Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: wmccall on January 26, 2008, 08:28:51 pm
It looks like I'll be placing the final warranty call for my Dynasty tub. Purchased in March of 03, I'm real close to the end of the 5 year no fault non-prorated warranty.For 3 years, I never had to spend a dime for warranty work. My dealer was 16 miles away and never charged the trip charge. After my dealer closed, (no fault of Dynasty) I had a warranty issue and Dynasty contracted a service guy from another company here in town. They got the job done, but overcharged me.
Tonight Gina and I were soaking in the tub. We turned on pump #2 and were each enjoying our favorite seat. The diverter for pump #2 is between us set in the middle to give us each equal pressure. Suddenly with only a fraction of a second of warning, something cut loose in the diverter and sent jets of hot water into Gina's face. I only got a couple of little streams, but she got hit with a firehose of hot water right into her face and hair. We can run on pump 1, and with no jets. Looks like Monday, I'll be calling Dynasty for what I would guess is probably the last time.
Wow! But I suppose it's better now than the month after the warranty runs out.
That's quite a unique way for your tub to remind you that the warranty is about to expire!
Hope your wife is OK. Wow.
Hopefully they'll be able to get it taken care of during the short warm spell next week. I haven't been able to use mine for two weeks (my problem, not the tubs). Don't realize how much you miss it till you can't use it!
It will take a while, the problem, of not having (for now) a local dealer. I'll call Dynasty Monday, and they will probably have to ship parts then the local dealer they hire, will call me. I tried to stop in at that LA Spa store in Gahanna today, but they are only open by a appointment only. It did look like the showroom is better than I heard about last fall. After that we headed to "The Spa and Hot tub outlet" that dumped Master in favor of QCA last year. I picked up some MPS there and looked around a bit. They will have one MS spa left. The guy running the store made it sound like they are going to pick up the Dynasty line.
I coulda swore Bill,your spa was/is 1 year newer than ours?.? We purchased ours in march of 03,and our warranty is about up too.
Wifey just returned from Vegas,and she brought the airbag dashplate with her,for CS to sign.
You doing eastern,or western Caribbean,on FOTS?
It will take a while, the problem, of not having (for now) a local dealer. I'll call Dynasty Monday, and they will probably have to ship parts then the local dealer they hire, will call me. I tried to stop in at that LA Spa store in Gahanna today, but they are only open by a appointment only. It did look like the showroom is better than I heard about last fall. After that we headed to "The Spa and Hot tub outlet" that dumped Master in favor of QCA last year. I picked up some MPS there and looked around a bit. They will have one MS spa left. The guy running the store made it sound like they are going to pick up the Dynasty line.
I was there a week or so ago to pick up some bromine reserve packets. Just about every showroom spa was missing panels and pieces. Look like a couple of spas threw up all over. I could never buy a spa off of a company with a first impression like that.
We have about 3 months left on the Optima's warranty.
So far we've had 2 service calls- one for a circ. pump, and one for a temperature sensor. Our original dealer didn't charge for trips, but they stopped selling spas and the new Sundance dealer taking their place does charge $50 for the trip.
Hopefully they'll be able to get it taken care of during the short warm spell next week. I haven't been able to use mine for two weeks (my problem, not the tubs). Don't realize how much you miss it till you can't use it!
What's kept you out of yours? Gina and I had the flu the majority of last week.
I coulda swore Bill,your spa was/is 1 year newer than ours?.? We purchased ours in march of 03,and our warranty is about up too.
You doing eastern,or western Caribbean,on FOTS?
The mark in the concrete says 3/03, so this is the last year. We are doing Western Caribbean this year. Labadee, Ocho Rios, Georgetown, and Cozumel.
AST laser eye surgery and then, 18 hrs later, I had the twins cut (standard "no more kids for me" guy surgery).
I've had better ideas, the third day was, uh, rough. :'(
This is getting interesting. I called Dynasty this morning and they referred me to
Spas 4 U
5591 N Hamilton Rd
Columbus, OH 43230
Hmm, I was right there yesterday and couldn't get in the door. I called at 9:30 and the phone rang about 20 times before going to a voicemail that was less than professional. Hmm, I hope these people try to impress me.
AST laser eye surgery and then, 18 hrs later, I had the twins cut (standard "no more kids for me" guy surgery).
I've had better ideas, the third day was, uh, rough. :'(
If you had turned the tub down to about 40, it might have been perfect for that day 3.
This is getting interesting. I called Dynasty this morning and they referred me to
Spas 4 U
5591 N Hamilton Rd
Columbus, OH 43230
Hmm, I was right there yesterday and couldn't get in the door. I called at 9:30 and the phone rang about 20 times before going to a voicemail that was less than professional. Hmm, I hope these people try to impress me.
Wmccall, out of curiousity, does your Dynasty dealer know who you are? 8-)
This is getting interesting. I called Dynasty this morning and they referred me to
Spas 4 U
5591 N Hamilton Rd
Columbus, OH 43230
Hmm, I was right there yesterday and couldn't get in the door. I called at 9:30 and the phone rang about 20 times before going to a voicemail that was less than professional. Hmm, I hope these people try to impress me.
I've talked to them, "Less than professional" is very kind. The up side is maybe they are really good at repairs, just bad at retail. From the looks of the showroom they get lots of practice.
Best of luck to ya!
Wmccall, out of curiousity, does your Dynasty dealer know who you are? 8-)
The original Dynasty dealer here closed back in 05 I think it was. The Sundance Jacuzzi dealer here knows who I am, or use to MJB was here in our forum, but he moved to AZ. I think I may have done some PC work for this guy a while back.
The former Master Dealer, now QCA spas knows me, Dynasty sent them as their rep last time.
So Bill,
Which model of HotSpring tub are you considering for your replacement?
So Bill,
Which model of HotSpring tub are you considering for your replacement?
I'm keeping all my options open. It would probably start with the lounger/no lounger debate again. Then again, I may try to get another year or two from this one. Not sure yet.
Well, let me know. I will personally go to bat for you to get a nice discount - to be absolutely sure you stay unbiased.
With any luck, I'll be fully operational by Sunday. No hot tub last night. At 10pm it was 58 and raining. By 6am it was 19 and still Windy.
Well, with any luck, I'll be fully functional (spa wise) tonight. The LAspas dealer called and they have the parts from Dynasty. He is supposed to come out today, but as of 8am it is 64 and a monsoon is falling. I think its supposed to be 32 and snow tomorrow. I hope the rain slows down enough for him to work.
The last tech Dynasty sent charged me more than he was supposed to and I had to get money back from Dynasty, but this guy made it clear all he was charging was the $69.99 trip charge, which with no dealer of my own in town, I'll happily pay.
Ouch. I bitched about a 25 dollar trip charge. Hope they get you going.
Well, with any luck, I'll be fully functional (spa wise) tonight. The LAspas dealer called and they have the parts from Dynasty. He is supposed to come out today, but as of 8am it is 64 and a monsoon is falling. I think its supposed to be 32 and snow tomorrow. I hope the rain slows down enough for him to work.
The last tech Dynasty sent charged me more than he was supposed to and I had to get money back from Dynasty, but this guy made it clear all he was charging was the $69.99 trip charge, which with no dealer of my own in town, I'll happily pay.
We had heavy downpour all day yesterday, so I wasn't suprised he didn't show, but no phone call either. Rained a lot today, but some dry time, again no show, no phone call. Hopefully tomorrow.
Hopefully tomorrow.
I'm busy today, probably won't call, but when I get home tonight, I''ll check and see if it is done. If not, I'll call tommorow. I am at least running and keeping the tub warm, so I'm not a high priority, but I would think that with a 5 year old tub of a different brand and that I might be in the market, they would try to impress me. I'm not really upset its not done, just wanted a phone call.
Ouch. I bitched about a 25 dollar trip charge. Hope they get you going.
Well, its better than the last company Dynasty sent, they made me pay a $75 trip charge (4 miles) and the first hour of labor, which they made me get reimbursed for from Dynasty, even though that wasn't their agreement with Dynasty. The only thing they didn't charge me for was the parts that Dynasty sent to them.
Looks like today is the day. I left for work around 7:15 and my wife left around 8:30. She noticed tire tracks in the snow up to the garage. She looked, and apparently someone turned off the spa and took out the diverter. (I sure hope it was the repair guy and not LT Dan playing a joke. )
Looks like today is the day. I left for work around 7:15 and my wife left around 8:30. She noticed tire tracks in the snow up to the garage. She looked, and apparently someone turned off the spa and took out the diverter. (I sure hope it was the repair guy and not LT Dan playing a joke. )
Snow? How do you have snow? It's been raining for a week!
Snow? How do you have snow? It's been raining for a week!
Same here, but we got just enough last night to cover the driveway. A dusting.
The tub is fixed or so I'm told. I'll find out around 10-11pm tonight.
My post did say betweeen 10 and 11! All is well, we were able to use the jets again.
My post did say betweeen 10 and 11! All is well, we were able to use the jets again.
Good to hear your back up and running.
Since your tub has shown some dangerous propensities, you all might want to wear a helmet for the first few dips just to make sure everything is back to normal! :) ;) :)
My post did say betweeen 10 and 11! All is well, we were able to use the jets again.
From the looks of their showroom, I thought they might have taken parts out of your tub to fix someone else's!