Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Bonibelle on August 15, 2007, 11:24:30 pm

Title: All by myself...
Post by: Bonibelle on August 15, 2007, 11:24:30 pm
It's 11:23 on a Wednesday night....and I am the only member on here...Hey wake up you guys...or is everyone soaking?  ::)
Title: Re: All by myself...
Post by: scromey on August 15, 2007, 11:54:29 pm
I am with you here on the boards. I am sitting by my new hot tub. Just got it yesterday. I have a live cam going tonight.
Check it out.
username: guest
password: guest

I will open a new thread and post pics of my setup as soon as I clean up a bit.
Title: Re: All by myself...
Post by: Brewman on August 16, 2007, 07:46:34 am
I was fast asleep.  I get up at 0500 for work, and most weeknights I hit the hay by 10 pm.

But we have some prime soaking weather coming- cool evenings in the 50's with highs in the 70's an very low humidity.  It's been very hot and humid the past several days, and we've endured a lot of storms in the past week.

Looking forward to the weekend---

I'll be at a golf tournament all day tomorrow, and walking patrol at the Sioux reservation's annual Pow-wow.  Walking 16 hours over two days plus the golf, and I'll be ready for some good soaking action.

Title: Re: All by myself...
Post by: 104 degrees on August 16, 2007, 07:50:39 am
[sitting by my new hot tub. Just got it yesterday. I have a live cam going tonight.
Check it out.
username: guest
password: guest


It didnt work :'(
Title: Re: All by myself...
Post by: rubiconruby on August 16, 2007, 08:04:26 am
Now thats a wake to get going in the morning!
Title: Re: All by myself...
Post by: Dekken Tubb on August 16, 2007, 03:45:41 pm
Yep..I was soaking  :)
Title: Re: All by myself...
Post by: hot tub Frank on August 16, 2007, 09:10:22 pm
I just go to sleep.
It is too hot to soak here lately. triple digits during daytime, high nineties at night
Title: Re: All by myself...
Post by: Vinny on August 16, 2007, 09:13:21 pm
Sorry Boni,

I was sleeping!
Title: Re: All by myself...
Post by: In Canada eh on August 16, 2007, 09:22:20 pm
Cheer up Boni

Its almost football season ;)
Title: Re: All by myself...
Post by: Bonibelle on August 16, 2007, 09:27:27 pm
Tomorrow night it all begins!!....Tonight it's Phillies and tomorrow it's Eagles... :)  But if the Eagles don't do better than they did Monday...I'll be watching reruns of my soaps instead! ;D ;D ;)
Title: Re: All by myself...
Post by: In Canada eh on August 16, 2007, 09:30:25 pm

Your Eagles at least show some promise

Maybe when the Lions :-[ start getting thier butt kicked, I'll come watch reruns with you ;D
Title: Re: All by myself...
Post by: dax on August 17, 2007, 09:13:47 am
Tomorrow night it all begins!!....Tonight it's Phillies and tomorrow it's Eagles... :)  But if the Eagles don't do better than they did Monday...I'll be watching reruns of my soaps instead! ;D ;D ;)

A Philly fan?  Cool! 8-)  Wished I'd have seen this earlier, I'd have given you my Eagles/Pathers tix for tonight because I can't use them.

Title: Re: All by myself...
Post by: Bonibelle on August 17, 2007, 01:14:35 pm
Oh Dax, I wish you did too!!   :'( But thanks anyway. There are actually a few Eagles fans on here..we'll have a fun season discussing our hot tubs ...and talking about football..sounds good to me!  :)