Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: WannaSoakNow on August 21, 2007, 03:05:56 pm

Title: Ant prevention????
Post by: WannaSoakNow on August 21, 2007, 03:05:56 pm
I have been clearing the area around where the hot tub is to go. I noticed 2 long trails of ant's. I didn't realize I had a nest(s) of them, until now.
My dealer recomends placing dryer softener sheets inside the cabinet; replacing them every few months, once the tub is installed. Sounds weird to me but, he swears it works.
I read the other threads on the subject of ant's and I didn't see this solution mentioned. Anyone ever hear about this? If so does it work?

Title: Re: Ant prevention????
Post by: jfish63 on August 21, 2007, 03:53:00 pm
I have used a product called Terro. It works on sugar feeding ants. It is basically borax. The ants eat it take it back to the nest and eventually the colony dies.
Title: Re: Ant prevention????
Post by: tony on August 21, 2007, 03:56:38 pm
I don't know if dryer sheets work for ants, but they are supposed to work for mice.  Its got to do with the odor.  It works somewhat like moth balls.  Do moth balls work for ants?
Title: Re: Ant prevention????
Post by: WannaSoakNow on August 21, 2007, 05:58:16 pm
jfish...Thanks for the help.

I looked up the Terro product you suggested. Which one of these are you using; spray, bait, or a combination of them?
How often do you  re-apply?

I found them running all along the foundation of my home. YUCK!!! So far I haven't seen them in the house. I'll be an awful unhappy tubber if they get into my new hot tub  >:(
Title: Re: Ant prevention????
Post by: Chad on August 21, 2007, 06:07:52 pm
WSN, since you have your spa now maybe it's time for a new name. How about NTSWCN([size=9]needtosoakwithchadnow[/size])  ;D
Title: Re: Ant prevention????
Post by: Vinny on August 21, 2007, 07:20:37 pm
In general bait is better.

From what I've read, you want the ants, termites or what have you to bring it back to the colony and kill the queen. Once the queen is gone the colony dies.

My suggestion since your disturbing then is to put a barrier around the house with liquid or dry granuals and put bait traps out as well. I have used liquid and granuals on my lawn for ticks but IMO the liquid doesn't last too long.

I have used Ortho granual products and it seems OK.

I found a few ants in my house  in my family room last year and bought Raid ant traps, I put it in the basement on the ledger board around where I saw them and I haven't seen others in the house since. What I found interesting about termites is the colony can be a few hundred feet away so local killing just kills a select few, this might be the same for ants.
Title: Re: Ant prevention????
Post by: WannaSoakNow on August 21, 2007, 09:28:40 pm
Thanks everyone for all the info. I found two seprate nests of ants. I will do both; spray and granuals. I will follow by bait traps, once the tub is in place.

Boy this hot tub has become a real adventure.

[glow]Note To Chad[/glow]----I think I'll stick to WSN as my name on this forum.
Sorry darlin' but this gal doesn't soak with just anyone . To use a common southern phrase I've heard, since I moved here over 10 years ago.  "You ain't family"   ;D ;D ;D

(No offense intended to any southern folks out there but, I'm sure I'll hear from someone I offended. If I offended, then lighten up! A joke is a joke. I hear enough jokes about being a Yankee and do not take offense)