Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Rein91 on December 10, 2007, 01:08:36 pm

Title: Winter Pricing?
Post by: Rein91 on December 10, 2007, 01:08:36 pm
Did some testing/researching over the fall and have decided to purschase a HS Vanguard in the spring.   Sales Rep called over the weekend and offered "winter deal"  if order 08 now (mfg shutdown over holiday?) will give me 1400 off.  was 10.5 including steps, cover and ozone thing.  Never had a tub and nervous as it is, not sure I should tie out my money (w/o tub) until spring.  Was planning on going to Spring builders show and hunt a deal then.

Any input on pricing/deal?  
thanks Marty
Title: Re: Winter Pricing?
Post by: 96SC on December 10, 2007, 01:26:53 pm
Welcome to the forum.  Prices differ from region to region.  $9,100 in one part of the country may be dirt cheap, while in others it may be highway robbery.  If you purchase the spa don't look back just enjoy it.

See if they'll throw in a cover lifter and/or Tri-X filters.  Since he called you go for the jugular (sorry dealers), can't hurt. ;)

Title: Re: Winter Pricing?
Post by: solo on December 10, 2007, 01:50:45 pm
Did some testing/researching over the fall and have decided to purschase a HS Vanguard in the spring.   Sales Rep called over the weekend and offered "winter deal"  if order 08 now (mfg shutdown over holiday?) will give me 1400 off.  was 10.5 including steps, cover and ozone thing.  Never had a tub and nervous as it is, not sure I should tie out my money (w/o tub) until spring.  Was planning on going to Spring builders show and hunt a deal then.

Any input on pricing/deal?  
thanks Marty

This is a great forum for all kinds of information about spas.  However, pricing can be a touchy subject as this forum has quite a few spa dealers.  I wouldn't plan on getting much great advice regarding price from this forum, but you will get a lot of great information regarding everything else.  

The best advice I can give you is:

1.  Never take the sales reps first offer
2.  Don't be in a hurry
3.  Make different dealers compete for your business
4  Wet test any tub before you buy it
5  Spring home show is a great idea, but you can also save big money by buying a 2007 model in 2008 or buying a floor model.  

By the way, I am not a spa dealer.  Just a consumer such as yourself.  
Title: Re: Winter Pricing?
Post by: Spatech_tuo on December 10, 2007, 01:56:18 pm

5  Spring home show is a great idea, but you can also save big money by buying a 2007 model in 2008 or buying a floor model.  

The home shows can be a great idea but mainly because you can see many models all at once, not because of pricing as many people often assume (or are led to believe). You typically will NOT get better pricing at the shows and as a dealer on this or one of the other forums noted this past weekend they actually charge 2% (or so) more at the home shows to cover the cost of the show itself.
Title: Re: Winter Pricing?
Post by: Seahawk on December 10, 2007, 02:00:33 pm
One thing to remember spa prices from the manufacture usually see an increase from year to year.  Spas are built from Jan-Dec, so please do not think of spas like cars, as far as models go.  Also, buying an 08 early isn't a bad idea as long as you can see their sales prices in 08 when you are about to take delivery and have the salesperson guarntee that if the price is better when your getting closer for delivery he/she will honor the better price.  But, I can almost guarntee that the Vanguard will jump in price by about $500 or so next year with other changes HSS have in store.  
Title: Re: Winter Pricing?
Post by: ndabunka on December 10, 2007, 02:51:30 pm
I guess the reality is that Spa sales are just like any other consumer product... they are ALL fighting for the same limited amount of cash.  This just appears to be your dealers way of getting you to part with it at this time of year.  My advice is that he should be JUST AS competitive in the spring.  Treat this as strictly the marketing ploy that it is.  Ignore it, enjoy your christmas and spend any extra dollars on OTHERS rather than yourself at this time of the year.  If you had been planning on buying it now, then it could have been a good christmas present but since you were not, do NOT LET THE DEALER dictate when you will buy... Do it on your OWN timeline.
Title: Re: Winter Pricing?
Post by: hottubdan on December 10, 2007, 03:17:42 pm
Did some testing/researching over the fall and have decided to purschase a HS Vanguard in the spring.   Sales Rep called over the weekend and offered "winter deal"  if order 08 now (mfg shutdown over holiday?) will give me 1400 off.  was 10.5 including steps, cover and ozone thing.  Never had a tub and nervous as it is, not sure I should tie out my money (w/o tub) until spring.  Was planning on going to Spring builders show and hunt a deal then.

Any input on pricing/deal?  
thanks Marty
OK, I am a dealer, and here is my advice:
1)  If the Vanguard is the spa you want, waiting for a home show doesn't make sense.
2)  If you are going to make a deal, only give a deposit to hold the price; do not tie up the full amount.  Some dealers take 20%, some 50% some $500.00.
3)  Prices do go up annually, as our cost go up.
4)  I agree with others, whatever your final price, make sure you get a lifter.
5)  My final point...reserve the deal with a deposit.  Have them guarantee that if they have any better deals between now and delivery,  you get the best price.
Title: Re: Winter Pricing?
Post by: TheSpaExpert on December 10, 2007, 04:42:27 pm
The factery of Hot springs closes the last 2 weeks of the year for re-tooling and meintenance.  Dealers are limited in there stock on hand.  You can sometimes pre-order a spa and get a good deal.  Then you must wait until January or Febuary.

Patience is a virtue to those who wait.

I would buy that spa.  It won a Consumer Reports best buy award last year.
Title: Re: Winter Pricing?
Post by: Spiderman on December 10, 2007, 05:07:53 pm
If you're happy with the Vangaurd and want that spa, then get it.  If you're saving that much money why wouldn't you buy it?   Hottubdan gave you some good advice.
Title: Re: Winter Pricing?
Post by: Richs100 on December 10, 2007, 07:24:40 pm
I would buy that spa.  It won a Consumer Reports best buy award last year.

As far as I know, Consumer Reports does not deal with spas or hot tubs.
If you are referring to the "Consumer Digest Best Buy Award", it don't mean squat.  
It is an "Award" that the spa manufacturers pay for.  
As a long time Hot Spring owner, I think it cheapens the brand and wish Hot Spring would stop doing this.
Title: Re: Winter Pricing?
Post by: Shaamus on December 10, 2007, 07:26:54 pm
Dec-Mar are slow months for spa retailers.  That's why you are getting the deal.  If you think you're going to get a better price next spring, good luck with that.  You probably won't.  I agree with pretty much everything people have said above.  If the Vanguard is the one you want and your dealer is offering 13-15% off of the current year price for next year's model, you should probably go for it.