nd one would be, who's gonna fix it doubt your local dealer will touch it?
How is it night and day? ...The second diverter valve? Same pumps right? Does it give better (deeper) massage?
How is it night and day? ...The second diverter valve? Same pumps right? Does it give better (deeper) massage?
2nd diverter would be one, the foot dome would be next, then the size 88X88 vs 91X91 the other strange thing is they are both 39" in the front then 44 in the back, both seats in the back of the spa are the same, yet on the J-465 I sit way higher in the back 2 seats compared to the J-470. The pillows on the 465 hit me just below the neck the 470s hit me in the back of the head. The J-465 does have a really long lounge though! Personally I just don't like it for the price,when I could have the 470 for a bit more. The lighted step on the 470 is a plus as well!
Don't even get me started on the base!! Just kidding on that part. ;D
2nd diverter would be one, the foot dome would be next, then the size 88X88 vs 91X91 the other strange thing is they are both 39" in the front then 44 in the back, both seats in the back of the spa are the same, yet on the J-465 I sit way higher in the back 2 seats compared to the J-470. The pillows on the 465 hit me just below the neck the 470s hit me in the back of the head. The J-465 does have a really long lounge though! Personally I just don't like it for the price,when I could have the 470 for a bit more. The lighted step on the 470 is a plus as well!
Don't even get me started on the base!! Just kidding on that part. ;D
So the base is made out of... blah, blah, blah!!! ;D
So the base is made out of... blah, blah, blah!!! ;D
TH--You're catching onto these guys!! :o :o ::) ::)
Well next Saturday they are coming to pour the concrete pad for my spa. I'm getting closer. If we bought right now it would come down to two choices, either the Sundance Optima or Jacuzzi J-470. The problem is I can't wet test a J-470 because my local dealer doesn't have one. My Sundance dealer is opening a new store by my house next month and I'm hoping to wet test an Optima at that time.
I do have a question? Where is the electrical hookups on spas. I'm assuming the front where the service door is at. The reason I ask is I need to know where to put the electrical conduit in the concrete so the wires come up where they are needed.
Scott ;)
I just finished watching the BullFrog DVD. Does anyone on this site own a BullFrog? What do you think about them? The new 682 looks like a very nice tub.
Scott :)
We have had our Bullfrog 451 for almost 2 years. We are very happy with it and have had no problems with the tub at all.
BauerN from this site is a Bullfrog dealer, there are also a couple of other owners who stop by from time to time.
I just finished watching the BullFrog DVD. Does anyone on this site own a BullFrog? What do you think about them? The new 682 looks like a very nice tub.
Scott :)
I'm a big no-lounger fan (I just really like to stretch out in the spa - and I do some of my flexibility training in the spa).
682 was my personal favorite (until the 462 - going to put one in after our move this summer). I'm only 5'9", so the smaller tub fits me great - from your posts the 682 would probably be the best Bullfrog for you.
I still recommend a wet test - as you are looking at a lot of different spas. I wouldn't have been able to decide between the Optima, Chelsee, and 462 without trying them.
I have a lot of technical insights into Bullfrog Spas - if I can help more, just let me know.
Hello Scott,
If you still plan on coming up to Salt Lake City this month and want a tour of our facilities, let me know and I can help you out. There is a 552 model ready to wet test and if you like it we can talk.
On a personal note. I have the 462. It is Bullfrog Spas second tier spa. It has fewer JetPaks but I like it alot. I can tell you which JetPaks I like the most and I do love the hot tub. The 682 is a great spa, no lounger but great seating options.
Good luck and let me know it you want that tour! :)
The local BullFrog dealer went out of business and they have to return the tubs back to the manufacturer. I might get a screaming deal on one of the tubs so as not to return them. My concern is service. How often do tubs really need a technician? If I consider this option after I figure out a wet test. Then I will be without local support. The nearest dealer is 2 hours away in St. George and I'm not sure if he will service it since he won't be selling it. I may be buying more headaches than the great deal might be worth?
Scott :-?
My concern is service. How often do tubs really need a technician?
Scott :-?
I'm not sure if its normal or not, but we have not needed a service tech in 2 years of owning our 451. For what its worth I'm sure Bullfrog will be looking hard to open a dealer in a city the size of Vegas. If the price was right I might chance it
Bullfrog is a VERY reliable spa (so are a lot of others), and the technology makes repairs (when needed) VERY easy.
That said, there are a lot of services a good local dealer offers.
In speaking with my regional Bullfrog rep on the Las Vegas area, he stated that Bullfrog was very actively seeking a new dealer.
I think you would be well advised to speak with both Bullfrog International, and the dealer in St. George. They should be able to let you know if the level of service you want and need can be provided. Even better, they can tell you how it would be provided until you have a more local dealer.
I poured my spa concrete pad today. I did an electrical stub-up at 6'6" from the back of the tub and pad location. I hope it lines up with whatever spa I end up buying. I did 1 1/4 inch electrical conduit.
Scott :)
Well we fell for it. All over Vegas they advertised a big Spa show at a local Casino event center. Thinking we would see several spa manufacturers we went. When we got there they had about 15 different Spas setup and they were all Master Spa's. I must admit they were great looking tubs. The Legend had those above water jets that shoot down on you shoulders. We also liked the surround seats. We were invited back tomorrow for a wet test. So far our short list is still Jacuzzi 470 and Sundance Optima. We have been thinking about the BullFrog 682 as well.
Scott :)
We happened to go to a D1 Dealer that had a Master LSX as well, and wet tested it. Again, Tom didn't fit under the reverse pull neck jets, and I was fighting to stay in that seat, as well as the surround seat, which otherwise, was great therapy. Plus, it was a little too full of water. We both floated in the lounger, but we were just testing what was available.
Let us know what happens! ;)
Chrisi :)
I do have a question? Where is the electrical hookups on spas. I'm assuming the front where the service door is at. The reason I ask is I need to know where to put the electrical conduit in the concrete so the wires come up where they are needed.
Scott ;)
I poured my spa concrete pad today. I did an electrical stub-up at 6'6" from the back of the tub and pad location. I hope it lines up with whatever spa I end up buying. I did 1 1/4 inch electrical conduit.
Scott :)
Sorry, I just now saw your post from the other day. You could have just brought the conduit up at the edge of the slab, drilled a hole through the ABS "bowl"(since your buying a Sundance or Jacuzzi), and ran it around the inside of the spa to the front panel. That's exactly what I did. Don't be nervous about drilling a hole in the side of the "bowl" as there are two holes already drilled out by the factory for the same purpose.
We happened to go to a D1 Dealer that had a Master LSX as well, and wet tested it. Again, Tom didn't fit under the reverse pull neck jets, and I was fighting to stay in that seat, as well as the surround seat, which otherwise, was great therapy. Plus, it was a little too full of water. We both floated in the lounger, but we were just testing what was available.
Let us know what happens! ;)
Chrisi :)
That LSX is a really cool looking tub. I have heard nothing good about Master Spa's however.
Scott ;)
I poured my spa concrete pad today. I did an electrical stub-up at 6'6" from the back of the tub and pad location. I hope it lines up with whatever spa I end up buying. I did 1 1/4 inch electrical conduit.
Scott :)
I'm not sure how all manufactures build the base of their spas but Bullfrog has 3 chaseway built in. That way it doesn't matter what way your spa is positioned on pad, you will just have to run it a short distants to the marked chaseway, drill, and you have easy access to your wiring compartment. I have a 3D model posted here.
Good luck
PS, Did you win anything at the casino hut tub show? :)
Well I got to meet webboy yesterday and he was great. Thank you for showing me around the BullFrog manufacturing plant. I find that wewantahottub and myself are going down the same paths. I really like the BullFrog neck blaster jet pack. My problem is that BullFrog only has one tub with one seat that fits me well. As I have said earlier I'm 6'0" and my wife is 5'5" and we have the same inseam, so I have 7 inches extra in my torso and require a deep seat to get my shoulders under the waterline. Anyway here is where I stand at the current time.
Arctic Tundra or Yukon. I really like the chiller and surround insulation for noise reduction. I also think I like the salt water ozone thing.
Jacuzzi J-470 is my favorite because of looks and I liked the wet test of the J-345.
Sundance Optima is my wifes favorite but dealer is a little much for me.
BullFrog is another favorite for me but I can only get one deep seat to get my favorite neck blaster jet pack.
I'm going to research Arctic some more and then I'm going to buy one of the three. I think. again, maybe or something like that.....
Scott ;D
Swell is there a significant price differance between the three , that is ultimatly what swayed me in the end , anyway good luck with your dilemma ,its a blessing and a curse to find more than one to your liking, now you must choose wisely grasshopper.
Swell is there a significant price differance between the three , that is ultimatly what swayed me in the end , anyway good luck with your dilemma ,its a blessing and a curse to find more than one to your liking, now you must choose wisely grasshopper.
The Sundance and Jacuzzi are about the same price. The Arctic is cheaper if I go with the Yukon which is a 7' tub. Price is not the main factor for me. I just don't want to put a big item in my backyard that dosen't get used so I keep looking for the best experience. What's a few thousand between friends anyway?
Scott :)
I sign this afternoon. Jacuzzi J-470 sand with harvest wheat cabinet. I would like to thank everyone who has helped me along the way. I broke some important rules, like I'm buying a tub I didn't wet test. I know, I know, bad idea.....
Anyway I'm glad it is almost over. Now the long wait until it is delivered and setup.
Scott :)
Well congrats on the spa Scott, you will love it!! ;)
Congrats Scott. Enjoy your new spa. Be sure to include some pics when you get it installed.
Wow, Jacuzzi is on fire on this forum lately!!
Happy Soakings :)
Enjoy those cool Las Vegas Nights before the heat comes. I was in my tub last night with the kids during a snow flurry and it was amazing! I'm interested to see how much I use my tub in the summer.
Chrisi is the next one out of the gate.
Any bets what it will?
Jacuzzi? Artesian? Arctic? Sundance? Hmmmmm.....
:-? :-/ :-? :-/ ::) :-/
I sign this afternoon. Jacuzzi J-470 sand with harvest wheat cabinet. I would like to thank everyone who has helped me along the way. I broke some important rules, like I'm buying a tub I didn't wet test. I know, I know, bad idea.....
Anyway I'm glad it is almost over. Now the long wait until it is delivered and setup.
Scott :)
Congrats, that should be a nice looking tub!
OK, here is my latest spa adventure. Last Friday I ordered a new J-470 Sand with Harvest Wheat cabinet. I get home and wife spends the weekend bending my ear about the sacred rule, wet test, wet test, wet test. So Monday I call my local Jacuzzi dealer and put the deal on hold. I paid 100% up front for the tub on a Jacuzzi 6 months same as cash deal.
I then get a nice offer from Micah to drive down to Long Beach, CA and wet test his J-470. We were going to drive 4 hours each way to do the wet test. So I took today off and was getting ready to head for sunny California when I get an e-mail from the Jacuzzi dealer in Lake Havasu City, AZ. He had a wet J-480, 2 dry J-470's and a J-365 in Sand with a Harvest Wheat Cabinet (my colors). So we changed plans and headed for sunny Arizona. The drive was 2 1/2 hours each way. Anyway the dealer in AZ was very nice. He knew my deal was with the Vegas store and he was OK with that before we started our trip.
Anyway I loved the J-480 wet and the colors looked great together on the J-365. After the test we got on the phone and called Vegas. We put the order back in with manufacturing and it looks like in about three weeks we will get it delivered. The Vegas dealer sold another J-470 today while I was wet testing. She is selling about three tubs a week and it's in the 90's here. I think the heat is getting to us or something. She is selling 345's, 365's and 470's. I think the J-470 is going to be a great tub. She is going to drive down to AZ and buy the dealer there lunch in 2 weeks to thank him for closing the sale. I really liked the dealers taking care of each others customers like that.
Scott ;)
OK, here is my latest spa adventure. Last Friday I ordered a new J-470 Sand with Harvest Wheat cabinet. I get home and wife spends the weekend bending my ear about the sacred rule, wet test, wet test, wet test. So Monday I call my local Jacuzzi dealer and put the deal on hold. I paid 100% up front for the tub on a Jacuzzi 6 months same as cash deal.
I then get a nice offer from Micah to drive down to Long Beach, CA and wet test his J-470. We were going to drive 4 hours each way to do the wet test. So I took today off and was getting ready to head for sunny California when I get an e-mail from the Jacuzzi dealer in Lake Havasu City, AZ. He had a wet J-480, 2 dry J-470's and a J-365 in Sand with a Harvest Wheat Cabinet (my colors). So we changed plans and headed for sunny Arizona. The drive was 2 1/2 hours each way. Anyway the dealer in AZ was very nice. He knew my deal was with the Vegas store and he was OK with that before we started our trip.
Anyway I loved the J-480 wet and the colors looked great together on the J-365. After the test we got on the phone and called Vegas. We put the order back in with manufacturing and it looks like in about three weeks we will get it delivered. The Vegas dealer sold another J-470 today while I was wet testing. She is selling about three tubs a week and it's in the 90's here. I think the heat is getting to us or something. She is selling 345's, 365's and 470's. I think the J-470 is going to be a great tub. She is going to drive down to AZ and buy the dealer there lunch in 2 weeks to thank him for closing the sale. I really liked the dealers taking care of each others customers like that.
Scott ;)
How was the lounger on the 480, Scott?
... I then get a nice offer from Micah to drive down to Long Beach, CA and wet test his J-470. We were going to drive 4 hours each way to do the wet test. So I took today off and was getting ready to head for sunny California when I get an e-mail from the Jacuzzi dealer in Lake Havasu City, AZ.
Why can't you wet test at the dealer you want to purchase from?
Why can't you wet test at the dealer you want to purchase from?
Because their showroom is full of tubs and they are new and didn't have any 470's or 480's in stock. They would order one in after the summer when they sold off the floor models, but I didn't want to wait that long.
How was the lounger on the 480, Scott?
Lounger was one of the nicer ones I have tested but it takes up to much space for me and the dealer said that after awhile it dosen't get used as much as the other seats. Also the 480 is 3 inches wider and I would have to add some pavers to make it fit next to my covered patio. The 470 fits like a tight glove.
Lounger was one of the nicer ones I have tested but it takes up to much space for me and the dealer said that after awhile it dosen't get used as much as the other seats. Also the 480 is 3 inches wider and I would have to add some pavers to make it fit next to my covered patio. The 470 fits like a tight glove.
The lounger only takes out the one jet little seat thingy where your feet are at , and I think my lounger will get used as much or more than the rest of the seats esp. by my wife and her female friends.
The 480 lounger was -- for me -- the most comfortable lounger I sat in during my wet testing.
I'm confused then why did you buy an Epic?
Overall, the Epic was the tub that my wife and I liked the best. The Adirondack chair was probably for me the 2nd best lounger, and was my wife's favorite. The neck jets in the Epic were my favorite of all tested. The deep therapy seat was my favorite seat of ALL tubs. The therapy pillar really wowed my wife, and I liked it too. So, just like I liked the MotoMassage feature of Hot Spring spas, and the adjustable head rests with built-in jets on D1, there were features on a lot of tubs that were standouts. But the Epic was the one -- for my wife and me -- that overall hit it best.
That LSX is a really cool looking tub. I have heard nothing good about Master Spa's however.
Scott ;)
I'm one of the very few MS owners that occasion this forum. I've had an LSX since 2004 and am absolutely pleased with the performance and reliability so far. I still feel the same way now as I did when I wrote this review. (
Now you've heard something good about MasterSpas! 8-)
There is a spa out there for everyone. If we all had the same taste they would only need to build Toyota's or Ford's or something. Some like loungers and some don't. The Sundance Maxxus and the Jacuzzi J-480 had the best loungers that we sat in.
The Master Spa's were way cool and I was not questioning the quality of the tub. I have heard bad things about the way they sell them at trade shows. So I didn't mean to offend anyone. I kept getting drawn towards the Jacuzzi J-470 and the Sundance Optima because that was what felt right to me.
You know how it goes when you just post something without thinking how it might be recieved. Sorry about that.....
Scott ;)
No prob, Scott. Just wanted you to hear something good! 8-)
I'm one of the very few MS owners that occasion this forum. I've had an LSX since 2004 and am absolutely pleased with the performance and reliability so far. I still feel the same way now as I did when I wrote this review. (
Now you've heard something good about MasterSpas! 8-)
Scott, I really like the detailed review of your tub. That is a feature that people don't use very much on this forum, most of the reviews are very old. I would love more of the newer buyers to review their hot tubs.
Scott, I really like the detailed review of your tub. That is a feature that people don't use very much on this forum, most of the reviews are very old. I would love more of the newer buyers to review their hot tubs.
It is funny, if I hadn't run across this forum I would have bought the Coast Radiance spa because I thought a spa is a spa. I put money down on one without wet testing. After I read this forum I wet tested a Hot Springs Envoy because this forum is so Hot Springs heavy. The Envoy was not comfortable for my family and it was then that I realized that not all spa's are the same. I also realized that you should not buy a spa without wet testing. I had wet tested 2 Jacuzzi's before I placed my order and still I needed to test the one I was going to purchase. Now granted I wet tested the 480 and bought the 470 but with the exception of the lounger they are the same jets and depths.
So my final criteria became quality, reliability, longevity, dealer support, price, and appearance. I also searched this web for owners who were having problems with certain brands.
I wet tested the following models:
Hot Springs Envoy
Coast Radiance
Sundance Maxuss
Jacuzzi 345, 465, 480
I dry tested the following models:
Hot Springs Grandee
Master Spas
I came down to the final three:
Sundance Optima - Dealer was uncomfortable
Jacuzzi J-470 - Great Dealer
Arctic Tundra -No local Dealer
I think any of the above would have been great, so the tie breaker was the dealer. One thing about the Jacuzzi is the jets. I like how the air to water mixture is adjustable. Also I think the J-470 and J-480 are really neat looking tubs. I like the raised back for the waterfalls and sitting under the raised waterfalls is a nice option. If I had a local dealer I might have bought the Arctic for two reasons. One Is the optional chiller that would have been used during the summers in the Vegas heat and I like the cabinet insulation. It helped to keep down the equipment noise down. Now if I lived in a colder climate I might find this kind of insulation a negative.
After I get my new J-470 set-up and I spend some time in it I will give a users review. I have read some owners reviews and they don't seem to have problems with their Jacuzzi's. I talked to some local owners and they seem trouble free, even the water chemical use seems minor. The Optima's had some very minor issues like the diverter valve and water filter collapse. I couldn't find anyone who owned an Arctic but I think Vegas is the perfect location for a dealer. Anyway as I said on this forum before, there is a tub out there for everyone. In my case it was the Jacuzzi J-470.
Scott ;)
Scott and Dave (Tailhooker)
If I may add my 2 cents worth, and you know I willl anyway ;D ;D,
the following has been our experiences thus far---(grab a cup o' joe and take your BR break now, folks!! :o ;D)
First we started at a "big box" looking at Sundance and Viking, and Cal. At first, looked at Viking since it was cheap and blingy, but never wet tested--only dry==not too comfy. Sundance and Cal, neither were comfy for hubby--too squished feeling. BTW--salesman was a weirdo to the 'nth degree.
Next, all along the same highway, Caldera/COleman--extremely knowledgable/friendly/patient salesman, Caldera had our attention at first, and dealer was a plus, but kinda wanted more jets or different jet placement.
Then, Arctic/Nordic/Dynasty dealer--friend bought from them, good rep, nice owners/salespeople...--wanted the Blingy tub from Dyansty--they got one in and we were major impressed with the looks major disappointed with the therapy and floating. They took us to a customer's house to see the Tundra, and they plan on ordereing one in for us to wet test. Major pluses==the Klondiker we wet tested was KING of therapy, not as much bling.
Down the same road==Hydro spa--another weirdo salesguy and the tub was WAY uncomfy dry--never did hear back from them..
Further along--Clearwater/Raindance... dealer--great tub, never wet tested the one we wanted and had more excuses than China had rice--so no go to them.
Along the way we visited and wet tested the D1 AMore Bay, which by far had the AWESOMEST lounge chairs that fit me and hubby, don't like bench seat, and the neck jets on the adjustable pillows meant lots of splashing and squirting in the eyes and not that great. Also sat in Master LSX which looked great dry/wet, but wet was UNCOMFORTABLE and floated/pushed out of seats.
Jacuzzi dealer was another visit and WAY comfortable and GREAT dealer as well and GREAT price, another dealer willing to bend over backwards to make sure you test what you want but we were kicking each other trying to get foot therapy and had to turn the jets completely off one seat to get full blast on the others. LOVED the waterfall and that seat had GREAT low back therapy. Pretty spa, as well!!
ALso visited an Artesian dealer--nice dry, except for hubby, and never heard back from him. THere is a Pacific dealer in the area but he only has one tub in stock, and I just would prefer not to even go there.
So, it would be between the Arctic Tundra and Jacuzzi J470, but the Tundra has our vote thus far. Too bad hubby couldn't jump in just to see how the seats fit. Has alot of therapy and power but not floating you out to the moon!!
Well, thanks for allowing this synopsis.
Chrisi :)
Chrisi, I was really hoping you would join the Jacuzzi bunch, especially since Jacuzzi sales are so low in Texas ;D ;D ;D, but I think you will love the Tundra. I know I would have been right where you are at if I had an Arctic dealer here in Vegas. When are you going to buy the Tundra?
Scott ;)
We will be talking to the dealer this week. After this week we are on vacation. I am hoping to start talking numbers. THe dealer said she would order one in our colors, and would easily sell it if we don't bite, the finality would be hubby wet testing it . I am comfortable not wet testing it since I have already been in 2 of their tubs. The only possible swing back to jacuzzi would be price at this point. I know our dealer will hook us up, though!! ;D ;D ;D
Are you and the wifey still traveling to LA for a wet test?? Or just fine without wet testing. I am telling you, your wife will like the low back beating in the waterfall seat! PUTTY! and the stereo is nice!!----I know, I know--it isn't completely ruled out yet.
Well, Game 5 of Pens Playoff is on, and hoping for a win, so we can play against Dax' team--the Philly Flyers!
;) ;)
Chrisi :)
Are you and the wifey still traveling to LA for a wet test?? Or just fine without wet testing. I am telling you, your wife will like the low back beating in the waterfall seat! PUTTY! and the stereo is nice!!----I know, I know--it isn't completely ruled out yet.
;) ;)
Chrisi :)
We drove to Lake Havasu City, AZ and wet tested a J-480. We also saw another model in the Sand/Harvest Wheat colors. As we drove off from that dealer we called our Vegas dealer and took the order off hold. Now I'm thinking about painting my entire concrete patio including the area where the tub will sit. I need something to keep me busy while I wait....
Scott ;)
The only possible swing back to jacuzzi would be price at this point. I know our dealer will hook us up, though!! ;D ;D ;D
Chrisi :)
Chrisi, the price on the Tundra will be less than a Jacuzzi J-470. So I think it's over for you. Congrats you are on your way. The only thing I will say in your case to consider about the Arctic since you live in a cold climate is the insulation, now I know the Arctic folks will tell you that they are built in Canada and are very well insulated but IMHO I think to have your tub insulated is like a thermos and will hold heat in a tub better, but then I'm not an engineer I'm only a Project Manager ;D ;D ;D.
What Series in the Tundra were you quoted on?? We are wanting either a Legend Extreme or Legend SE--difference b/w these two are the LSE has 10 yr warranty std with Forever Floor, Onzen system, and Northern Lights Dx. We are debating on the importance of the Forever floor since ours will be under a covered deck ( :'() though we would have preferred the open sky (too many $$$ to spend and very little credit left ;D).
We do want the NL Deluxe and also a stereo, we are going to ask our dealer for the difference b/w the Wet Tunes and the Aquatremor price-wise.
I am confident the Arctic is very well insulated!! My friend had no probs keeping the heat in it this winter!!
I can only keep hoping the price will be lower!!--thanks for your info!!
PS we need a dang tub now==the tension of the Pens game is too much to handle!!
Chrisi, the price on the Tundra will be less than a Jacuzzi J-470. So I think it's over for you. Congrats you are on your way. The only thing I will say in your case to consider about the Arctic since you live in a cold climate is the insulation, now I know the Arctic folks will tell you that they are built in Canada and are very well insulated but IMHO I think to have your tub insulated is like a thermos and will hold heat in a tub better, but then I'm not an engineer I'm only a Project Manager ;D ;D ;D.
Just a little more info on the Arctic and possibility that they may not do well in a cold climate. For example this past winter NE Kansas got hit very hard with ice storms, we had several Arctic customers lose power for 2 weeks. All of these spas stayed full of water and retained a temperature in the 70-80 degree range after two weeks. This is in a climate that reached highs in the 20's and lows in the teens at night.
I would think if heat retention was a problem, then all of these spas would have been ice cubes. As a matter of fact we have sold 6 or 7 new spas this spring from customers who had others brands and became ice cubes during the ice storm!
Thanks for the extra info GA!! I knew my Arctic guys would back me up!! lol!! ;D ;D
Can't wait to see and test the Tundra!!!!!!!!!!! :o :o
Just a little more info on the Arctic and possibility that they may not do well in a cold climate. For example this past winter NE Kansas got hit very hard with ice storms, we had several Arctic customers lose power for 2 weeks. All of these spas stayed full of water and retained a temperature in the 70-80 degree range after two weeks. This is in a climate that reached highs in the 20's and lows in the teens at night.
I would think if heat retention was a problem, then all of these spas would have been ice cubes. As a matter of fact we have sold 6 or 7 new spas this spring from customers who had others brands and became ice cubes during the ice storm!
I'm not trying to pick an argument here, really I'm not. I'm no engineer but it would seem to me that if the tub itself was insulated that it be a better way to insulate the heated water. Again like a thermos of coffee. I know both will prevent freezing but I would think it would be more effective to provide full insulation in cold climates as opposed to cabinet insulation.
For me in Vegas the cabinet being insulated was better because it would help reduce the pump noise and make it easier to access the plumbing for repairs. I think Arctic with it's chiller and cabinet insulation is a perfect arrangement for the Vegas climate.
Scott :)
Got a call this morning from dealer and my new J-470 has arrived. They have hired a hot tub delivery service to deliver the spa Thursday. They set it up and then I call an electrician and fill it up with water. After that my dealer comes out and test everything and gives me an orientation. So soon very soon I will be in hot water.....
Scott :)
Congrats, Scott!!! WOO HOOOOO!!!! :o :o :o
THursday--hot tub
Friday--hot tubbin'!!!
Here's to losing your spaginity!! [smiley=thumbsup.gif] [smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]
PS--have your wife sit in the waterfall seat with the jets on full if her back is still really sore 8-) ;) nice therapy!!
So tomorrow at 3:00PM the delivery truck, crane service, and electricians will all be at my house. If all goes well I will have a cold water tub powered up tomorrow night. Then my dealer will show up Thursday to get me educated on the tub and chemicals.
Scott ;)
Good luck with the install ,I hope all goes well
So after the install today I will move into the how I make my life easy with proper water care mode. I will be heating up the tub tonight and will then need to learn how to test water and put the right chemicals in at the right time. I will be leaning towards the most hands off method that allows for clean safe water. After I get that down I will be able to talk all those acronymns with the rest of you. ;)
Tub is in and working great. It took 4 hours from crane delivery to electrical hookup. Most of the time was electricians installing conduit. Anyway it looks nice it sounds nice, but water is 69 degrees. Dealer will be here tomorrow morning for orientation and then it's party time.
Scott :)
I'm very happy for you. Just think in just a few more hours you'll be up to your ears in hot water. :)
I personally can't get enough. Tomorrow we'll get a chance to see what the in-laws think of it. ::) I'm just haven't decided what to tell them when they ask how much we spent. Should I tell them the MSRP, sale price or what we actaully paid. ;D ;D ;D ;D
In His Peace,
Tub is in and working great. It took 4 hours from crane delivery to electrical hookup. Most of the time was electricians installing conduit. Anyway it looks nice it sounds nice, but water is 69 degrees. Dealer will be here tomorrow morning for orientation and then it's party time.
Scot :)
Looking forward to the pics!
It is almost midnight and I just went out to check the water temp. It is 88 degrees. So I played with the lights and stared into them like it was a moment from the seventies. Maybe by morning....
Just got home from the hospital and my stepdad who lives with us is dying. He was told today that he has a brain tumor, a baseball size cancer growth on his liver. His kidneys are operating at 30%, he has a blocked artery in his neck, his lungs are full of fluid and cancer. The cancer is spreading fast to all the major organs. He had a blood transfusion 2 days ago and with all this going on he looks up at the medical staff and says they have to get him well enough so he can go home and see our new spa. He has been waiting for the delivery and said he wanted to get in it, even if it killed him. We hope he gets to see it but the odds seem to be against it.
Scott :'(
Got your PM. received an error message when I sent it==I'll try again later.
First Soak, huh??? ;) SWEET!! Congrats, and may the green monsters rear their ugly heads!! DId your wife soak?? How about those waterfall jets??!!!!
I hope your stepdad gets to see it and try it out. Maybe that should be included in the hospice plan, hot tub soaks. Whatever eases the pain... :'( He is lucky to have you and your wife.
Post some pix when you can. I'll be looking for them!!
Crane Delivery
Wife Enjoying Spa with flash. Taken from bedroom door.
Wife Enjoying Spa without flash. Taken from bedroom door.
Congratulations. Looks GREAT! There is only one thing missing. Drinks in the lighted drink holders. I meant water of course ;D as the spa will dehydrate you.
I am glad that you enjoy your Jacuzzi. My best friend has the 470 and I really enjoyed it until I saw the Coast Radiance. The waterfalls do not compare at all and the lights even more so. I mean the Jacuzzi has 3 lights vs like 50! The Radiance's power over the Jacuzzi was bar none. I think my friend is now jealous! LOL
Actually that's another reason I chose the Radiance over the Jacuzzi 470. On the Radiance there are so many places for drinks, and they don't get swept away like they do in the Jacuzzi or the Sundance for that matter.
I first put money down on a Coast Radiance with 2 - 7HP pumps. Later I wet tested a Coast Radiance with 3 - 5HP pumps. The noise of the pumps made it so I couldn't hear the stereo. I was looking for a relaxing experience and not a Tim Allen experience. So I looked and wet tested several tubs until I found the Jacuzzi J-470. For $3,000 less than the Radiance I got what I was looking for.
Everyone finds what they like. That is why they make so many diffferent tubs. You can read earlier in this thread my experience with the Coast Radiance decision. I did talk to one spa service tech and he did say what do you think happens after you put large pumps with a great deal of pressure on all those fittings. After a while you have the opportunity for leaks. Another issue I had that you will not was that Coast is a Canadian tub and parts have been an issue in my area. Now Coast is a really WOW tub and I will admit is was an exciting tub but I was just looking for another kind of experience.
Anyway congrats on your new Coast and I know you will enjoy it for years to come.
Scott :)