I'm very happy and excited to welcome him as my new GM...He's been with us for a week and already sold about 6 spas!So tell me, how close to six did he get? 5 and 1/2, 5 3/4,...... ;D ;D ;D
So tell me, how close to six did he get? 5 and 1/2, 5 3/4,...... ;D ;D ;D[smiley=smiley_up.gif] ;D ;D
So tell me, how close to six did he get? 5 and 1/2, 5 3/4,...... ;D ;D ;DI'm not sure...I didn't have to be there this weekend because he was! I will know on Monday however, we have a Nordic Bella that he said he would sell this week and that qualifies as half a spa!! ;)
So I guess you'll be selling Cal Spa pretty soon .... ;)One I can assure you is that I won't be selling Cal....In almost 20 years of doing this I met a lot more dealers and salespeople that used to sell Cal and now sell something else than the other way around.
Today's weather forecast
Columbus High 75F
Hell High 31F
Tell him to send me my damn shoes.Are people down there wearing shoes now!!?? :-? ;) 8-)
Are people down there wearing shoes now!!?? :-? ;) 8-)
HAHA! He's my lead service tech, hes never here. Well he says hes doing service but he leaves in leathers chaps on the BMW and I see him at the end of the day. Although he does always come back with checks so I assume he doing service. Actually he and his wife have been a blessing to myself and my family this has been a answer to prayer a long time coming. I like the Marquis almost as much as I like the D-1. 8-)
I figured out the Oasis problem BTW!
Oh and I sold the Epic lead too! Cha Ching!
I'm amazed when a salesperson sells the same product but from another manufacturer ... now all of a sudden this is the best product in the world ... wow it's amazing how a product gets so much better overnight.You know... I take offense to that comment! In almost 20 years of selling these things I've changed brands several times. Each time I went to something better...Starting with LA, I believed the story they told me and I didn't know the competition that well. Once I learned I started looking for something else. As I've gotten more experience with all brands I've tried to consistently sell what works for my customer and myself without compromising either. There are brands that I would consider selling and brands that I would never sell again.
I wonder why people do NOT trust salespeople? I have no clue!
You know... I take offense to that comment! In almost 20 years of selling these things I've changed brands several times. Each time I went to something better...Starting with LA, I believed the story they told me and I didn't know the competition that well. Once I learned I started looking for something else. As I've gotten more experience with all brands I've tried to consistently sell what works for my customer and myself without compromising either. There are brands that I would consider selling and brands that I would never sell again.
Spaman came into the store and needed to experience the Marquis line himself. In his position he gets to deal with the factory, the customers and the reps so he has had a chance to form his own opinion. Until he came to my store he never sat in an Epic but has since come to like the spa very much. We still need to sell him on the other models for him to put as much empathies on Marquis as he has D1.
I would question the ethics of someone that went from an award-winning brand to peddling something like Wesco and claiming equivalent quality. Someone that makes a lateral move or a move up in brands has my respect.
BTW, if you look at the exchanges between Spaman and myself on this forum you will see they all lead to mutual respect. He may feel like he made more of a "lateral move" where I feel like it was a step up...now I need to prove that to him! Either way, the two of us now working together has been great!
Last comment, if a football player moves from one NFL team to another should we stop trusting his ability and talent? Maybe if he moves from the pros to the minors we would....
Well, I guess in the past with him proclaiming that Cal Spas in "one of the best" out there and blasting me for inferring that maybe their not kind of puts me in the mind of - if their so great why change. Obviously it was a factor other than wanting to be associated with a "best" manufacturer, whatever that factor was it was enough to change places of employment.
I kind of see dealers as sticking with a product until either they feel that the product has gone "down hill" , the manufacturer's requirements can't be met or the manufacturer stops suppling to them. Someone in a "good job" doesn't look for a change unless the incentive is there.
Maybe it comes from working in a field where salespeople come in one week touting how good their product is and how much better than the competition and then works for the competition and says how great they now are. Not being in sales at all I don't know how anyone can go from selling brand A to selling brand B just like that. For me, I can't sell anything if I don't believe in. I once had an opportunity to sell mutual funds and wouldn't do it because I couldn't justify the products that were being sold. Personally, if I walked into your store and saw him there after I walked into the other store and saw him there as well, I wouldn't buy.
Your analogy of a sports figure isn't exactly the same in my eyes. A player who does his job and doesn't talk bad about other teams can go from team to team and do the job ... if a player talks badly about another team and then gets traded, well I guess that player isn't as good as they thought they were.
I'm glad spaman is working out for you. Obviously he knows how to sell as he is moving spas. As far as taking care of customers, from what he has written it sounds like he does a great job at that.
He never said he is selling the best but obviously he is extolling the virtues of a Marquis or D1 when he was once selling against them explaining why someone should by a Cal vs any other tub. I would have a hard time switching gears after selling a product that I believed in... it's probably just me.
HAHA! He's my lead service tech, hes never here. Well he says hes doing service but he leaves in leathers chaps on the BMW and I see him at the end of the day. Although he does always come back with checks so I assume he doing service. Actually he and his wife have been a blessing to myself and my family this has been a answer to prayer a long time coming. I like the Marquis almost as much as I like the D-1. 8-)So why is Stuart your lead service tech? Is there a shortage of techs in Colorado Springs? BTW congrats on the new job. I have had a CalSpa for 5 yrs and love it.
I figured out the Oasis problem BTW!
Oh and I sold the Epic lead too! Cha Ching!
So why is Stuart your lead service tech? Is there a shortage of techs in Colorado Springs? BTW congrats on the new job. I have had a CalSpa for 5 yrs and love it.
I saw my tech replace a pump at zero F and a snow squall, you can't trick me into that job.
There is a shortage a qualified service techs everywhere. This is a huge problem in the industry.
So why is Stuart your lead service tech? Is there a shortage of techs in Colorado Springs? BTW congrats on the new job. I have had a CalSpa for 5 yrs and love it.I'm the lead tech because I have lots of experience on most brands.
I think if you took say myself and Term as an example and for whatever the reason we had to switch brands with each other, I am sure we both would embrace all of the things we like about the new product while at the same time having loyalty to what we believed in so much before. Someone with some genuine insight into this would be Steve as he made some changes and I believe in his integrity. You do not have sell against another brand in as much as you have to know your product and show all of the benefits that it offers. And just something that happens in all fields sometimes your passion is with a product in sales but after while you strongly believe in what your offering but you start to see that the company seems to be lacking in their convictions about service and dedication to being the best they can and as hard as it is you simply have to make a change as you can no longer endorse the product with the same passions you once may have had.