Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: abc123 on November 04, 2007, 08:17:46 am
On average how many spas are set up in your local dealers for wet test? would you be happier to have more to try all at once?
The dealer we bought our tub from had 3 spas ready for wet testing. The Hot Springs dealer in town had 7 or 8 spas ready for testing and went our of his way to encourage wet testing a few different ones. Some other dealers had no spas with water in them.
I think it would be best to offer a good variety of tubs set up for wet testing to demonstrate different seating heights and back angles
My dealer is small and only had 1 spa wet. I didn't ask to wet test so I don't know if she would have filled another spa.
On average how many spas are set up in your local dealers for wet test? would you be happier to have more to try all at once?
I visited 7 different spa dealers in my area, mostly well known brands. On average I'd say there was 2-3 spas up and running. I personally think that's plenty as long as they(the dealer) don't have a problem filling any dry spa on the floor that the customer would like to wet test. There were only a few that denied my request to fill a dry spa, so I crossed them off my list solely from that. No matter how good of a rep that particular brand had/has.
The Jacuzzi dealer had one 400 series and one 300 series spa filled. Not sure if they would transfer the water or not as the J480 was the one I was interested in and it was the one they had filled. They also carried some other brands which had water in them. The CalSpa and Caldera dealers had two or three filled. The Hot Springs/Sundance dealer had four tubs filled. At least in the series I was interested in. They may have had some other brand tubs filled as well.
The dealer that In Canada Eh is referring to has about twelve spas in his showroom and most are connected. He keeps a pool sump ready to move water from one to another while you are wet testing. You just tell him which one you want to go in. This also makes for good dry testing if needed. He was really good to deal with but I ended up liking the Epic for features that I wanted. My epic dealer was much smaller with only one spa with water at the time.
Most dealers I know have 2-3 some have more, but what I noticed is some bigger stores may have more running but I would not say they are set to wet test, I mean being out in the open in the middle of a 20,000 ft showroom for many is not what they would do. We have 3 and sometimes 4.
Our dealer had 5 or 6 ready for wet testing.
When I was looking, there was one dealer(I do not remember the brand :-/), That due to insurance reasons, they were not able to have a tub set up to wet test. They told me this is happening to more and more dealers. It is because if someone wet tests and they have a medical reason they do not know about and should not be in a hot tub, they will get sued if anything happens.
I have 15 spas in my showroom. 9 of them are hot and wet.
9 in the showroom, 4 of which are ready for wet testing
We have four inside and four outside. The way the spas are configured in the showroom we can easily swap which spas have water in them if someone wants a wet test on a particular model.
All our Hot Spring models are available for wet test, as well as the Tiger Rivers and Solanas. The only spa we can't allow a wet-test on is the Hot Spot Mallorca because of the way the breaker is and our showroom is wired.
I have 15 hydrotherapy technicians in my showroom. 9 of them are hot and wet.
What's your shop's address again??? :o
The only dealers we have found that have more than one or two available for wet test have been the Hot Spring dealers. All of the others have had at most two, usually one, and many none. The fewer the tubs for testing, the more we have heard "you don't need to wet test" (or, "they all feel the same so don't need to test the model you are looking at") from the sales personnel. One shop had three filled with water but didn't allow wet testing "for sanitary reasons".
The Doob
The only dealers we have found that have more than one or two available for wet test have been the Hot Spring dealers. All of the others have had at most two, usually one, and many none. The fewer the tubs for testing, the more we have heard "you don't need to wet test" (or, "they all feel the same so don't need to test the model you are looking at") from the sales personnel. One shop had three filled with water but didn't allow wet testing "for sanitary reasons".
The Doob
Wow, what's worse, having none and trying to convince the customer they don't need to wet test or having a few wet and not letting them wet test?
I've always thought 3 to be about the typical number ready to wet test and I certainly would expect that if they had water in them I could try them out.
I have 12 on the floor,and two wet. I always offer to fill any other spa on the floor for a wet test. I can run 4, but it gets a bit humid in here.
These guys rock - this is where I got my Chelsee from (in the UK) and they had LOADS available to wet test!! :)
One shop had three filled with water but didn't allow wet testing "for sanitary reasons".
Sounds like they didn't know too much about hot tub sanitation... :-/
I currently have 10 on my floor and 3 are running. I normally have a few more on the floor and as many as 5 running, but I've been selling floor models faster than I can get them back in.
Our problem is our power supply (my store has limited space, too). We don't have enough 220v boxes to run more than 2 large tubs. We can run a ton of tubs on 110v though.
In most cases, it's not an issue to get another tub hooked up and running for a wet test if there is not one filled. One other bonus we have is that we have multiple locations around town and it's typically about a 15 minute drive to go from one location to another. This said, we tend to have almost every model wet and availble between all our stores.