Hot Tub Forum
General => General info Somewhat hot tub related => Topic started by: Bonibelle on November 07, 2007, 10:28:00 am
Last fall a stray cat adopted our hot tub...and family. Since she has been hanging around for so long, I made her a home in my garage. She seems happy to have a dry place to sleep however now that it is getting cold, I need to close my garage door since my garage is heated by the room above it. Has anyone installed a cat door in an overhead garage door with success? I know I will only get one shot at this project...and if I ruin the garage door, I will really be in trouble. I can find some doors on line, but I would like to hear from someone that has actually done this with success.. thanks
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I have no personal experience as you wanted, but this may prove to you what you want to do is feasable.
Thanks Brewman, I found a door on the site you suggested and even called to verify that it should work. Hopefully it will arrive before it gets too much colder...
I appreciate your help, ;)
I cant believe I was looking for the same thing. That just saved a lot of searching.
I have no experience installing a pet door but have looked at them at the local Home Depot and it looks like an easy install. I hope you get one before it gets too cold.
I didn't think to look at Home Depot. This morning it was 27, I locked Miss Kitty in the garage last night. Even when the temps go into the teens, my garage is about 50, so it was much better than being outside last night...But she was really mad this morning >:(...guess she like to hunt at night. The door has already shipped so hopefully it will get here over the weekend and we can install it without destroying the garage door! Thanks guys, ;)
You're welcome. Let me know how that pet door works for you. Mrs. Brewman is pushing for me to install a cat door. The litter box is in the laundry room on the main level of our house, and keeping the door open all the time is pretty annoying.
I didn't think to look at Home Depot. This morning it was 27, I locked Miss Kitty in the garage last night. Even when the temps go into the teens, my garage is about 50, so it was much better than being outside last night...But she was really mad this morning >:(...guess she like to hunt at night. The door has already shipped so hopefully it will get here over the weekend and we can install it without destroying the garage door! Thanks guys, ;)
Can you touch/pet her? If so, it might be worth seeing if any local charities will spay her for free. If you are able to pet her and have cats of your own, be sure to wash your hands afterwards.
I have been putting off the catching and confining her Bill, but you are right. Since I have been touching her and my kids do too, I am off to the vet tomorrow. They said they can do blood tests and also tell if she has been spayed..which I doubt :(. My friend will lend me her cat carrier but I can't imagine how I will get her into it..and I am real concerned when they open it at the vet's about how they will catch her once she is out. :oThis should be an adventure and I have been putting it off for way too long...I just don't want her to run out of the vets and go who knows where. It's not like I can put a leash on her or even call her and she would come back if she was scared. Cats sure are strange creatures :-/..I'll let you all know how we make out tomorrow afternoon... thanks
Knew making an appointment would be a jinx..the cat took off :'(
Thanks for the push Bill, Miss Kitty came back this morning and after a wresting match that would rival some I have seen at the circus...I stuffed her into the carrier that I use for my parrot! She was not a happy camper, but behaved like a perfect lady at the vet...I think they thought I was lying about her being a wild cat until they saw my battle scars!
They gave her shots, but were not brave enough to draw blood! I get the feeling that cats don't forget like dogs do.. :-/
I will update with the cat door install ;)
The cat door went in without a hitch..sure helps to have a 16 year old with a natural apptitude for construction! He showed my husband how to cut the garage door and assure the kitty door was plumb. We put it near the center of the garage door because there is a support bar near there. The garage door is thick foam layered between steel (I guess I have a full foam garage door ;D). You just drill into the door and slip a jig saw blade in and follow a template. There is a plastic tunnel between the outside and inside to make a smooth transition.
I bought an inexpensive door that was suggested for install in an overhead garage door. (It has to be thin enough to clear when the door opens). We showed Miss Kitty how she could walk right in by calling her from inside with the door propped open. Soon she figured out how to get back out. So with about 3 easy lessons, Miss Kitty has full access to her garage and the outdoors. I am wondering if cats are really that smart or if she may have had a kitty door where ever she came from. She sure caught on quickly. Good thing because if she didn't use it my hubby threatened to stuff me through it!
The install for an interior door should be equally as simple. I wouldn't hesitate to do it.
Nice story Bonibelle. Thanks for sharing.....and thanks for taking care of the cat!
MLG, to be honest, she is taking care of me...she earns her keep in mouse kills. I can't even trap the mice :-/ I used to catch them in hav-a-heart traps and let them go..but Miss Kitty has effectively eliminated them
(I think she has a reputation in the neighborhood ;D ;D) so I don't have to worry about them at all.
I never thought I would have a cat..but we all have come to love her!
Thanks for the push Bill, Miss Kitty came back this morning and after a wresting match that would rival some I have seen at the circus...I stuffed her into the carrier that I use for my parrot! She was not a happy camper, but behaved like a perfect lady at the vet...I think they thought I was lying about her being a wild cat until they saw my battle scars!)
This sounds like the episodes of Pinky, which can be seen here:
The guy's scream (with about ten seconds left) gets me every time...
Great story. We've had one move into our neighborhood now.
If it rolls around on your hot tub...Bill, it's yours!! ;)