Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: loosenupspas on December 19, 2007, 11:49:20 am

Title: Rebate Parasites
Post by: loosenupspas on December 19, 2007, 11:49:20 am
These crooks are located in central Florida and banged on me pretty hard to sign up with their program.  I didn't, thank God.  "Nothing is Easy," to quote Jethro Tull.  But there is a sucker born every minute.,0,4034395.story

Title: Re: Rebate Parasites
Post by: East_TX_Spa on December 19, 2007, 12:06:59 pm
Pyramid schemers, multi-level marketeers, Ponzi scammers are all scum of the earth from top to bottom.

An unfortunate side-effect to being a top-notch spa salesman is that I am frequently approached by customers and "friends" to help them further their nefarious endeavors.  Even my dentist hit me up the other day, so now I have to find a new one as I no longer feel comfortable having someone tinkering in my orifice that has a slight grudge against me.

I simply tell them that I work for East Texas Spa and my boss has told me "You can work for me or you can work for someone else, but you can't do both."

Title: Re: Rebate Parasites
Post by: Brewman on December 19, 2007, 12:50:29 pm
I am amazed that people are so gullible.

How could anyone possibly fall for crap like this?  We had the local Master spa dealer involved in one of these schemes a couple years ago- same result.  

As an aside, that Master dealer is now out of business.  I guess his never ending 75% off sales didn't bring in enough business.  

Title: Re: Rebate Parasites
Post by: clover on December 19, 2007, 01:04:26 pm
These crooks are located in central Florida and banged on me pretty hard to sign up with their program.  I didn't, thank God.  "Nothing is Easy," to quote Jethro Tull.  But there is a sucker born every minute.,0,4034395.story
Cash Back America has been hood winking consumers with phoney rebates programs now for more than 5 or 6 years.  They have since run into trouble around the country with Attorney General's in various states.  It amazes me that they are still out there sucking up the cash from unsuspecting consumers, but it seems to bring in sales.

It is really tough to combat issues like this, because when you talk to consumers it appears, we were "bad mouthing" their opportunity to get a better price.  Yes, there is a sucker borne every minute, but in addition there are two that will take his money.