Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: East_TX_Spa on June 20, 2007, 02:16:29 pm
Someone wanted to see pics of these. I just got a new Vanguard in today:
I was wondering if you can do me a favour and check if that control panel sits flush against the tub face, or is it raised. The new one that was installed on my tub last week is raised about 1/4". Thanks.
It's raised the same as the others...buttons are flat and integrated as a template.
Where the hell have you been sticking your thumb? :o
It's really weird....I haven't been feeling too good lately. Normally I'm as healthy as a horse. We've had a lot of rain in East Texas lately and I guess I've picked up some kind of fungus. My nails are starting to split and look yellow and my feet are really itching. I've never had athlete's foot before, but my shoes have stayed wet and I think maybe that's what I got. Anyways, I'm scratching a lot and it's starting to spread. My earlobes are even cracking (not a pretty sight!) :(
Thank you for your concern. I guess I may have to go to the doctor.
It's raised the same as the others...buttons are flat and integrated as a template.
What I mean is - does the panel sit flush to the tub shell. i am pretty sure my old panel set flush, there was no gap between the underside of the panel and the shell. now I can actually bend the HS log down to the tub shell and seems weird.
Sorry to keep bugging you about it. Maybe I misunderstood your answer.
Still a bit of a gap with silicone underneath.
Thanks for the pic. I think mine is a bit bigger (the gap I mean).
It's really weird....I haven't been feeling too good lately. Normally I'm as healthy as a horse. We've had a lot of rain in East Texas lately and I guess I've picked up some kind of fungus. My nails are starting to split and look yellow and my feet are really itching. I've never had athlete's foot before, but my shoes have stayed wet and I think maybe that's what I got. Anyways, I'm scratching a lot and it's starting to spread. My earlobes are even cracking (not a pretty sight!) :(
Thank you for your concern. I guess I may have to go to the doctor.
I'd get it checked out buddy.
When did this start happening?
I started really noticing it last week after our company picnic. I thought maybe I'd gotten chiggers or just mosquito bites, but with all the rain we're having (another huge thunderstorm last night), my shoes stay wet all the time. I guess it's a fungus, I don't really know for sure.
There is black mold growing all over the place around here from all the rain. One reason I haven't been posting much lately is that I spend most of my day trying to scrub down my deck and spas at the store. East Texas usually has a lot of mold, but I've never seen anything like it this year. :(
Have you noticed an abundance of frogs? What color is the water in the hot tubs?
joking aside, that looks serious.
Have you noticed an abundance of frogs? What color is the water in the hot tubs?
;D ;D ;D
It's frogs or rivers of blood, but there are grasshoppers all over the place! I hate bugs, especially ones that fly in my face when I'm talking to customers. Red wasps are thick this year! I hate wasps.
I'm beginning to think I've been struck by the Curse of the Red Sweater..... ;D
;D ;D ;D
I'm beginning to think I've been struck by the Curse of the Red Sweater..... ;D
That means you're going to start growing boobs but not man boobs ... boobs look good in a sweater. Now that I think of it didn't JA call you a boob once? ;D HMMMM!
Seriously, go to a doctor!
booga booga?
Nah. impossible!
It's done this 4 of the last 5 days here in East Texas:
Along with that, the road in front of my store is torn up while they widen the loop. Add in this stupid mold, fungus, and stifling heat and June really sucks so far! :'(
Ask for it by name. It's an antibiotic commonly prescribed for exactly what seem's to be ailing you. I know they come tough in Texas, but get to a doctor. Once that nail fungus stuff sets in, it can be a bear to clear up. The sooner the better.
Loved the New HS logo on the first Pic, by the way. Too bad you can't sneak it onto the "shaker of the red sweater's" website.
On the other hand, nobody's seeing it nowdays, based on the postings over there.
Hey Term, what time of the day did you take those pictures, looks like a hell of a storm.
Take care of the fungi!
Hey Term, what time of the day did you take those pictures, looks like a hell of a storm.
5:45 pm! It looked pretty dicey for awhile.
It's been many a year since I've been in a tornado (30 to be exact). I'm overdue for another one.
Thanks for the sentiments. There ain't no fun in fungus.
Term, I'm thinkin if the fugi are so prolific in your neck of the woods (or even just on your own neck), you might want to think about growing mushrooms. I live near the Mushroom Capital of the world...there's lots of money in mushrooms and I bet if you were clever, you could incorporate a home mushroom farm on the tops of your new spas..The one with the tree gave me that idea. What a sell point...and if you used a good quality mushroom soil (composted manure), it generates it's own heat.
Mushroom Capital of the World
Kennett Square, Pennsylvania
No U.S. state produces more mushrooms than Pennsylvania. So it makes sense that here, in the heart of mushroom country, one would find the Phillips Mushroom Museum. Established in 1972, the museum chronicles three generations of the mushroom-farming Phillips family beginning with Pennsylvania mushroom pioneer William W. Phillips, a man who really knew his shiitake.
I think a good soak in a high concentration of bromine at about 108 degrees might help your ear...the nails will be much tougher to deal with..Do you have a Rotozip?
We usually don't have many mushrooms growing around here except in the riverbottoms, but this unusually wet weather has got them sprouting up like dwarves.
Might not be a bad idea to start cultivating some. I've got a good stock of spores in my ears and nostrils.
Anyone ever had leprosy? If so, how do you get rid of it?
I can't go to the doctor because Amy (my underling) is visiting family in Florida, so I'm outta luck until next week. I just hope it don't get on my giblets.
What's a Rotozip? :-?
Welllllll.....5:40 and we're having our daily downpour. Didn't see a customer all day. :'(
Ya'll have a good evening.
What's a Rotozip? :-?
It's what they use when you get that stuff on your giblets. :( :'(
Anyone ever had leprosy? If so, how do you get rid of it?
Rifampin- No I've never had leprosy or TB. My daughter has cystic fibrosis, and she's been on every known antibiotic in the universe, including Rifampin and Sporanox.
Anyone ever had leprosy? If so, how do you get rid of it?
Rifampin- No I've never had leprosy or TB. My daughter has cystic fibrosis, and she's been on every known antibiotic in the universe, including Rifampin and Sporanox.
Sporanox is an antifungal and as such might work on the nasty creeping crud that appears to be turning Term into a large walking mold although I would certainly suggest getting evaluated sooner rather than later as that looks nasty!
Hansen's Disease (leprosy is so last century...) is typically treated with a cocktail of rifampin (an antibiotic also often used in the related disease TB), dapsone (another antibiotic that works similar to the old sulfa antibiotic drugs) and usually clofazimine, another antibiotic that by itself has a weak affect on Mycobacterium leprae but is greatly magnified when used in combination.
Thalidomide (yes, THAT thalidomide) is also commonly used for Hansen's Disease to treat specific forms of the disease.
Typically treatment with the multi drug therapy can take anywhere from 6 months to as much as 2 years and even then the disease has been known to reoccur.
Like many disease's the transmission is not known definitively although it seems that direct contact is the most likely means of transmission.
So perhaps frivolity in hot tubs with women of unknown or at best dubious moral character at events that go by somewhat suspicious names like Alley Fest could be a source. I notice the creeping crud didn't appear until afterwards... :-?
Hmm, seems worth the risk! :D
Dude, screw waiting til next week...dont you have any 24 hour doctors down there like Urgent Care...that stuff looks serious. I put off going to the doc too (like most men) but I wouldnt mess with reminds me of "The Fly" movie when the dude starts to transform.
And I doubt if you got it from the 2 babes at your event...they look way too sweet :)
Dude, screw waiting til next week...dont you have any 24 hour doctors down there like Urgent Care...that stuff looks serious. I put off going to the doc too (like most men) but I wouldnt mess with reminds me of "The Fly" movie when the dude starts to transform.
And I doubt if you got it from the 2 babes at your event...they look way too sweet :)
No doubt, I'd have been at the doctors a few days ago and I typically go into my doctor about once every 5 yrs.
Ouch, Chris, are those real photos? I hope everything clears up for you. Let us know how it goes with the doctor.
On a side note, I was very excited beacuse my HS aux panel died the other night. None of the buttons functioned--the aux panel was dead. It started working again last night for some reason. I hope it goes out on the fritz for good real soon.
What Jim replied to Term in the Dead Horse Thread back in May, may be coming true.
[glow]Terminator, you are aware of the netgative Karma that you get from maligning the dead.
You can read about it in the Bible, Gita, and in many of the scriptures from God.
When I read it, it said "sickness" "plagues" "mold" "fungus" and other things are coming your way.
I am not kidding. Read the Bible. [/glow]
term....please no more pics.....jeezzz dude get to a doctor!
well....more pics of her are always appreciated!
Welllllll.....5:40 and we're having our daily downpour. Didn't see a customer all day. :'(
Ya'll have a good evening.
Term, is that a tornado in the upper left corner of the picture?? :o
Term, is that a tornado in the upper left corner of the picture?? :o
It probably was....can't believe it didn't touch down on my store the way things have been going.
More rain the last 3 days, more coming today:
I think my appearance may be starting to affect sales. Hopefully I can go to the doctor next week:
Damn dude I didn't need to see that - I guess I should have skipped this thread!
Hey the rain looks real nice - I guess besides for lightning it would be nice to sit in the tub in that weather!
you're giving me the willies, there term.
Ok, guys, I'm gonna take a shot here, and I hope for Term's sake, I'm right.
I think Term is joshing us with those pics. The last one was too much.
I think that, as usual, he has too much time on his hands and has decided to "photo-shop" us with those pics.
At least I hope its true.
Otherwise, I gonna start praying to the big red sweater god.
Otherwise, I gonna start praying to the big red sweater god.
"You reap what you sow." So, I can rest assured that all of the people who have harmed others will be taken care of by God"
"And even when you don't understand, the laws of God are not going to give you a break, unless you do a 100% change from that position. Whatever evil that company does is on your head for supporting them."
[size=9]James Arjuna, June 26, 2007
On the topic of "Economy priced hot tubs"[/size]
Booga Booga.
All Watkins customers are going to hell.
The mold and fungus are getting harder to deal with, but at least business is picking up. Sold a Vanguard, Sovereign, and Tobago on Saturday and a Vista today!
Fear and Loathing in East Texas.
Ok, guys, I'm gonna take a shot here, and I hope for Term's sake, I'm right.
I think Term is joshing us with those pics.
That thought crossed my mind too. I'm beginning to think you're right.
I didn't think the new Vanguard had them yet. I've replaced all my showroom aux. panels to reflect the change on those. The pillows are sort of aggravating because they just put them on the Envoy and Grandee right after I ordered one of each for the showroom. I like them quite a bit on our Jetsetter.
Booga Booga.
All Watkins customers are going to hell.
That may very well be true, but I'm not sure that JA has anything to do with it.
"Sinners! Renounce your full foam heresy!"
Booga Booga.
Ok, lets move away from the fungus pillows in Term's ears and back to the pillows in my Envoy.
Can you swap in the new pillows on a 2006 Envoy? Looks like you would have to use the new brackets.
Are the screw holes for the new brackets lined up with the old screw holes?
I've got my credit card out.
Last Question:
Does JA's face light up?
I'm thinking of setting the tub light to "dismembered limb" red and drawing little horns on his head.
Any thoughts?
I wish I had that pillow. I took the pillow off my new Jetsetter and now can't get back on. The holes in the foam rubber are too small to go over the screw heads on the spa. Hey Term, I remember you getting the pillow on and off easily in the showroom - how did you do it?
Rich, no sir you cannot swithch the thppillows withe the new design with the older models...they is incompatipable.
Marty, you have to stertch the opening of the holes over the nublets...get one on and then pull the piller tight and dip it over the outside edge and then squeem it on down.
I'm heading over tot the Mastah Spa Travellin Road Show in Tyler once I'm finished drinking my shiner boci and working. I woill hopefully have a undercover exposure' to write about next week regarding their deceiptphul sales practices and rebate scams.