Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: plkrog on May 28, 2008, 11:48:09 am
Understanding that hot tub dealers put huge mark-ups on their tubs, I would like to know how much people are paying for their Artesian Piper Glen. I intend to buy soon, but would like to know how much movement could be expected from my dealer.
Thanks in advance. :-X
Welcome to the forum! :)
I'm not sure about Artesian, but HotSpring dealers only mark their spas up $10 over cost if that helps any.
Good luck in your search.
Welcome to the forum! :)
I'm not sure about Artesian, but HotSpring dealers only mark their spas up[glow]$10 over cost if that helps any.[/glow]
Good luck in your search.
Whew , sure hope you got your boots on,
When I priced the Piper with Stereo it was going to run $ 12,999.00 and $ 11,500 without stereo, hope that helps some , this was one of my two choices between the Jacuzzi J-480 and the Piper , the Jacuzzi won out on price and some of the extras and also on name recognition.
"hot tub dealers put huge mark-ups on their tubs"
wow term no wonda you can affords all dem fancy see-gars
"hot tub dealers put huge mark-ups on their tubs"
wow term no wonda you can affords all dem fancy see-gars
Them fine seegars take a hefty chunk outta our $10 profit, dad gummit! I'm thinking about switching to Swisher Sweets until better times return.
Don't forget about the WHISKEY!!
I saw a thing on the news with Hillary C, standing next to a barrel of your famed whiskey. Bout made me cry, I felt so sorry for the barrel and the tainted whiskey inside. ;D
By cracky, 'taint' most certainly being the operative word. :P
Taint n' ator
Depending one where you are and how much your dealer likes you.... lol
you could be anywhere from $9,500 - $12,995.
We paid $10,200 (Cdn) for a 2007 model in February 2008. The price included taxes, delivery, and set-up. No stereo, though.
We paid $10,200 (Cdn) for a 2007 model in February 2008. The price included taxes, delivery, and set-up. No stereo, though.
Where in Canada do you live?? Near Buffalo? If so who was your dealer?
We paid $10,200 (Cdn) for a 2007 model in February 2008. The price included taxes, delivery, and set-up. No stereo, though.
I paid 10K for my Piper Glen in October 2006. No stereo. I live in Northern NJ.
Did you get the Piper Glen? Are you happy with your purchase? How much was it? I am looking for recent prices for 2014-2015 models.
Did you get the Piper Glen? Are you happy with your purchase? How much was it? I am looking for recent prices for 2014-2015 models.
It depends on what options you are getting and what the delivery is like, but I would imagine most people are somewhere around $14k with everything except a stereo.
The piper glen is an awesome hot tub! Good luck.