Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Vanguard on April 17, 2008, 11:43:28 pm

Title: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Vanguard on April 17, 2008, 11:43:28 pm
Here's the new Limelight Pulse.  Pretty spa, IMO.

Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Chas on April 18, 2008, 01:51:36 am
I just got one yesterday. I was surprised by all the small jets it had. The Flair has three or four seats with lots of big jets, the Pulse seems to have more small jets.

Now, in defense of HotSpring, they tend to put large enough amounts of flow through the small jets (large orifices) so that they don't poke as some do. But I still really like the Flair and it's groupings of large jets.

This is a good-looking tub. I got mine in Pearl, but seeing the blue makes me think I may have to blow that floor model out and swap in a blue one.

Anyone want a deal on a Pulse in Pearl with Espresso siding? (You would have to live very close...)

Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: wewannahottub on April 18, 2008, 05:37:28 am
Oh Boy Happy day!!!  I got called off from work, it will be 78 degrees out and now the Pulse pix are out!!! :o ;D ;D ;D :-* :-*

Vanguard--beautiful pix!!  I love the foot dome, corner seat and the COLORS!!!!!  That is what I want!!! 8-) ::) :-*

How much do one of these loaded babies run??

Happy, Happy Day!!

Chrisi :D

Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: wewannahottub on April 18, 2008, 05:42:03 am
BTW== are there any more pix out there??  OVerhead shots and reverse angles??

Chas if I lived near you, I'd still want the blue/gray tub!!  Would you set me up with a deal??? ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: East_TX_Spa on April 18, 2008, 09:52:20 am
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: wewannahottub on April 18, 2008, 11:25:34 am
Termie!!  I knew you'd come through with some pix!!!! ;D ;D :o :o :o

Now THat is one nice tub!!!
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Summitman on April 18, 2008, 11:54:19 am
How come my back itches after looking at those pics?

Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Micah on April 18, 2008, 12:05:38 pm
How come my back itches after looking at those pics?


This spa really reminds me of a caldera with all those bullet jets and that filtration system.  Why not have some nice big jets that feel good and don't make you itch?
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: East_TX_Spa on April 18, 2008, 12:10:54 pm
How come my back itches after looking at those pics?


Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Water Boy on April 18, 2008, 12:13:45 pm
How come my back itches after looking at those pics?


Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: East_TX_Spa on April 18, 2008, 12:15:56 pm
This spa really reminds me of a caldera with all those bullet jets and that filtration system.  Why not have some nice big jets that feel good and don't make you itch?

Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Saved by Grace on April 18, 2008, 12:25:32 pm
Are those filter by-pass suction fittings I see in there?   :)
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Micah on April 18, 2008, 12:29:47 pm

Your right...I take it back...It looks more like a Cal Spa!  The ff845B to be exact.  
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: East_TX_Spa on April 18, 2008, 12:31:22 pm
Are those filter by-pass suction fittings I see in there?   :)

Yes, the Limelight Hot Tubs are designed to only filter part of the water like every other brand available.  Only HotSpring Spas filter 100% of the water with no-bypassing of the filtration system.

That is just one of the many reasons why HotSpring Spas are the World's #1 Selling Brand of Portable Spas and the industry leader for over 20 years.

Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Summitman on April 18, 2008, 12:34:19 pm
Your right, I fear this


That will be the last time "Chinook" tries out one of those!
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: East_TX_Spa on April 18, 2008, 12:47:03 pm
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Jacuzzi Jim on April 18, 2008, 12:50:28 pm

Yes, the Limelight Hot Tubs are designed to only filter part of the water like every other brand available.  Only HotSpring Spas filter 100% of the water with no-bypassing of the filtration system.

That is just one of the many reasons why HotSpring Spas are the World's #1 Selling Brand of Portable Spas and the industry leader for over 20 years.


 Lets not start this again, we all know you have 100% no by-pass filtration.  And we also know any spa with a filter will filter 100% of the water at some point.  ::)  Some faster than others,  this is not a big deal in most peoples mind,sorry to burst the Hot springs bubble.  :'(

 As far as the #1 selling brand until I actually see real world numbers, that is always debatable.

  I think the spa does look nice, generic!   But nice and I am sure it will sell, but then so do Costco spa's.
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Summitman on April 18, 2008, 12:54:02 pm

Yes, the Limelight Hot Tubs are designed to only filter part of the water like every other brand available.  Only HotSpring Spas filter 100% of the water with no-bypassing of the filtration system.

That is just one of the many reasons why HotSpring Spas are the World's #1 Selling Brand of Portable Spas and the industry leader for over 20 years.


Or maybe this reason


Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: East_TX_Spa on April 18, 2008, 01:05:18 pm
There sure is a lot of this going on lately:

Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Spatech_tuo on April 18, 2008, 01:22:23 pm
Another thread bites the dust!! Who started this down the path of no return?
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: hottubdan on April 18, 2008, 01:58:36 pm
Me thinks you protest too much.
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Vanguard on April 18, 2008, 02:35:30 pm
Geez, someone comes out with a new spa and the competitors have to trash it based on pictures.  I agree with Dan, I think you protest a bit too much.  Most brands have pretty good looking spas.  I happen to think some have some very ugly spas.  One of which has a couple of dealers on this forum.  My opinion there, but I'm not trashing them or calling them generic or anything else.

I don't even have a dog in this fight.  I work for a company that makes commercial swimming pool products.
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Vanguard on April 18, 2008, 02:45:52 pm
Oh Boy Happy day!!!  I got called off from work, it will be 78 degrees out and now the Pulse pix are out!!! :o ;D ;D ;D :-* :-*

Vanguard--beautiful pix!!  I love the foot dome, corner seat and the COLORS!!!!!  That is what I want!!! 8-) ::) :-*

How much do one of these loaded babies run??

Happy, Happy Day!!

Chrisi :D

Talked with a buddy, he thinks they'll sell for around $8500 fully loaded.
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Summitman on April 18, 2008, 02:49:48 pm
Geez, someone comes out with a new spa and the competitors have to trash it based on pictures.  I agree with Dan, I think you protest a bit too much.  Most brands have pretty good looking spas.  I happen to think some have some very ugly spas.  One of which has a couple of dealers on this forum.  My opinion there, but I'm not trashing them or calling them generic or anything else.

I don't even have a dog in this fight.  I work for a company that makes commercial swimming pool products.

Just having a little fun, like everyone does to me on the board.  Thats all!  I agree most brands have good looking spas, I appreciate that.  Customers tell me all the time how great our spas look!
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: wewannahottub on April 18, 2008, 02:57:12 pm
You all CRACK me up!!!!   ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D  Thanks for the pricing info.  And the laughs!!   ;D ;D ;D  You all should be outside and gettin' DIRTY like me!!   ;D ;D ;D  Go tthe whole day off and went to Lowes.  No, they haven't started selling spas, yet, that I am aware.  Yes, you guys are right, some of those little jets look stingy/itchy.  I can't wait to get beat up in the Jacuzzi this Sunday.  I would still like to see one of the Pulse's in my area.  Would be nice if the dealer I called would give me a head's up==I left my contact info.  And, I still haven't heard from my Arctic Dealer???!!! :o :( :( :(  I wanna narrow it down, and like In Canada Eh said in another thread--change my forum name to "wegottahottub"!!!!!

Chrisi--gettin mean an' dirty!!!
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Jacuzzi Jim on April 18, 2008, 03:34:22 pm
  I don't think calling a spa generic is bashing, sorry you took it that way!   If at 8400.00 it will look pretty good at the guy looking at this spa?|111|4639|4640&N=4000205&Mo=8&pos=0&No=2&Nr=P_CatalogName:BC&cat=4640&Ns=P_Price|1||P_SignDesc1&lang=en-US&Sp=C&ec=BC-EC14000-Cat4639&topnav=

 But then its not suppose to, it may/will cater to the guy that wants more bling,more jets, but also wants a quality spa, on the other hand, their are also a lot of really good quality spas that are priced less then that if the customer shops around.
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: East_TX_Spa on April 18, 2008, 03:42:07 pm
Generic Spa (according to JJ):


Non-Generic Spa (I guess....):

Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Summitman on April 18, 2008, 03:45:01 pm

Before I am critiqued for commenting about the types of jets used in the Limelight, you might want to look at some of your previous posts in regards to mini jets and qualities of brands.  The Limelight could be a good spa, I dont know, I have only seen pictures, but one would have to try out those mini jets before dropping 8500 bucks on it.  
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: hottubdan on April 18, 2008, 04:02:54 pm

Talked with a buddy, he thinks they'll sell for around $8500 fully loaded.
Does your buddy say that is with our without music system?
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Merlin on April 18, 2008, 04:13:05 pm
The blue on the limelight series is sexy  8-)
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: hottubdan on April 18, 2008, 04:14:58 pm
The blue on the limelight series is sexy  8-)

That's what Doc, one of my Top Gunners, said, when it hit his floor today.
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Merlin on April 18, 2008, 04:22:12 pm
Us Top Gunners think alike  ;)
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: East_TX_Spa on April 18, 2008, 04:28:55 pm
The blue on the limelight series is sexy  8-)

When ye Google "sapphire" and "sexy", this is what ye get:

Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Merlin on April 18, 2008, 04:31:39 pm

When ye Google "sapphire" and "sexy", this is what ye get:


LMAO!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA Term that is too much man.....

and i have seen you without a shirt on there should be WAY more hair on that chest.

how many of those pics do you have anyways?!?!
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Summitman on April 18, 2008, 04:32:43 pm


this is what pulls up on google!
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: East_TX_Spa on April 18, 2008, 04:46:00 pm
and i have seen you without a shirt on there should be WAY more hair on that chest.

how many of those pics do you have anyways?!?!

Gobs of 'em:


Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Jacuzzi Jim on April 18, 2008, 04:46:06 pm
 Term, I am not talking about how the spa looks but whats in it!  Jets. found in a 100 other spas Jacuzzi 300 and 400 series not being one, the filter found in a lot of others   If you think the J-365 is a generic spa you don't know your spa's as well as you think you do.

 I tried to give the limelight a complement but I guess it didn't take.  Sorry

Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Summitman on April 18, 2008, 04:49:05 pm
Term, I am not talking about how the spa looks but whats in it!  Jets. found in a 100 other spas Jacuzzi 300 and 400 series not being one, the filter found in a lot of others   If you think the J-365 is a generic spa you don't know your spa's as well as you think you do.

 I tried to give the limelight a complement but I guess it didn't take.  Sorry

Unless you say its the best spa ever, it wont be received as a compliment Jimmy!

Well, next to Hot Springs that is.   ;)

Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: East_TX_Spa on April 18, 2008, 04:51:58 pm
 I think the spa does look nice, generic!

Sorry, just readin' it the way you writ' it. ;D

Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Merlin on April 18, 2008, 05:10:01 pm
haha wow thats an old pic.

Shrek, Merlin and Duffman

those were good times man.

and for the Limelight -

all of the customers that have been coming in have loved the way the Flair looks and feels and they don't mind the price either. It's a good all around spa.
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Jacuzzi Jim on April 18, 2008, 05:13:52 pm
  Ya just don't get it.
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: East_TX_Spa on April 18, 2008, 05:28:33 pm
I just got a really sharp looking Limelight banner!  My boss is making a beer run and then we're going to hang it up on the fence.  It also has our new website address which should be up and running next week!  Good times!

Login: guest
Password: hotspring

Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Vanguard on April 18, 2008, 05:54:32 pm

Before I am critiqued for commenting about the types of jets used in the Limelight, you might want to look at some of your previous posts in regards to mini jets and qualities of brands.  The Limelight could be a good spa, I dont know, I have only seen pictures, but one would have to try out those mini jets before dropping 8500 bucks on it.  

You really need to get a sense of humor.  You have caused more contention on this site than everyone else combined in the last few years I've been frequenting this place.  Geez.

Besides, where did I critique you?  I went back and read the string and didn't say anything specifically about you.

I know what I've said about mini-jets and yes, they can itch and yes, spas that have nothing else have something to be desired.  That being said, I think this spa looks nice, but it does have a lot mini jets. I probably wouldn't own one myself.

Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Summitman on April 18, 2008, 06:01:43 pm

You really need to get a sense of humor.  You have caused more contention on this site than everyone else combined in the last few years I've been frequenting this place.  Geez.

sense of humor?  Your the one that took offense to my joke about a itchy back!  Im glad that I can contribute to the board.  
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Merlin on April 18, 2008, 06:10:31 pm
Play nice children
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: BauerN on April 18, 2008, 06:13:42 pm a brief announcement...

[size=22]This thread has OFFICIALLY been[/size]


Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Jacuzzi Jim on April 18, 2008, 06:30:49 pm
 Tell ya one thing, I just sold a spa to a couple that came back from looking at the Hot Springs, as long as the sales guy there keeps saying what they told me he said, I wont have a problem selling spa's.

  Said he's been in the biz 20 years.

Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Merlin on April 18, 2008, 07:19:33 pm
The biz huh?

Well im up to 4 today. and getting ready for a busy weekend.  :)
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: East_TX_Spa on April 18, 2008, 07:23:29 pm
HEY!  That's Artie Artesian (or Marquis Mark, or Sundance Kid, or HotSpring Harry, D-1 Me 2, or Jacuzzi Jim, or whatever his name is selling spaz!


Tomorrow is gonna be gun!  Gotta case of Shinie Bock icing down a nd a passell of cigars in ther humandor.  Seooyall then!

Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Merlin on April 18, 2008, 07:29:29 pm
HEY!  That's Artie Artesian (or Marquis Mark, or Sundance Kid, or HotSpring Harry, D-1 Me 2, or Jacuzzi Jim, or whatever his name is selling spaz!


Tomorrow is gonna be gun!  Gotta case of Shinie Bock icing down a nd a passell of cigars in ther humandor.  Seooyall then!


Drank a few too many out on the patio today Term?
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: wewannahottub on April 18, 2008, 08:27:27 pm

Gobs of 'em:



OMG!! is that third shot Termilyn Manson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Mendocino101 on April 19, 2008, 03:35:16 am
Just an observation. If I am correct I thought this new line of spas was supposed to be lots of flash (nice, nothing wrong with that), lots of jets, at a mid price point. At 8500.00 of that is a accurate number than they are in the high middle to upper end for spas. Does this work for HS dealers or are they just taking sales from another tub in thier own line. They look good in pictures but if the warranty is as it was mentioned a little shorter than I would think they might be a bit of a tougher sell at that price point.
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: hottubdan on April 19, 2008, 09:38:30 am
Just an observation. If I am correct I thought this new line of spas was supposed to be lots of flash (nice, nothing wrong with that), lots of jets, at a mid price point. At 8500.00 of that is a accurate number than they are in the high middle to upper end for spas. Does this work for HS dealers or are they just taking sales from another tub in thier own line. They look good in pictures but if the warranty is as it was mentioned a little shorter than I would think they might be a bit of a tougher sell at that price point.

They seem to be sales we would not have had.  The sizzle is selling them, not the price.
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: East_TX_Spa on April 19, 2008, 11:13:34 am
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Chas on April 19, 2008, 11:48:16 am
Yeah, they offered us that same banner, but we chose not to order one.

Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Mendocino101 on April 19, 2008, 12:13:28 pm

They seem to be sales we would not have had.  The sizzle is selling them, not the price.

Thats good ....It is nice to be able to offer the customer what they want.
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Vanguard on April 19, 2008, 12:52:05 pm
If you compared that to a Vista with the same features, the Vista would be a lot more expensive.  Probably in the $11-12K range.  So, from that perspective, it is a lower priced spa than Hot Spring.  

To the Hot Spring dealers:  Does the Limelight signal the beginning of the end of Tiger River?
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Vanguard on April 19, 2008, 01:15:46 pm
Does your buddy say that is with our without music system?

Turns out he thought I was asking about the Flair.  He said they are adding about $1200 for the stereo to the Limelight spas if it is purchased with the spa.  They charge more for an installation after the spa has been delivered.

Here's a question:  I thought the stereo was going to be factory installed.  But from what my "source" said, they will install it themselves.  He hadn't sold one yet, so he wasn't totally clear.  Is the stereo strictly after-market?
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Jacuzzi Jim on April 19, 2008, 01:19:54 pm
 I would think stores with limited floor space, will have to choose which one will be better to show. I think people put more value in the bling then how it feels which it defiantly has more bling then the tiger river.
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Chas on April 19, 2008, 01:23:11 pm
Here's a question:  I thought the stereo was going to be factory installed.  But from what my "source" said, they will install it themselves.  He hadn't sold one yet, so he wasn't totally clear.  Is the stereo strictly after-market?

The new HotSpot La Palma is available with the stereo factory-installed, but as of yet, not so on the Limelight

Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Vanguard on April 19, 2008, 02:01:10 pm
I would think stores with limited floor space, will have to choose which one will be better to show. I think people put more value in the bling then how it feels which it defiantly has more bling then the tiger river.

I agree.   And that is why I asked the question.  For about the same money, you can get a much flashier spa than the Tiger.  The Tiger is a fine spa, I just think the Lime Light will overtake it in sales and eventually cause the Tiger to go into extinction.
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Vanguard on April 19, 2008, 02:02:21 pm

The new HotSpot La Palma is available with the stereo factory-installed, but as of yet, not so on the Limelight


Okay.  That's what I was thinking of.  Thanks for the clarification.  I thought they had a spa with a factory stereo option.
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Spiderman on April 19, 2008, 04:17:22 pm

To the Hot Spring dealers:  Does the Limelight signal the beginning of the end of Tiger River?

I hope not; Tiger River is a great product.  I suppose Watkins will wait and see how Limelight sales go and then decide if they want to continue to offer 5 product lines.  It would be nice if they could keep all 5.
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Chas on April 19, 2008, 08:58:20 pm
Okay.  That's what I was thinking of.  Thanks for the clarification.  I thought they had a spa with a factory stereo option.

Same stereo and speakers/sub - I think it sounds best of all the sound systems offered by Watkins. I am going to order one to put in my boat, though I may have to use a different sub woofer - not sure yet on that point.

Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Vanguard on April 20, 2008, 01:07:49 pm

Same stereo and speakers/sub - I think it sounds best of all the sound systems offered by Watkins. I am going to order one to put in my boat, though I may have to use a different sub woofer - not sure yet on that point.


Hey, maybe that could be a new product category for you.  Rather than get your own line of spas, just start installing stereos on boats!! ;)
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Chas on April 26, 2008, 09:11:21 am
The 'Limelight Hot Tubs by HotSpring Spas' website is up and running. It is a work in progress, but I thought I would mention that it is up.

Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Merlin on April 26, 2008, 03:32:52 pm

I hope not; Tiger River is a great product.  I suppose Watkins will wait and see how Limelight sales go and then decide if they want to continue to offer 5 product lines.  It would be nice if they could keep all 5.

I really don't think it would replace them. Unless there was a HUGE difference in sales. But the Tiger River line is a great product. and I think it would be a great idea to incorporate the two lines together and do a little re-designing to doll up the TR line some more.
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Zoomer on May 11, 2008, 08:45:51 am
Saw the limelight Pulse yesterday at a local dealer and it is the nicest looking of any spa we have seen so far. The Flair was also there and was wet . We did not jump in (yet).  We think we may actually buy the Pulse (in blue) - but there are a couple of  concerns 1) Jet's - they do look like pretty basic jets , but a few of the arrangements match the Flair so we will wet test that this week.  2) Price - being a new product we have no price points for comparison which is a bit worrisome - my local dealer wants $8295 for the spa (all accessories, setup, etc and a side table with towel rack thrown in) and another $1500 for the wireless stereo.  

The dealer was knowledgeable on HS and Bullfrog but not much on Limelight.  The pumps are actually larger than the HS Envoy for example (another unit we looked at) and I think a steel frame makes better sense than wood (but I am a true newbie to all of this).    The dealer "thinks" the stereo will have the in spa transducers but does anyone know if it uses those or is it pop ups like the spa seems to have spots for.  (please reply only if you know for sure).  

Also - the price seems a little high for a lower priced line - so we are a little gun shy for actually comitting to this spa without getting some idea if we are grossly overpaying.   We LOVED the look, layout, size and lighting of the Spa and since the flashy look is an important part of our decision (we admit it) its the leading choice so far.

We have looked at Downeast, Master, Vita, Hot Spings, Sundance, LimeLight, Bullfrog.  A local "wholesaler" sells Pinnacle at very low prices - may look at that.  There are also D1 and Artic dealers close by.  But the glitz of the Limelight has kind of blinded us...LOL...  Any additional info on pricing, the limelight music system, etc would be appreciated....
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: hottubdan on May 11, 2008, 09:21:44 am
Stereo does not have transducers or pop up speakers.  They are recessed in the corners and sound great.
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Zoomer on May 11, 2008, 09:25:16 am
Ughhh - ws hoping it had transducers as my neighbors are fairly close and I was hoping to contain the sound the best way possible.  Is there space available in the housing to use transducers if I choose to?

Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: hottubdan on May 11, 2008, 10:26:07 am
I'm sure it could be done, but not practical.  You would have to dig out foam.  SpAudio, with transducers, use a more powerful amp, to drive the transducers.  I don't think there is room for it.
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: wewannahottub on May 11, 2008, 01:47:44 pm

Being a newbie gone full member now--and having wet tested many, and blinded by the bling in just as many----we have ourselves narrowed our tub down to Arctic and Jacuzzi J470, after having been blinded by Limelight's bling (haven't actually seen one) but we were totally blinded by the bling of the Dynasty caspian 55 with the lit jets/stereo (not transducer type) and smooth, swirly shell but GREATLY dissapointed in the jets and seating (uncomfy for tall hubby).  I have decided that the bling tubs are mostly just that, bling.  We did like Clearwater tubs, though, but couldn't wet test the one we wanted, but the jets in a different tub were nice and powerful and had lots of therapy (dealer issues sent red flags up). :-?  

IMHO, the Jacuzzi and Arctic lines are still very pretty tubs and have GREAT stereos, I would like more shell and lighting options (kinda like Limelight and others), but I don't want to sacrifice therapy for looks. ::)

Good luck in your search, and you will find wet testing to be the true eye-opener it has been for us, and certainly, without a doubt, one of the most IMPORTANT things to do in looking at spas.  Second to that, a good, trustworthy dealer. ;)

Chrisi :)
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Summitman on May 11, 2008, 09:47:45 pm
Saw the limelight Pulse yesterday at a local dealer and it is the nicest looking of any spa we have seen so far. The Flair was also there and was wet . We did not jump in (yet).  We think we may actually buy the Pulse (in blue) - but there are a couple of  concerns 1) Jet's - they do look like pretty basic jets , but a few of the arrangements match the Flair so we will wet test that this week.  2) Price - being a new product we have no price points for comparison which is a bit worrisome - my local dealer wants $8295 for the spa (all accessories, setup, etc and a side table with towel rack thrown in) and another $1500 for the wireless stereo.  

The dealer was knowledgeable on HS and Bullfrog but not much on Limelight.  The pumps are actually larger than the HS Envoy for example (another unit we looked at) and I think a steel frame makes better sense than wood (but I am a true newbie to all of this).    The dealer "thinks" the stereo will have the in spa transducers but does anyone know if it uses those or is it pop ups like the spa seems to have spots for.  (please reply only if you know for sure).  

Also - the price seems a little high for a lower priced line - so we are a little gun shy for actually comitting to this spa without getting some idea if we are grossly overpaying.   We LOVED the look, layout, size and lighting of the Spa and since the flashy look is an important part of our decision (we admit it) its the leading choice so far.

We have looked at Downeast, Master, Vita, Hot Spings, Sundance, LimeLight, Bullfrog.  A local "wholesaler" sells Pinnacle at very low prices - may look at that.  There are also D1 and Artic dealers close by.  But the glitz of the Limelight has kind of blinded us...LOL...  Any additional info on pricing, the limelight music system, etc would be appreciated....


If you have a Arctic dealer close by you should definetely check them out, if nothing else it is just another experience to give you more options.  The Arctics are definetely worth a look.
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Zoomer on May 12, 2008, 10:32:52 am
I am going to check out an artic today (and maybe the d1's as they are down the road from each other).  Would love to know if my dealer is over-priced on the Limelight Pulse....can anyone give me an honest answer on that or is there like a code that is kept among dealers...??

We have a decent Vita Whirlpool - deep like a spa - we bought 7 or 8 years ago - has aromatherapy, separate 240 circuit for a heater, etc and the truth is we run the jets for a few minutes and then just sit and soak.  I think a therapy chair would be kewl but not sure in reality we would use the benefits as much as we will be entertaining people in our tub.  Liked the kewl action of the Master Spa curved therapy seat but Master gets a ton of knocks all over the internet and its a costly tub.  

Perfect would be a tub with Limelight glitz, HS transducer stereo, Hot Springs cost of operation, Bull Frogs spa pack, etc...cant find a tub that has it all ....LOL dont mind spending reasonable money - 10 - 13K or so for one that did it all.   The pulse at 9750 just might be high for a tub that does not excel in the jets department.
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: hottubdan on May 12, 2008, 10:39:59 am
Pulse is right in range of what we sell it for.

Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: wewannahottub on May 12, 2008, 11:02:47 am
I am going to check out an artic today (and maybe the d1's as they are down the road from each other).   .  Liked the kewl action of the Master Spa curved therapy seat but Master gets a ton of knocks all over the internet and its a costly tub.  

Perfect would be a tub with Limelight glitz, HS transducer stereo, Hot Springs cost of operation, Bull Frogs spa pack, etc...cant find a tub that has it all ....LOL dont mind spending reasonable money - 10 - 13K or so for one that did it all.   The pulse at 9750 just might be high for a tub that does not excel in the jets department.


WWHT again--

I thought the Master spas would have been cool, too, but I was fighting to stay in the seats.  

Clearwater spas have a lot of bling and nice jet therapy in the price range you are looking, as well as a boomin' stereo, with subwoofer if you like (cant; remember about the transducer, I think One option does).  

My fave is Arctic, and they have a transducer like stereo--Aquatremor--though, like you, we like the bling--but you can't beat our Arctic dealer!!---goo luck with your testing!!

THe D1's were nice too, but the neck jets and the water feature on the Amore were very sloppy, but nice jets and lots of room with a large barrier-free bench style seat on the Amore.

Have fun and keep us up to date.
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: wewannahottub on May 12, 2008, 11:03:55 am
BTW--link to Clearwater:
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Merlin on May 12, 2008, 06:27:38 pm
WWHT have you gotten a chance to sit in the Pulse or any Watkins spa for that matter?
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: wewannahottub on May 12, 2008, 08:49:07 pm

When we first started looking at tubs, we did see a Caldera Aspire wet that we were going to wet test.  But the more we looked, the more jets/different placement we wanted and the more bling and shell options we wanted.  We never did see the HS line--the dealer is about 45 minutes away--not too bad--near my old home town.  But looking on line at them--we just weren't googly-eyed==no, we weren't too googly eyed over Jacuzzi at first, but loved the tub we sat in (has a great foot dome)--but compared to the Arctic, had alot more jets, great therapy, and lots of room as well, not quite the "bling" lights like we wanted, but I have said before==I don't care to sacrifice therapy for bling.  Being a more educated wet tester now, I base my thoughts on that now.  And, having a good, stable dealer is a [glow]definate [/glow] must, and our Arctic dealer is that type of dealer.  I feel our Jacuzzi dealer is as well, and I am sure the Caldera dealer is too.  (the salesman is very knowledgable and helpful and not pushy at all and they have great BBB reviews.)

Sorry I rambled on so long--I know you guys are passionate about the HS line. ;)

Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Water Boy on May 13, 2008, 10:14:11 am

When we first started looking at tubs, we did see a Caldera Aspire wet that we were going to wet test.  But the more we looked, the more jets/different placement we wanted and the more bling and shell options we wanted.  We never did see the HS line--the dealer is about 45 minutes away--not too bad--near my old home town.  But looking on line at them--we just weren't googly-eyed==no, we weren't too googly eyed over Jacuzzi at first, but loved the tub we sat in (has a great foot dome)--but compared to the Arctic, had alot more jets, great therapy, and lots of room as well, not quite the "bling" lights like we wanted, but I have said before==I don't care to sacrifice therapy for bling.  Being a more educated wet tester now, I base my thoughts on that now.  And, having a good, stable dealer is a [glow]definate [/glow] must, and our Arctic dealer is that type of dealer.  I feel our Jacuzzi dealer is as well, and I am sure the Caldera dealer is too.  (the salesman is very knowledgable and helpful and not pushy at all and they have great BBB reviews.)

Sorry I rambled on so long--I know you guys are passionate about the HS line. ;)



Glad to hear that your experience with your Arctic dealer has gone so well. You are going to love your Arctic Tundra. Great choice of spa!!!! :)
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Swell-Tub on May 13, 2008, 11:31:20 am

Glad to hear that your experience with your Arctic dealer has gone so well. You are going to love your Arctic Tundra. Great choice of spa!!!! :)
Water Boy, I appreciate how you express congrats to all the new tub owners even if they select something other than an Acrtic. In this case Arctic has won over the heart of Chrisi, I tried to persuade her into the Jacuzzi fold but I could not damper her love for the Arctic experience. Many hot water days ahead for all of us.

Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Jacuzzi Jim on May 13, 2008, 01:31:45 pm
  That's one thing to be said when you throw a third pump in a spa, it becomes a whole different animal, specially if its done/placed right.   Granted that may not have been the reason, but I think it helped.
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: spahappy on May 13, 2008, 02:21:20 pm

When ye Google "sapphire" and "sexy", this is what ye get:

Yep we're "sexy" Term, ofcourse with enough "Sapphire" everyone looks sexy. :-*
Title: Re: Limelight Pulse
Post by: Merlin on May 15, 2008, 04:49:32 pm

When we first started looking at tubs, we did see a Caldera Aspire wet that we were going to wet test.  But the more we looked, the more jets/different placement we wanted and the more bling and shell options we wanted.  We never did see the HS line--the dealer is about 45 minutes away--not too bad--near my old home town.  But looking on line at them--we just weren't googly-eyed==no, we weren't too googly eyed over Jacuzzi at first, but loved the tub we sat in (has a great foot dome)--but compared to the Arctic, had alot more jets, great therapy, and lots of room as well, not quite the "bling" lights like we wanted, but I have said before==I don't care to sacrifice therapy for bling.  Being a more educated wet tester now, I base my thoughts on that now.  And, having a good, stable dealer is a [glow]definate [/glow] must, and our Arctic dealer is that type of dealer.  I feel our Jacuzzi dealer is as well, and I am sure the Caldera dealer is too.  (the salesman is very knowledgable and helpful and not pushy at all and they have great BBB reviews.)

Sorry I rambled on so long--I know you guys are passionate about the HS line. ;)


I was just curious. Well at least you are getting respectable help here on the forum from all of us. I still think you should wet test a HS.....  ;) btw what models have you narrowed it down to?
