Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: stuart on June 10, 2007, 12:02:07 am

Title: I have a new manager his name is....SPAMAN!!!!
Post by: stuart on June 10, 2007, 12:02:07 am
Well it happened...Spaman came over to the dark side!! ;D After taking all of my verbal abuse that he could handle on the forum he decided to duke it out in person ;D

I'm very happy and excited to welcome him as my new GM...He's been with us for a week and already sold about 6 spas!

It's amazing all that we found in common after meeting on the forum!

You gotta love his attitude...he came in and started making changes, said "people will change or PEOPLE WILL CHANGE!"

There is no doubt that there is a new sheriff in town ;D 8-)

Title: Re: I have a new manager his name is....SPAMAN!!!!
Post by: Chad on June 10, 2007, 08:33:24 am
I'm very happy and excited to welcome him as my new GM...He's been with us for a week and already sold about 6 spas!
So tell me, how close to six did he get? 5 and 1/2, 5 3/4,...... ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: I have a new manager his name is....SPAMAN!!!!
Post by: Vinny on June 10, 2007, 09:12:26 am
So I guess you'll be selling Cal Spa pretty soon ....  ;)
Title: Re: I have a new manager his name is....SPAMAN!!!!
Post by: MostlyLurkingGal on June 10, 2007, 09:30:47 am
So tell me, how close to six did he get? 5 and 1/2, 5 3/4,...... ;D ;D ;D
[smiley=smiley_up.gif] ;D ;D
Title: Re: I have a new manager his name is....SPAMAN!!!!
Post by: stuart on June 10, 2007, 10:15:02 am
So tell me, how close to six did he get? 5 and 1/2, 5 3/4,...... ;D ;D ;D
I'm not sure...I didn't have to be there this weekend because he was! I will know on Monday however, we have a Nordic Bella that he said he would sell this week and that qualifies as half a spa!! ;)

So I guess you'll be selling Cal Spa pretty soon ....  ;)
One I can assure you is that I won't be selling Cal....In almost 20 years of doing this I met a lot more dealers and salespeople that used to sell Cal and now sell something else than the other way around.

I haven't looked at the product in a very long time so I can't comment on quality but thier way of doing business and sales ethics have never appealed to me.
Title: Re: I have a new manager his name is....SPAMAN!!!!
Post by: Steve on June 10, 2007, 10:43:31 am
Congrats to both of ya!
Title: Re: I have a new manager his name is....SPAMAN!!!!
Post by: Bonibelle on June 10, 2007, 11:42:27 am
phew!! I'm just glad you didn't take Scott  ;)
Title: Re: I have a new manager his name is....SPAMAN!!!!
Post by: Gomboman on June 10, 2007, 01:52:26 pm
Congrats to both of you. Are you going to allow Spaman to surf the internet and post here more often?  ;D

I'm sure he's not complaining now that he's selling the Marquis brand either......
Title: Re: I have a new manager his name is....SPAMAN!!!!
Post by: wmccall on June 10, 2007, 05:43:39 pm
Today's weather forecast
Columbus High 75F
Hell High 31F
Title: Re: I have a new manager his name is....SPAMAN!!!!
Post by: stuart on June 11, 2007, 10:31:33 am
Today's weather forecast
Columbus High 75F
Hell High 31F
;D ;D ;D ;D  ;D ;D ;D  8-) ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D  ;D  

Bill, you kill me! ;)
Title: Re: I have a new manager his name is....SPAMAN!!!!
Post by: spahappy on June 11, 2007, 02:26:49 pm
I hope you were nice enough to give him time off this fall for that pheasent hunt in ND he's planning.... :)

Good luck to both of you, sounds like a good fit for everyone. I'm sure he'll be an asset to your business Stuart.
Title: Re: I have a new manager his name is....SPAMAN!!!!
Post by: Spatech_tuo on June 11, 2007, 04:49:47 pm
Does this mean he can finally spills the beans on all the back stage happenings during the famous C-Spas vs JA court drama that occurred a year or two ago?

Tell him I said to get him ars in year a day or two per week. I could use a good chuckle.
Title: Re: I have a new manager his name is....SPAMAN!!!!
Post by: East_TX_Spa on June 12, 2007, 09:27:13 am
Tell him to send me my damn shoes.

Title: Re: I have a new manager his name is....SPAMAN!!!!
Post by: stuart on June 12, 2007, 09:48:11 am
Tell him to send me my damn shoes.

Are people down there wearing shoes now!!?? :-? ;) 8-)
Title: Re: I have a new manager his name is....SPAMAN!!!!
Post by: wmccall on June 12, 2007, 12:32:57 pm
Why isn't he back here?  Can't face us now?
Title: Re: I have a new manager his name is....SPAMAN!!!!
Post by: East_TX_Spa on June 12, 2007, 01:59:27 pm
Are people down there wearing shoes now!!?? :-? ;) 8-)

Seems that everyone is......EXCEPT ME!!!!!

Title: Re: I have a new manager his name is....SPAMAN!!!!
Post by: Zep on June 12, 2007, 02:53:57 pm
These two sure aren't wearing any....and thats ok with me!  :'(

Title: Re: I have a new manager his name is....SPAMAN!!!!
Post by: spaman-- on June 16, 2007, 04:41:39 pm
Hi Guys, Just dropped in to say "hi" and make certain my lead service tech is not in here wasting time on the clock. All is going great! Term I gave your shoes to a tall homeless man along with my Cal Spas shirts. As of now the tally is 9 spas all paid in full and seven delivered. (but whos counting?) Gotta get running I have a lead on an Epic I gotta close. Oh quick question, I am working on a Watkins Oasis all filled, fired but when I turn on the breaker the topside flashes the temp but the pump does not come on. I can turn the pump on from the topside and the heater and ozone will then engage but never will it engage on its own. Whats wrong? Oh and SpaTech keep it short simple. LOL ;D

Oh one more thing the cold spell in hell is over! We are actually turning this thing into a well oiled machine that is a full service pool and spa service counter , parts, chems, pool tables and more. That happens to sell spas as well. All I can say for our few yet small competitors in town is "GAME ON!" ;)
Title: Re: I have a new manager his name is....SPAMAN!!!!
Post by: Mendocino101 on June 16, 2007, 05:31:17 pm

Congratulations and at the same time my condolences (working with Robert daily... ;)) ...Hey whats your impressions of the Marquis product ?
Title: Re: I have a new manager his name is....SPAMAN!!!!
Post by: spaman-- on June 16, 2007, 05:36:14 pm
HAHA! He's my lead service tech, hes never here. Well he says hes doing service but he leaves in leathers chaps on the BMW and I see him at the end of the day. Although he does always come back with checks so I assume he doing service. Actually he and his wife have been a blessing to myself and my family this has been a answer to prayer a long time coming. I like the Marquis almost as much as I like the D-1.  8-)

I figured out the Oasis problem BTW!

Oh and I sold the Epic lead too! Cha Ching!
Title: Re: I have a new manager his name is....SPAMAN!!!!
Post by: Vinny on June 16, 2007, 07:20:26 pm
I'm amazed when a salesperson sells the same product but from another manufacturer ... now all of a sudden this is the best product in the world ... wow it's amazing how a product gets so much better overnight.

I wonder why people do NOT trust salespeople? I have no clue!
Title: Re: I have a new manager his name is....SPAMAN!!!!
Post by: Spatech_tuo on June 16, 2007, 09:01:30 pm
HAHA! He's my lead service tech, hes never here. Well he says hes doing service but he leaves in leathers chaps on the BMW and I see him at the end of the day. Although he does always come back with checks so I assume he doing service. Actually he and his wife have been a blessing to myself and my family this has been a answer to prayer a long time coming. I like the Marquis almost as much as I like the D-1.  8-)

I figured out the Oasis problem BTW!

Oh and I sold the Epic lead too! Cha Ching!

Good luck. I'm sure you'll do well with your new store (othe than when you go up against a local "Super Custom" spa in a wet test because we know you'll lose that battle).
Title: Re: I have a new manager his name is....SPAMAN!!!!
Post by: stuart on June 17, 2007, 03:01:36 am
I'm amazed when a salesperson sells the same product but from another manufacturer ... now all of a sudden this is the best product in the world ... wow it's amazing how a product gets so much better overnight.

I wonder why people do NOT trust salespeople? I have no clue!
You know... I take offense to that comment! In almost 20 years of selling these things I've changed brands several times. Each time I went to something better...Starting with LA, I believed the story they told me and I didn't know the competition that well. Once I learned I started looking for something else. As I've gotten more experience with all brands I've tried to consistently sell what works for my customer and myself without compromising either. There are brands that I would consider selling and brands that I would never sell again.

Spaman came into the store and needed to experience the Marquis line himself. In his position he gets to deal with the factory, the customers and the reps so he has had a chance to form his own opinion. Until he came to my store he never sat in an Epic but has since come to like the spa very much. We still need to sell him on the other models for him to put as much empathies on Marquis as he has D1.

I would question the ethics of someone that went from an award-winning brand to peddling something like Wesco and claiming equivalent quality. Someone that makes a lateral move or a move up in brands has my respect.

BTW, if you look at the exchanges between Spaman and myself on this forum you will see they all lead to mutual respect. He may feel like he made more of a "lateral move" where I feel like it was a step I need to prove that to him! Either way, the two of us now working together has been great!

Last comment, if a football player moves from one NFL team to another should we stop trusting his ability and talent? Maybe if he moves from the pros to the minors we would....
Title: Re: I have a new manager his name is....SPAMAN!!!!
Post by: Mendocino101 on June 17, 2007, 02:26:50 pm

Thats a very well stated and very reasonable explanation for what happens when a change occurs. Vinny did I miss where spa man said something about now selling the greatest or the best....I did not see where he wrote that...But also Vinny I can understand why your statement was made and on the surface it could be seen as such but I think again Stuart's response was reasonable and fair.
Title: Re: I have a new manager his name is....SPAMAN!!!!
Post by: Vinny on June 17, 2007, 03:49:07 pm

Well, I guess in the past with him proclaiming that Cal Spas in "one of the best" out there and blasting me for inferring that maybe their not kind of puts me in the mind of - if their so great why change. Obviously it was a factor other than wanting to be associated with a "best" manufacturer, whatever that factor was it was enough to change places of employment.

I kind of see dealers as sticking with a product until either they feel that the product has gone "down hill" , the manufacturer's requirements can't be met or the manufacturer stops suppling to them. Someone in a "good job" doesn't look for a change unless the incentive is there.

Maybe it comes from working in a field where salespeople come in one week touting how good their product is and how much better than the competition and then works for the competition and says how great they now are. Not being in sales at all I don't know how anyone can go from selling brand A to selling brand B just like that. For me, I can't sell anything if I don't believe in. I once had an opportunity to sell mutual funds and wouldn't do it because I couldn't justify the products that were being sold. Personally, if I walked into your store and saw him there after I walked into the other store and saw him there as well, I wouldn't buy.

Your analogy of a sports figure isn't exactly the same in my eyes. A player who does his job and doesn't talk bad about other teams can go from team to team and do the job ... if a player talks badly about another team and then gets traded, well I guess that player isn't as good as they thought they were.

I'm glad spaman is working out for you. Obviously he knows how to sell as he is moving spas. As far as taking care of customers, from what he has written it sounds like he does a great job at that.


He never said he is selling the best but obviously he is extolling the virtues of a Marquis or D1 when he was once selling against them explaining why someone should by a Cal vs any other tub. I would have a hard time switching gears after selling a product that I believed in... it's probably just me.
Title: Re: I have a new manager his name is....SPAMAN!!!!
Post by: Mendocino101 on June 17, 2007, 04:07:49 pm

I think if you took say myself and Term as an example and for whatever the reason we had to switch brands with each other, I am sure we both would embrace all of the things we like about the new product while at the same time having loyalty to what we believed in so much before. Someone with some genuine insight into this would be Steve as he made some changes and I believe in his integrity. You do not have sell against another brand in as much as you have to know your product and show all of the benefits that it offers. And just something that happens in all fields sometimes your passion is with a product in sales but after while you strongly believe in what your offering but you start to see that the company seems to be lacking in their convictions about service and dedication to being the best they can and as hard as it is you simply have to make a change as you can no longer endorse the product with the same passions you once may have had.
Title: Re: I have a new manager his name is....SPAMAN!!!!
Post by: ZzTop on June 17, 2007, 07:37:11 pm
You know... I take offense to that comment! In almost 20 years of selling these things I've changed brands several times. Each time I went to something better...Starting with LA, I believed the story they told me and I didn't know the competition that well. Once I learned I started looking for something else. As I've gotten more experience with all brands I've tried to consistently sell what works for my customer and myself without compromising either. There are brands that I would consider selling and brands that I would never sell again.

Spaman came into the store and needed to experience the Marquis line himself. In his position he gets to deal with the factory, the customers and the reps so he has had a chance to form his own opinion. Until he came to my store he never sat in an Epic but has since come to like the spa very much. We still need to sell him on the other models for him to put as much empathies on Marquis as he has D1.

I would question the ethics of someone that went from an award-winning brand to peddling something like Wesco and claiming equivalent quality. Someone that makes a lateral move or a move up in brands has my respect.

BTW, if you look at the exchanges between Spaman and myself on this forum you will see they all lead to mutual respect. He may feel like he made more of a "lateral move" where I feel like it was a step I need to prove that to him! Either way, the two of us now working together has been great!

Last comment, if a football player moves from one NFL team to another should we stop trusting his ability and talent? Maybe if he moves from the pros to the minors we would....

Stuart if it was not for your well rounded experience with many different makes and your repair experience I am sure you would not be where you are today.

Congratulation to you and Spaman

Regards, Zz
Title: Re: I have a new manager his name is....SPAMAN!!!!
Post by: spaman-- on June 18, 2007, 03:19:02 pm

Well, I guess in the past with him proclaiming that Cal Spas in "one of the best" out there and blasting me for inferring that maybe their not kind of puts me in the mind of - if their so great why change. Obviously it was a factor other than wanting to be associated with a "best" manufacturer, whatever that factor was it was enough to change places of employment.

I kind of see dealers as sticking with a product until either they feel that the product has gone "down hill" , the manufacturer's requirements can't be met or the manufacturer stops suppling to them. Someone in a "good job" doesn't look for a change unless the incentive is there.

Maybe it comes from working in a field where salespeople come in one week touting how good their product is and how much better than the competition and then works for the competition and says how great they now are. Not being in sales at all I don't know how anyone can go from selling brand A to selling brand B just like that. For me, I can't sell anything if I don't believe in. I once had an opportunity to sell mutual funds and wouldn't do it because I couldn't justify the products that were being sold. Personally, if I walked into your store and saw him there after I walked into the other store and saw him there as well, I wouldn't buy.

Your analogy of a sports figure isn't exactly the same in my eyes. A player who does his job and doesn't talk bad about other teams can go from team to team and do the job ... if a player talks badly about another team and then gets traded, well I guess that player isn't as good as they thought they were.

I'm glad spaman is working out for you. Obviously he knows how to sell as he is moving spas. As far as taking care of customers, from what he has written it sounds like he does a great job at that.


He never said he is selling the best but obviously he is extolling the virtues of a Marquis or D1 when he was once selling against them explaining why someone should by a Cal vs any other tub. I would have a hard time switching gears after selling a product that I believed in... it's probably just me.

Vinny, I can understand your concerns of my integrity , however let me assure you that Cal Spas of Denver is an excellent company to buy spas from,their service ,sales and reputation cannot be matched in the Denver market. This being said I still talk to them daily as I am now in a different market, infact the other day I reffered a customer to them on a pool table that I couldn't get my hands on. Rest assured I am a professional and can cross lines with poise and integrity. I can do so only if the spas I am offering are of good quality and the manufacturer as well as the dealer I am representing are willing to back up the product. I have sold many brands and rest assured I make no bones about making certain the customer is well versed of the quality brands vs the poor brands in the industry. I keep it simple so the customers can understand every aspect of the "mine vs theirs". So the whole pro football player changing teams absolutely can apply to me as I am a quarterback who can talk to other teams on the field after the game.  It was just the other day I stopped into the local Hotspring store to introduce myself, I spent 20 minutes or so chatting and getting to know them and one of the things I always say is theres nothing wrong with friendly competition as it keeps us all on top of our game.  ;)
Title: Re: I have a new manager his name is....SPAMAN!!!!
Post by: happyhottuber on June 27, 2007, 11:32:25 am
HAHA! He's my lead service tech, hes never here. Well he says hes doing service but he leaves in leathers chaps on the BMW and I see him at the end of the day. Although he does always come back with checks so I assume he doing service. Actually he and his wife have been a blessing to myself and my family this has been a answer to prayer a long time coming. I like the Marquis almost as much as I like the D-1.  8-)

I figured out the Oasis problem BTW!

Oh and I sold the Epic lead too! Cha Ching!
So why is Stuart your lead service tech? Is there a shortage of techs in Colorado Springs?  BTW congrats on the new job.  I have had a CalSpa for 5 yrs and love it.
Title: Re: I have a new manager his name is....SPAMAN!!!!
Post by: Gary on June 27, 2007, 11:36:53 am
So why is Stuart your lead service tech? Is there a shortage of techs in Colorado Springs?  BTW congrats on the new job.  I have had a CalSpa for 5 yrs and love it.

There is a shortage a qualified service techs everywhere. This is a huge problem in the industry.
Title: Re: I have a new manager his name is....SPAMAN!!!!
Post by: happyhottuber on June 27, 2007, 11:39:07 am
Maybe I should switch careers. ;D
Title: Re: I have a new manager his name is....SPAMAN!!!!
Post by: wmccall on June 27, 2007, 11:53:22 am

There is a shortage a qualified service techs everywhere. This is a huge problem in the industry.
I saw my tech replace a pump at zero F  and a snow squall, you can't trick me into that job.
Title: Re: I have a new manager his name is....SPAMAN!!!!
Post by: Brewman on June 27, 2007, 03:45:51 pm
Ditto, except the tech who did my circ pump was working in a balmy 10f.

No gloves, no coat.  He dunked his bare arms into the spa water to check the circ pump's output jet.  

Title: Re: I have a new manager his name is....SPAMAN!!!!
Post by: stuart on June 27, 2007, 04:48:45 pm
So why is Stuart your lead service tech? Is there a shortage of techs in Colorado Springs?  BTW congrats on the new job.  I have had a CalSpa for 5 yrs and love it.
I'm the lead tech because I have lots of experience on most brands.

I also have some more in-depth tech knowledge across the board than most tech's however most importantly makes me the lead tech is the fact that I don't have callbacks and I sell more ozone’s, covers, chemicals and other consumables than other techs that have worked for us.

I also do more for the customer like explain the issues, test water and go over the whole spa with them so they feel justified in their financial output for the service.

In addition to all of this I'm better at collecting for our services and keeping cash flow in the department.

If I could find two other techs, that do this I would'nt have to even be in the store most days! :o
Title: Re: I have a new manager his name is....SPAMAN!!!!
Post by: Steve on June 28, 2007, 11:22:28 am

I think if you took say myself and Term as an example and for whatever the reason we had to switch brands with each other, I am sure we both would embrace all of the things we like about the new product while at the same time having loyalty to what we believed in so much before. Someone with some genuine insight into this would be Steve as he made some changes and I believe in his integrity. You do not have sell against another brand in as much as you have to know your product and show all of the benefits that it offers. And just something that happens in all fields sometimes your passion is with a product in sales but after while you strongly believe in what your offering but you start to see that the company seems to be lacking in their convictions about service and dedication to being the best they can and as hard as it is you simply have to make a change as you can no longer endorse the product with the same passions you once may have had.

Thanks Mendo.

I tend to have far greater respect for salespeople that have diverse experience with different lines myself. When I worked for Beachcomber for all of those years in retail, I was totally convinced that there wasn't anyone else that could produce the quality of spas we were building. One tends to get caught up in all the hoopla and the blinders are there.

Now I still feel that Beachcomber is an exceptional product and I highly recommend them for anyone serious about a quality spa but I also got to see the quality, integrity and commitment from other manufacturers as well once I left.

I understand Vinny's point to a degree but if you sell with morals and don't slam the competition, it can be a much easier transition into other opportunities that may arise. Quality salespeople are sought after and moving from one dealer to another isn't unheard of.

As Mendo said... it's not about slamming the competition but instead, selling YOUR features and benefits. I certainly needed to be "de-programmed" from my Beachcomber pitch but at the same time, those days allowed me to make more money now and hold a position that was more along the lines of what I wanted to do long term. I have great respect for the people at Beachcomber and Hydropool and they both taught me a great deal and gave me exposure to new aspects of our business that I wouldn't otherwise have had if I stuck to retail with only one manufacturer all of these years.

I also got to see up close how Marquis operates their business and although I didn't take a position with them, they are a pure class at head office! On the other side, I got to see a totally mismanaged company out of BC called Halfmoon Bay (WHO?) ;) and is going nowhere. They make a great spa and is why I took on the position as well as the idea to help grow the company and help position it in our market. Everyone started somewhere right? :-/  They hired some shmuck as "global director" who has his head so far up his a$$ that he has no clue on how to build that business that I didn't renew my contract once it had expired. I still feel the product is strong but due to some very weak minds at head office, it will never be an issue.

My point is that I gained great experience over the years that helped me create my own successful business consulting company and has allowed me to diversify. Could I have done that working for just one company? Not nearly as well nor would I have the understanding I do now to be more creative...

Title: Re: I have a new manager his name is....SPAMAN!!!!
Post by: Vinny on June 28, 2007, 08:53:17 pm
The whole point is some salespeople "bleed" their product - and I guess that's what a salesperson has to do whether he/she believes it or not. I believe that there is not 1 product out there that is "THE ONE" and it has to do with all products and I have a problem as a service tech on the overzealousness of a product by salespeople. Mendo has never been that overzealous and neither has Steve but if Term stopped selling Hot Springs - Holy S***.

Do I think Term is a good salesperson - absolutely; Do I think that he and his organization take care of their customers - again absolutely, as a matter of fact it seems they really go out of their way for customers; Do I agree with Term that Hot Springs is the best - absolutely not but I believe he believes it's the best. If Term came on here and said he was selling Artesian tubs now - I couldn't take him seriously because he is so passionate about Hot Springs. If he said he doesn't sell Hot Springs because they sell them at Walmarts or their construction went down hill - OK, I can take him seriously.

The other day Gary started a thread on the worst spas. I think it was a good idea but it went nowhere. In the past Cal Spa would have been mentioned. Spaman was so passionate about how good Cal was/is that I find it it interesting that he (or anyone) would want to sell anything else. Again, I come from a service background and I see a lot of things in my industry that I chuckle about, salespeople unfortunately being one of the things. Do I know some great salespeople - Yes I do! Do I also know slime pit salespeople - unfortunately I know more of them than good ones.

I don't believe I ever said anything about slamming another product what I think of is if I sold Artesian spas (brand I own) and I truly believe they are "the spa" out there then I don't think I could then sell Beachcomber as I already sold "the spa" assuming nothing has changed on Artesian. I have read accounts on here from various salespeople who found out that brand Z is as good as their old brand A that they have sold forever and it does become an eye opener to them but it was from people who either wasn't over zealous or it was forced upon them.

Again, I think it's just the way I look at things.
Title: Re: I have a new manager his name is....SPAMAN!!!!
Post by: Gary on June 29, 2007, 10:31:53 am
There is another side of this, a lot of salespeople have no clue as the quality of what they are selling. They are the salespeople and not the service techs. So if the sales person is not seeking (which I think is the case most of the time) or getting feedback from the field they go along merrily thinking they are selling a good product.

I will use Spaman as example: He touted Cal and thought they were the greatest thing since the bikini introduction (thank you Brazil for that one) but he had no clue his service department was running around like a chicken with its head cut off. He would continue to think he sells a good product.

If you want to know about features talk the sales person, if you want to know about service and quality talk to the technicians.