Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Mat7 on April 30, 2008, 01:11:55 pm

Title: New hs envoy owner!
Post by: Mat7 on April 30, 2008, 01:11:55 pm
Hi all recently found this great site!
Well we are a week in to ownership of our new HotSprings Envoy! It is Absolulty great! really pleased with it.
I am also pleased to say I am having no problems with the chem's but I do have one quiery - following the initial adjustments to the PH and TA etc, I have only had to use chlorine granules since - the levels seem remarkably "stable" now I am guessing it is normal but I was expecting to be adjusting the chems like TA and PH more regularly?
The chemistry lesson we got with the tub seemed to imply that these levels would require constant "fine tuning?"

Cheers for now
 :) ;D :)
More q's to follow no doubt!
Title: Re: New hs envoy owner!
Post by: windsurfdog on April 30, 2008, 01:30:07 pm
Hi all recently found this great site!
Well we are a week in to ownership of our new HotSprings Envoy! It is Absolulty great! really pleased with it.
I am also pleased to say I am having no problems with the chem's but I do have one quiery - following the initial adjustments to the PH and TA etc, I have only had to use chlorine granules since - the levels seem remarkably "stable" now I am guessing it is normal but I was expecting to be adjusting the chems like TA and PH more regularly?
The chemistry lesson we got with the tub seemed to imply that these levels would require constant "fine tuning?"

Cheers for now
 :) ;D :)
More q's to follow no doubt!

Congrats on the new tub!

As a new tub owner, you may be tempted to micro-manage your pH and TA readings but please don't!  "...constant "fine checking"" is a big no-no.  Check your readings no more than once a week and make adjustments then.  And I highly recommend the Taylor Test Kit ( and the wonderful booklet that is included.  If you could have only one source of water care information, that booklet would be it.

Good luck... 8-)
Title: Re: New hs envoy owner!
Post by: Richs100 on April 30, 2008, 03:15:49 pm
Congrats on the new tub!  I've got an Envoy, too, and really enjoy it.  
And post some pictures of your set-up when you get the chance.  We all love pics!

Title: Re: New hs envoy owner!
Post by: Vanguard on April 30, 2008, 03:30:18 pm
Congrats on the new spa!!  We love to see pictures here.  If you can, post a couple of your installation.

Just curious.  Did you find the forum before, during or after you made the decision to buy the Envoy?  Did you wet test the Envoy before buying?  If you did, did you do that based on recommendations from friends, your dealer, or the forum.  Like I said, I'm just curious.

Enjoy your spa.  The Envoy is an awesome spa.
Title: Re: New hs envoy owner!
Post by: Mat7 on April 30, 2008, 04:02:29 pm
Congrats on the new spa!!  We love to see pictures here.  If you can, post a couple of your installation.

Just curious.  Did you find the forum before, during or after you made the decision to buy the Envoy?  Did you wet test the Envoy before buying?  If you did, did you do that based on recommendations from friends, your dealer, or the forum.  Like I said, I'm just curious.

Enjoy your spa.  The Envoy is an awesome spa.

I will pop a few pics up in the next few days, its not sited anyware amazing, just by the back door on the patio! But we do have plans just could not wait for the tub!

As regards your q's only found this forum a couple of days ago off another site which recomended it here as that site has turned painfully slow!,
we did wet test the envoy, the only spa we wet tested. But it just seemed to fit the bill - right size, and features, i.e. good varity of seats and different therapy in each seat. modern looking colours (we chose pearl and espresso), it just felt right.
we looked at jaccuzi and sundance, and coleman as well - hotsprings being by far the most expensive but just seemed to have ticked all the boxes.
we personaly only know of one other person with a tub, and he thought we should buy his.
Things i really liked about the envoy was - silent circ pump, i can hear that one up the road in the night doing its clean / heat cycle.
100% filtration - just seems to make sense that if your pumping you should probably filter.
Color choice and depth of the tub- I find the envoys foot well really deep! - I knew no one with a hot sping tub but did some research on the net but could not find many unhappy customers which has got to be a good thing!

There are other reasons too, but I will have to think to remember!
Cheers for now
Matt  ;D :) :o
Title: Re: New hs envoy owner!
Post by: Chas on April 30, 2008, 04:37:59 pm
Things i really liked about the envoy was - 100% filtration - just seems to make sense that if your pumping you should probably filter.


OH, and uh - congratulations and welcome to spatopia.

Title: Re: New hs envoy owner!
Post by: hottubdan on May 01, 2008, 10:44:48 am

I know the UK distributors.  You bought from a great group!  Enjoy. :)
Title: Re: New hs envoy owner!
Post by: Steve on May 01, 2008, 01:29:42 pm
Congrats and welcome!

Title: Re: New hs envoy owner!
Post by: Mat7 on May 01, 2008, 03:29:04 pm
Right here is a couple of pics!


Not the best instalation you have seen i'm sure but we have plans!!! but we could not wait to get the tub!

Cheers for now
Matt  :) ;D :)
Title: Re: New hs envoy owner!
Post by: hottubdan on May 01, 2008, 03:38:02 pm
That is a nice, practical install.  I like where you put you step.  It's an Envoy!  ;D
Title: Re: New hs envoy owner!
Post by: Cyn on May 01, 2008, 04:10:02 pm
Thanks for the pics...looks great!!  Enjoy!
Title: Re: New hs envoy owner!
Post by: Swell-Tub on May 14, 2008, 05:53:12 pm
OK, I'm late on this one and after the fact. Congrats on your new hot tub. Thanks for the pictures. I think it is neat after one purchases a new tub that they show pictures.

There is that famous line from Middle Age Crazy when Bruce Dern is sitting in his hot tub and his wife Ann Margaret has run away. He says life is great I'm sitting here with hot water shooting up my fanny.

Many hot water days ahead for you, enjoy....

Scott  :)
Title: Re: New hs envoy owner!
Post by: wewannahottub on May 14, 2008, 09:32:00 pm
Don't feel bad, Scott, I haven't congratulated Matt on his new bubblin' water heater!!

Many happy spa nights and days ahead for you and yours, Matt, with water shootin' up your fanny!! :o :o :o

Chrisi ;)
Title: Re: New hs envoy owner!
Post by: Chas on May 14, 2008, 10:42:48 pm
with water shootin' up your fanny!! :o :o :oChrisi ;)

Coming from a nurse, I don't know how to handle that!   ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: New hs envoy owner!
Post by: Mat7 on May 16, 2008, 10:44:47 am
Cheers for the congrats!

Just to keep you updated all is well and we are both really enjoying it.

The water care really is more simple than all those bottles that they give you with it seem to imply.

Nearly one month in now and we have only missed one night!

Cheers again!
Matt  ;D :) ;D
Title: Re: New hs envoy owner!
Post by: Water Boy on May 16, 2008, 12:10:44 pm

Nice looking set up you have there. Congrats on the spa and thanks for sharing the pics.