Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Gomboman on October 19, 2007, 12:47:49 pm
It's hard to believe but I've had my Envoy for two years now. I've never used any type of filter cleaner before--just water. I usually clean the filters with a high pressure washer. I've also used the dish washer a few times. They always come out pearly white.
Anyway, I'm sure it's time to use an actual filter cleaner this time. There are a ton of different cleaners out there. What type of cleaner and method do you prefer that will be compatible with my Tri-X filters? I don't have any spare filters.
I've soaked the one filter on the circ pump once, but the mixture ate a whole out of my 5 lb bucket and leaked all over... so I never used it again on the other filers. I use the spray on filter cleaner every 3-6 months or so. I should probably buy another bucket and try the soak method again, but...
I use whatever brand came with my tub... but I did just by some spray on cleaner from doc. If he's got more than one brand I bought whatever was cheapest.
Our customers use the Freshwater brand which we get from Hot Spring.
I like the Freshwater granular filter cleaner.
Thanks giraffeattheoasis and hottubdan. I purchased a 2 lb. container of the Fresh Water Filter cleaner today from my HS dealer. The salesman told me to put the entire container in a large plastic trash can with 5 gallons of water. He said to put all five filters into the trash can and let soak over night.
Is this the best method to clean all five filters at once or should I use a different method?
Thanks in advance.......
I have tri-x filterrs for my HS Vanguard. Just put them in the DW w/o soap and let 'em wash in plain water. Seem to turn out clean.
I only soaked my previous regular filters in a cleaning solution This was tiresome which is why I got the tri-x filters.
Someone please tell me if I am doing this wrong. Should I be pre-treating the tri-x filters before sticking them into the DW?
First I hose the filters off to get any stuff off/out.
Then I load up my soap dispensers with Cascade.
I just take them right from the DW to the tub--I've never had a problem!
Gomboman--The one time I soaked them last year, I used an 18-gallon rubermaid bin and stacked them on top of each other. I soaked them for at least 24 hours, so I had plenty of time to switch them around to make sure they were immersed in the cleaner. Wear rubber gloves! When I was done, I poured the solution into a 5-gallon bucket, labeled it with the contents and the date I used it, and it is in the basement by the wash tub. I need to use it again before winter.
First I hose the filters off to get any stuff off/out.
Then I load up my soap dispensers with Cascade.
I just take them right from the DW to the tub--I've never had a problem!
Gomboman--The one time I soaked them last year, I used an 18-gallon rubermaid bin and stacked them on top of each other. I soaked them for at least 24 hours, so I had plenty of time to switch them around to make sure they were immersed in the cleaner. Wear rubber gloves! When I was done, I poured the solution into a 5-gallon bucket, labeled it with the contents and the date I used it, and it is in the basement by the wash tub. I need to use it again before winter.
Thanks Kervis. Yes, cleaning all five of the filters in an 18 gallon container seems like a PITA. I was told only to use the rince cycle with the dishwasher. Is Cascade different than other dish wasing detergents? This sounds like a better option.
Are there any HS dealers out there that do not recomend this idea for some reason?
Thanks giraffeattheoasis and hottubdan. I purchased a 2 lb. container of the Fresh Water Filter cleaner today from my HS dealer. The salesman told me to put the entire container in a large plastic trash can with 5 gallons of water. He said to put all five filters into the trash can and let soak over night.
Is this the best method to clean all five filters at once or should I use a different method?
Thanks in advance.......
did you read the instructions or are you relying on a slick salesman who wants to sell you more product? ;)
Label says to use 1# which is half the container for 5 gallons of water.
We recommend using a rubbermade type container so you can lay the filters down.
Make sense?
its worth the effort to deep clean those filters. it buys a good chunk of extra use on the back end of their lifespan. make sure you hose the solution out extra thoroughly so you don't get suds in your fresh spa water. below i will paste some regular cleaning info. (no cascade!)
Cleaning Procedures
Tri-X Filters should be cleaned as required to maintain water clarity. The frequency and duration of use, and the number of occupants, all contribute to determining the appropriate time between filter cleanings. The more frequent the use, the more frequent filter cleanings are required.
• Once a month, the Tri-X Filter may be placed into the dishwasher to remove surface debris. Place the Tri-X filter in the dishwasher with no soap and ensure the drying cycle is turned off. Dishwasher detergents and rinse agents, such as Jet Dry, can be harmful if used while cleaning the filter in the dishwasher.
• To maintain crystal clear water we recommend cleaning the Tri-X filter using a filter degreaser, such as Leisure Time Filter Clean, to remove minerals and oil buildup every time you drain or refill your spa.
WARNING: Do not use the spa with the filter cartridges, or standpipe(s) removed!
Thanx, all. Sounds like I'm doing it alright. Except, I may take your advice and use a grease/mineral cleaner on them every 3-4 months when I change the water in the tub.
did you read the instructions or are you relying on a slick salesman who wants to sell you more product? ;)
Label says to use 1# which is half the container for 5 gallons of water.
We recommend using a rubbermade type container so you can lay the filters down.
Make sense?
Yep, my slick salesman told me to disregard the instructions and use a double dose--2 pounds per 5 gallons of water. That's why I started the thread.
Thanks hottubdan. I'll stick to the instructions on the container. I'm a cheap b@stard so this should help.... :)
What do you think of the Cascade procedure? I'm sure the filter cleaner will work much better.
OK, this is what I was looking for. I like the flask that Chas described in an older post. I think I'll make one out of PVC pipe. This will be great for doing one filter at a time.
Hey, what ever happened to Tatooed_Lady? I liked her....
OK, this is what I was looking for. I like the flask that Chas described in an older post. I think I'll make one out of PVC pipe. This will be great for doing one filter at a time.
Hey, what ever happened to Tatooed_Lady? I liked her....
I use a fiter flask. It definitely makes cleaning filters managable...but I only have to clean one filter.
Hey Gomboman,
I'm coming up on my first anniversary with my Envoy. Time sure flies! With both this tub and my old tub, I usually alternate between a spray rinse or dishwasher cycle on a monthly basis depending on how cold it is outside.
The filters get soaked in the Freshwater solution (1/2 container to 5 gal) with a dishwasher cycle finish about every six months. I have used the dishwasher both with and without the detergent, but if it's when I have just soaked them, it's probably overkill. I don't treat the Tri-Ex filters any differently then the pleat filters in my old tub.
Cautions about the Dishwasher:
2. Do not use the dishwasher if you usually add the Jet-Dry or other "no streak" chemical to the dispenser in the door of the machine. (you can't shut it off)
3. Do not use a dishwasher detergent that already has the Jet Dry or "no streak" chemical in it.
I have only had a problem with the dishwasher method one time which resulted in tons of bubbles in the tub. I think I figured out that rinsing the previous load of dishs with a sponge and sink soap as the machine was loaded had left a bit of the soap in the dishwasher. Now I run the dishwasher through a quick rinse cycle before washing the filters.
I used to sell those filter flasks - its odd that you would ask about this right now as I just sold the last one I had yesterday. It was covered in dust, and I had to go dig it out of the warehouse for a customer who came in and asked for it.
I don't know if they are even available anymore, but I like Dan's suggestion of using a Rubbermade tray so you can use the least amount of water and lay the filters down.
I'm thinking something about the size and shape of a litter box would be just right.
And I vote for following instructions on the bottle of cleaner.
Thanks for the reply Chas. I sure wish HS would sell an official Tri-X filter cleaner container/system. I bet they could market this product well.
It would make sense since they sell just about every other spa accesory known to man. I've seen a lot of questions here and on other spa forums related to this topic. There has to be a market for this product.
I'm thinking a 6" diameter PVC pipe capped on both sides 12" long would work for a single filter. A container holding all five filters would be even better.....
Thanks for the reply Chas. I sure wish HS would sell an official Tri-X filter cleaner container/system. I bet they could market this product well.
It would make sense since they sell just about every other spa accesory known to man. I've seen a lot of questions here and on other spa forums related to this topic. There has to be a market for this product.
I'm thinking a 6" diameter PVC pipe capped on both sides 12" long would work for a single filter. A container holding all five filters would be even better.....
They don't sell a "Tri-X Cleaner" because their other cleaners work on the Tri-X. Those cleaners are made for all of their filters.
You have two choices, the dishwasher with no Jet Dry or detergent or you can use filter cleaner as previously metioned. Both will work sufficiently and clean out the oils from the filter.
I guess I didn't explain myself very clearly. I was stating that HS should sell the old Filter Flask or something larger for cleaning all 5 filters. It saves the hassle of making something from scratch or buying another item from HD. The average person dropping 10K wouldn't mind spending a few bucks on a decent flask/container system.
I've used the dishwasher several times but have been told to use filter cleaner to remove the oils.
I personally stopped reccomending using the dishwasher to clean any filters, including Tri-X. The reason was that a lot of people forgot to turn off the dry cycle OR their washers were just too hot. We were seeing some of the filters getting warped because of it.
My preferred way to do it is soak the filters in a filter cleaner/degreaser in a bucket for a couple of hours to overnight depending on how dirty or how long it's been since the last cleaning. Rinse them off in the sink, tub, whatever and toss them back in. The product we sell (SpaGuard) we suggest putting in one quart to about 4 to 5 gallons of water. The key is to get a container with a good resealable lid because that solution can be reused for about 6 months or so (4-8 cleanings, depending on how many filters and how often you use it.)
For standart type filters (non Tri-X) I've found having a second set and letting the first set dry has helped them last longer. For those of you with Hot Springs, I'd suggest getting at least one extra filter, that way you can have a clean one in while you clean one of the others.
Also, rotating your filters will extend the amount of time needed between cleaning, since the one with the gray cap on it is in constant use (it's on your 24 hour circulation pump.)
Hope that helps!
I personally stopped reccomending using the dishwasher to clean any filters, including Tri-X. The reason was that a lot of people forgot to turn off the dry cycle OR their washers were just too hot. We were seeing some of the filters getting warped because of it.
I'm glad you mentioned that. We have a newer, super-duper dishwasher and the water temperature is quite hot. I haven't noticed any damage to the filters yet...
As far as Cascade, it has TSP in it, which is a degreaser. Thus, I do not use that spray-on filter cleaner--I wash them in the dishwasher! They come out nice and white and I have never had them foam up the tub as a result.
I use vinegar in my jet-dry dispenser--much cheaper and does the same thing, and it is safe for my filters.
No problem, kervis! Yeah, after my second customer came in with severly warped filters, we stopped telling people about the dishwasher method! Considering the Tri-X filters aren't cheap, we didn't want to have upset customers if the trashed their brand new filters.