Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Renee on May 29, 2008, 11:42:50 am

Title: Pics of puppy viewing area...
Post by: Renee on May 29, 2008, 11:42:50 am
We got a little Havanese puppy a few months ago.  Havanese dogs are also known as "velcro" dogs, and like to be with you every minute.  Well, when we sat in the hot tub, she would whine because she couldn't see us.  So we built a deluxe doghouse with ramps to get to the top, complete with plexi-glass so she can be right with us when we soak.  Havanese also love to swim, so I hope she doesn't get the idea to dive in!   Thought I would share pictures of our contraption....

Just out of curiosity, does anyone else out there have a Havanese??

Title: Re: Pics of puppy viewing area...
Post by: East_TX_Spa on May 29, 2008, 11:56:09 am
That is a very cute doggie and a very nice set-up!

We don't have a Havanese but I have a Havana handy and have had Havana Club which has helped heal my needy knees, hurt while kneeling to retrieve my Havana.

I would like to have a dog like that.

Title: Re: Pics of puppy viewing area...
Post by: Steve on May 29, 2008, 12:17:14 pm
LOL!! That's priceless! ;D
Title: Re: Pics of puppy viewing area...
Post by: Chas on May 29, 2008, 01:27:57 pm
I would like to have a dog like that.

Barbecued? Baked?

Ok ok - sorry. Looks like a great way to include all members of the family in the spa experience. Nicely done. Is that breed related to the Ewok by any chance - looks like George Lucas may have taken his idea for the movie characters from that type of critter.


Title: Re: Pics of puppy viewing area...
Post by: East_TX_Spa on May 29, 2008, 01:44:45 pm

Barbecued? Baked?


Linked!  Much like this Schnauzer Sausage that I bought my daughter for her birthday.  She didn't like the doggie....but I sure do!

Term (Yum yum...eatemup!)
Title: Re: Pics of puppy viewing area...
Post by: Chas on May 29, 2008, 01:57:48 pm
I take it the store is slow today??

Title: Re: Pics of puppy viewing area...
Post by: Zep on May 29, 2008, 02:23:08 pm
Renee thats a great story....cute pup too....thanks for sharing.

Term you are nut!.....freaking gun sitting
You know you just reinforce every possible stereotype the yankees have of us.

Title: Re: Pics of puppy viewing area...
Post by: East_TX_Spa on May 29, 2008, 02:29:19 pm
I take it the store is slow today??


Thankfully, yes.  It has been hopping lately and I need a respite.

Zep.....GOOD! :D

Title: Re: Pics of puppy viewing area...
Post by: Chas on May 29, 2008, 06:26:19 pm
Term you are nut!.....freaking gun sitting

Well, Term does work alone much of the time. I, on the other hand, have my wife here to hide behind.

Title: Re: Pics of puppy viewing area...
Post by: Zep on May 29, 2008, 06:39:41 pm
"Term does work alone much of the time"

hey term someone told me you do not need a permit
anymore to carry a hand gun in Texas?

do you know if that is in fact true?

i had an "incident" recently in Dallas that was a bit frightening
and I was considering attending the class so I could
carry a consealed weapon but some guy at work said some
new law allows you to carry a pistol now without the permit?

Title: Re: Pics of puppy viewing area...
Post by: Vinny on May 29, 2008, 06:44:04 pm
As time goes on I keep on hearing about different breeds of dogs that probably didn't exsist 10 years ago ... never heard of this breed, and my niece got a puggle, someone I know has a labradoodle and who knows what else will come up.

Back in the good old days if a pure bred champion dog was mated with a different breed of pure bred champion dog the result was a mutt or for the politically correct mixed breed.

Hey, I got a labrapossiblecockerspanielpossiblebodercollie breed.

Chas, my son thought of the Ewok too before I came upon your picture.
Title: Re: Pics of puppy viewing area...
Post by: kacrab10 on May 29, 2008, 07:02:07 pm
LOL,  I too love the puppy.  We have a Schnoodle, so there ya go a different one again.  I had a Schnoodle growing up but she was free this "mixed breed" cost me 400 and she is dummer then a speed bump!
Title: Re: Pics of puppy viewing area...
Post by: Steve on May 29, 2008, 07:20:48 pm
We have a Shitzie... Shitzu/Yorkie cross... ;D
Title: Re: Pics of puppy viewing area...
Post by: Spatini on May 29, 2008, 08:03:27 pm
We got a little Havanese puppy a few months ago.  Havanese dogs are also known as "velcro" dogs, and like to be with you every minute.  Well, when we sat in the hot tub, she would whine because she couldn't see us.  So we built a deluxe doghouse with ramps to get to the top, complete with plexi-glass so she can be right with us when we soak.  Havanese also love to swim, so I hope she doesn't get the idea to dive in!   Thought I would share pictures of our contraption....
Just out of curiosity, does anyone else out there have a Havanese??


Funny you posted this as we also have a Bichon Frise , where yours is a Bichon Havanese , they are very close, with mostof the differance being in the density of the coat. Ours also loves the the water and she stands on the steps and peers over the side ,and we talked about something very similiar to your setup
Title: Re: Pics of puppy viewing area...
Post by: Vinny on May 29, 2008, 09:29:25 pm
OK, so it's a type of Bichon ... I've heard of them.

My labrapossiblecockerspanielpossiblebodercollie doesn't like water too much, at times she won't go out in the rain. When I'm in the tub she will come up to me with her tail wagging and lick the water off my arm though. Considering the breeds she is (lab) and might be I'm surprised she doesn't like water

kacrab10, I am amazed what people are charging for mixed breeds ... $400 seems to be the going rate around me for any "store bought" or rescued dog. I donated $100 when I got my dog to the kennel we got her from, they even gave her to me without paying them as I forgot to get cash and would have accepted any amount. I do have to say whatever breeds my dog is she has a great personality, is sweet and basically trained herself not to mess in the house.

Title: Re: Pics of puppy viewing area...
Post by: wewannahottub on May 29, 2008, 10:37:51 pm
I want to breed bulldogs with shih tzus and call them bullshitz!!
Title: Re: Pics of puppy viewing area...
Post by: Zep on May 29, 2008, 11:05:48 pm
"I want to breed bulldogs with shih tzus and call them bullshitz!"

Title: Re: Pics of puppy viewing area...
Post by: Renee on May 30, 2008, 09:40:18 am
As time goes on I keep on hearing about different breeds of dogs that probably didn't exsist 10 years ago ... never heard of this breed, and my niece got a puggle, someone I know has a labradoodle and who knows what else will come up.

Back in the good old days if a pure bred champion dog was mated with a different breed of pure bred champion dog the result was a mutt or for the politically correct mixed breed.

Hey, I got a labrapossiblecockerspanielpossiblebodercollie breed.

Chas, my son thought of the Ewok too before I came upon your picture.

Just a little FYI on the Havanese breed...They are not one of the new "designer" breeds that have become so popular. They are full bred and recognized by the AKC as such.  The breed originally came from Cuba back in the 70's, and have a long reputation of being circus dogs.  They are related to the bichon frise and the maltese, however, they come in all different colors...not just white.   I have never seen a dog with such a cute little personality.  I think her goal in life is to make us laugh.   If anyone is thinking about getting a small house dog, be sure to check this breed out.   She is definitely part of the family, and there are times I have to remind myself she IS A DOG!!   :)
Title: Re: Pics of puppy viewing area...
Post by: East_TX_Spa on May 30, 2008, 10:44:25 am
hey term someone told me you do not need a permit
anymore to carry a hand gun in Texas?

do you know if that is in fact true?

......but some guy at work said some
new law allows you to carry a pistol now without the permit?

Your co-worker is not fully informed of the 2007 change in the handgun code.  If you want to carry full-time, you have to complete the CHL course like I did.

The change in the law is that you CAN legally carry a concealed handgun in your vehicle.  This is a clarification of the long-standing and legally ambiguous "travelling" statute which was left open to wide ranging interpretation.

In other words, you can take your .45 to work with you every day and carry it to and from your vehicle (always concealed).  You can keep it at your place of business (as long as it is not in violation of company policy ;)).

What the law does NOT allow is for you to go strapped at the mall, Piggly Wiggly, the park, etc.  This right is reserved for CHL holders.

Go get yore CHL.  It's some of the best money I ever spent!

Title: Re: Pics of puppy viewing area...
Post by: anne on May 30, 2008, 10:50:53 am

  If anyone is thinking about getting a small house dog, be sure to check this breed out.  

Well, as long as stealing threads and being totally OT has already been established here, I'll do my part to continue the trend:

If you are considering a small house dog, visit the SPCA or shelter first!  ;)
Title: Re: Pics of puppy viewing area...
Post by: Renee on May 30, 2008, 11:21:29 am

Well, as long as stealing threads and being totally OT has already been established here, I'll do my part to continue the trend:

If you are considering a small house dog, visit the SPCA or shelter first!  ;)

Believe it or not, you can find the Havanese breed at  A lot of people have just not heard of the breed to check it out, especially here in the midwest...
Title: Re: Pics of puppy viewing area...
Post by: Zep on May 30, 2008, 11:26:33 am
"Go get yore CHL.  It's some of the best money I ever spent!"

Thanks for the clarification Term.

I mainly would just want it in my car and at my house
I don't really want to take a gun into Macys.
But I am sure it's best to take the course.

Hell it's saved my brother lots of money.
Every time he gets pulled over by a Texas trooper
they start talking about the gun and the troopers
always just give him a "warning" instead of a speeding ticket.

Title: Re: Pics of puppy viewing area...
Post by: Vanguard on May 30, 2008, 11:38:00 am
"Go get yore CHL.  It's some of the best money I ever spent!"

Thanks for the clarification Term.

I mainly would just want it in my car and at my house
I don't really want to take a gun into Macys.
But I am sure it's best to take the course.

Hell it's saved my brother lots of money.
Every time he gets pulled over by a Texas trooper
they start talking about the gun and the troopers
always just give him a "warning" instead of a speeding ticket.


That would be worth it right there.
Title: Re: Pics of puppy viewing area...
Post by: anne on May 30, 2008, 03:53:39 pm

Believe it or not, you can find the Havanese breed at  A lot of people have just not heard of the breed to check it out, especially here in the midwest...

That was not really the point I was trying to make.  ;)
Title: Re: Pics of puppy viewing area...
Post by: Vinny on May 30, 2008, 05:10:59 pm

Just a little FYI on the Havanese breed...They are not one of the new "designer" breeds that have become so popular. They are full bred and recognized by the AKC as such.  The breed originally came from Cuba back in the 70's, and have a long reputation of being circus dogs.  They are related to the bichon frise and the maltese, however, they come in all different colors...not just white.   I have never seen a dog with such a cute little personality.  I think her goal in life is to make us laugh.   If anyone is thinking about getting a small house dog, be sure to check this breed out.   She is definitely part of the family, and there are times I have to remind myself she IS A DOG!!   :)


I know the name Bichon but not the name you gave it. I've heard a lot of nice things about them vs other tiny dogs.

Unfortunately as far as I am concerned a lot of dogs fall under the "designer" label even big dogs and some of the people with little dogs tend to forget that they are dogs and not puppets to carry around ... after all they do have legs. People with big dogs may not carry them around but dang if they don't have the "best" breed.

But with that said, it's not the dog's fault but the owners.

Yes, most of us treat our pets as humans and we forget that they only know key words and tones. It's great that your family found a furry friend.
Title: Re: Pics of puppy viewing area...
Post by: Vinny on May 30, 2008, 05:12:18 pm

Well, as long as stealing threads and being totally OT has already been established here, I'll do my part to continue the trend:

If you are considering a small house dog, visit the SPCA or shelter first!  ;)

If I ever get another dog ... rescue is the only way I want to go! One of the best dogs I ever had!
Title: Re: Pics of puppy viewing area...
Post by: Swell-Tub on May 30, 2008, 06:13:47 pm
I use to have the biggest weiner in town. He loved to just lay there and be petted. He was my best friend for 15 years. He was 35 lbs when he died of old age and I can't bring myself to get another one. After you get a great dog it is like cheating on him to replace him. My wife misses him too but does not want another dog, so I think I'm done.

Scott  :(
Title: Re: Pics of puppy viewing area...
Post by: Spatech_tuo on May 30, 2008, 06:24:51 pm

Well, as long as stealing threads and being totally OT has already been established here, I'll do my part to continue the trend:

If you are considering a small house dog, visit the SPCA or shelter first!  ;)

Another subject close to my heart, I'm with you also Anne.

We have 3 dogs. One was a Pug puppy that someone paid $$ for and didn't want weeks later that we got at a Pug rescue. The second is a Pug that a neighbor got after seeing ours. After 6 months of the dog being in a cage while they were at work and in a cage at night and only having a couple hours of freedom they then got bored with her and over she came (we considered it a rescue). I forget what it cost them but we gladly took her off their hands. My wife was wanting another but I was like "please don't" so she just bided her time and checked with the rescue place every few weeks. Then she couldn't resist when they found a Vizsla. The breed is extremely beautiful, not very common and very expensive. She was wandering the streets and was only about 6 months old. Of course she didn't even ask me what I thought because she knew it would be gone quickly and this was a keeper that I couldn't resist either. The gentlest most beautiful dog we've ever had. A couple freiends of mine love here when they stop over for poker and always kid that they'll take her (the kind of dog that appeals to the girly and the manly sides).

I will NEVER buy a dog due to the multitude of dogs that are put to sleep because of neglect/overpopulation AND the way so many puppy farms work. My wife saw a show (I think it was dOprah) where many puppy mills are in Amish country and how they treat the animals.

"The worst puppy mills, according to Williams and Humane Society investigators, pen up young females and force them to mate from their first day in heat.

That means churning out litters twice a year, maybe for up to seven years, and often with some unhealthy results, said Bob Reder, who conducted undercover puppy mill probes for the Humane Society throughout the 1990s."

Now I'm sure there are many (and hopefully the majority) of puppy mills that treat the animals humanely but many treat them like ATMs and there are still already more dogs out there than are needed so I'll do my part to help by always having a rescue pet and having it spayed/neutered.

Title: Re: Pics of puppy viewing area...
Post by: Swell-Tub on May 30, 2008, 06:42:38 pm
For the 12 years I was a City Councilman in my last city, I was over animal control because nobody wanted the responsibility. Over the 12 years I never put down a non-violent dog. I worked with rescue groups and found homes for each one of them. Most of the dogs were black lab mixes. Anyway after I left I suspect things changed quickly as the number of strays in huge.

Scott  :(
Title: Re: Pics of puppy viewing area...
Post by: Chas on May 30, 2008, 10:31:25 pm
Lab (mixed) is one of my favorite breeds. I had a lab/Pit bull mix who was a great pet and had lots of character. Actually, Casper was all white with a thin coat. Loved hot water. I gave him a "bath" every time I changed the water in my spa. I had a plastic tub large enough for him to sit in. I would siphon the water from the tub into Casper's 'hot tub' and he would come running. He would step in, walk in a circle or two, and sit down. Then he would lean against the side of the tub, and let out a huge contented sigh - as if I should start changing water more often!!

Title: Re: Pics of puppy viewing area...
Post by: tony on May 31, 2008, 05:58:14 pm
I am familiar with the Havanese breed.  Very cute dog.  I've got a two year old Bichon Frise and a nine year old Wired Fox Terrier.  Both are great dogs.  The top of our tub is just about eye level to the Bichon, so she's right there whenever someone is in the spa.  Of course their favorite spot to lie down is on the top of the spa when the cover is on.