Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Spiderman on July 05, 2007, 02:24:42 pm
My friend finally got his deck finished and I helped him install his used Great Lakes spa. I think it's a Manitou and it's about 6 years old. He paid $1200 for it.
Here's a pic of the tub, I think it's now called the Forte.
Here's an undershot of Great Lakes thermopane insulation. More like, NO INSULATION. I told my friend he'd better start saving now for the winter power bills.
And another
The equipment compartment
One more from the top
He told me I could take pics of the install, if I also posted the view of the river. Very nice view.
His deck sits about 5' off the ground. It took four of us to push it up onto the deck. Not too bad as it only weighs around 450lbs.
The pics are great Spider. Thanks. I really like the underside photos. I hope your friend has good luck with the tub.
The purple shell? Eh, used spas, you get what you can find. ;)
What's the square opening on top? at first I thought it was the filter well, but that's not right...
wait..don't tell ice bucket? ohhh la la. ;)
I also got a chuckle, that even thought the spa isn't even filled yet, the drink holders are being ultilized.
I like the Budweiser in the tub before the water. In my opinion, that tub is filled. Any leaks? ;D
I like the Budweiser in the tub before the water. In my opinion, that tub is filled. Any leaks? ;D
notice how the bottom of the bottle will be sitting below the water line? (first pic) ::) Great Lakes aslo features flip out cup rings to hep keep the bottle in place. (Hard to see in this pic, but abotu 1/2 up the bottle you can see it.) These little plasitc rings look like they would snap (and posslibey slice open your thigh if you bumped against them.
What's the bud and the tub have in common?
They're both near water! (rim shot)
Thank you! I'll be here all week. ;)